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Prayer Theme Devotional #5

Washington State Bike Ride 2021

Hey there. Here is a short devotional thought written by our Partners, Solid Rock Mission in Ukraine. It will give you insight into what their ministry is like and how you can pray for them. Please take a few minutes today to read these and pray throughout this week! Feel free to share these as you feel led.


Day 5 Prayer Theme Devotional

“Be One In Truth”


I pray that they will all be one, just as you and I are one—as you are in me, Father, and I am in you. And may they be in us so that the world will believe you sent me.” John 17:21

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 8:32

Reflection: Ukraine has many denominations and each denomination is divided among themselves. For example if we just take the Pentecostal denomination there are many divisions. Many churches are not friends with each other and if we work and do ministry with one Church body so often another church will not want to partner with us because we are working with a church that's outside their network. It’s been so tiring an exhausting to work in Ukraine because of this religious persecution. Somehow the enemy is so successful in getting into the leadership of church and causing division.


1. How do we bring unity and Kingdom Mindset into different churches and denominations we work with?

2. How do we train our Young Disciples to be flexible and respectful to different denominations, churches and not cause anyone to stumble over different styles or ways of worship?

3. How do we minister in a way that will unite different churches and denominations to focus on Jesus and to work together for God’s Kingdom?


God our Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit you are one. We see how the enemy is using the spirit of religion to separate and to stop our ministry. Jesus, we know The Kingdom of God has unity and as messengers of the God’s Kingdom we pray that wherever we go we bring peace. We break the chains of religion that is placed on the youth of Ukraine in Jesus Name. We break the spirit of religion that has tied up many churches and ministers into slavery. We pray that they will know the truth and the truth will set them free. We pray and believe for the reconciliation of pastors and churches, especially those who are connected to Solid Rock Mission. May different ministries unite for one purpose to bring youth and people to Jesus. May those ministers who were hurt receive forgiveness of the past and inner healing of their wounds. May the youth of Ukraine across the whole country be united as one and bring revival to Europe and all across the globe.

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