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Ed. Notes- We received the following email from our friends at WhyHunger and salute their forward thinking. Hurricanes and other natural disasters are not a one-time occurrence and need to be prepared for rather than reacting to the disaster. We were moved by the approach being taken by WhyHunger as the hurricane season "heats" up and asking us to donate to a special to prepare for the expected damage. KIDS has donated to this forward program and hope that you will join us in preparing for whatever nature holds in store for us.

Last year, Hurricane Maria ravaged Puerto Rico, causing sweeping destruction and claiming nearly 5,000 lives. With no power and difficulties for outsiders to get on the island and to rural areas in the immediate aftermath, local organizers and community-based organizations were the first responders providing vital emergency aid.

WhyHunger builds strong partnerships with grassroots organizations around the globe that are growing nutritious food and protecting the rights of all people to land, water, food, and a life of dignity. When disasters hit our partners, we respond quickly to support both the urgent and ongoing relief efforts of those who already live and work in affected communities.

In Puerto Rico, we have a long partnership with the Boricuá Organization for Ecological Agriculture, a farmer-led organization dedicated to rebuilding the island’s food sovereignty and supporting farmers. Right after Hurricane Maria, brigades of volunteers from Boricuá traveled across the island to clear roads, rescue their fellow members who were trapped in their homes, provide food and clean water, rebuild farms, and much more.

The most active month of hurricane season begins this weekend. And while we can’t predict the impact of natural disasters, with your help we can make sure that our partners are ready when they hit. Help us grow our emergency fund to support grassroots organizations by donating $25 today.


In the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, we reached out to people like you and raised over $50,000 for our Rapid Response Fund to support Boricuá’s recovery efforts. That fund not only helped with immediate emergency needs, but has made the ongoing work of rebuilding homes, farms, and greenhouses and the replanting crops possible -- all led by our partner, Boricuá.

We have many more partners around the globe who are working to alleviate hunger, grow food, and rebuild local food and farm economies for themselves, their neighbors and their communities. As we head into the worst part of hurricane season, we’re asking you to build our capacity to respond when disaster hits and they need help quickly.

Can you donate $25 to support local first responders this hurricane season?

Being prepared to take community action in times of emergency is critical. Your support makes all the difference in carrying out and scaling the work that saves lives and builds resilience.

Thank you for being a part of our work,

The WhyHunger Team


Photo credit: David Hanson


About us

Kids Can Make a Difference is a program of iEARN (International Education and Resource Network), the world's largest non-profit global network. iEARN enables teachers and youth to use the Internet and other technologies to collaborate on projects that enhance learning and make a difference in the world.

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