More Moving in the Middle in March!

▪ A few words from my desk about MOVING...
▪ A few Testimonials...
▪ 4 Class Series, More Mobilizing the Middle: Ribs & Thoracic Spine - Thursdays of March, Drop-ins Available
▪ SenseAbility Newsletter: Check out these important topics! Aging & Back Pain
▪ Big News! I'm now a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor!
A few words from my desk about MOVING...
A few Testimonials...
4 Class Series, More Mobilizing the Middle: Ribs & Thoracic Spine - Thursdays of March, Drop-ins Available
SenseAbility Newsletter: Check out these important topics! Aging & Back Pain
Big News! I'm now a Registered Therapeutic Counsellor!

A few words from my desk about MOVING...


There are literally hundreds of Feldenkrais® Lessons designed to get us moving more in the middle. Not moving in the middle is the invisible problem behind many of the most common aches and pains. Mobilizing in the middle can improve and even resolve many of the most common aches and pains in the neck & shoulders, low back and sacrum...

To be blunt, we have a tendency to limit ourselves. To edit out or dampen down whole areas of our functioning. For example, being very forward focused in our movement and perception, and almost completely forgetting about and not perceiving what is behind us. Another example is how much we tend to move with our limbs, and not a lot in the middle; loosing the vital supple connection through our trunk and the core of our bodies.
And basically, after a while, if we don't use one area then other areas pay for it...
If we don't move in the middle, what takes the brunt of our movement? Instead of forces sensibly travelling through the chain of our skeleton, they get jammed up in our neck & shoulders, low back and sacrum...causing problems there...

As we unconsciously edit out large portions of our movement vocabulary as human beings, the brain actually prunes back these sections of our motor cortex - the area of the brain where movement is organized - making them even less accessible to us.
Feldenkrais, Awareness Through Movement® Lessons actually place these options back within our reach so that we can reintroduce them into our bodies, brains and our lives, creating greater function, resiliency and aliveness.

These lessons reawaken the vital relationships between the parts deep in the core of our bodies...

What's the biggest challenge?
Honestly, the biggest challenge is having the patience & discipline to consistently slow down enough to feel oneself enough to create change.

Lately I have had a # of students asking in one way or another "How can I tell if I'm overdoing it?" Well one way to answer this is how much you are able to feel?
In Feldenkrais® Classes we slow down and move just a fraction of what we can in order to create the space to discover what you're actually doing.
Incredibly we can do a lot to release, reconnect and repair in our own bodies! Slowing down and doing less creates the time and space that allows us to become more aware of ourselves; Like where in our bodies we are bracing? Where are we rigid and need to soften or unhook...?

▪ In class you actually learn to track yourself. To travel, by way of sensation, feeling your way through areas of your body that are no longer clear in your awareness.
▪ This journey is a self correcting process, offering your brain and body healthy & clear movements to organize around.
▪ Allowing us to continue developing our movement options and vocabulary throughout our lifespan.
▪ A non-goal oriented process using mindfulness and movement to get to know ourselves better and as a result improve upon what we discover our bodies are actually doing and move towards what they are capable of...
In class you actually learn to track yourself. To travel, by way of sensation, feeling your way through areas of your body that are no longer clear in your awareness.
This journey is a self correcting process, offering your brain and body healthy & clear movements to organize around.
Allowing us to continue developing our movement options and vocabulary throughout our lifespan.
A non-goal oriented process using mindfulness and movement to get to know ourselves better and as a result improve upon what we discover our bodies are actually doing and move towards what they are capable of...

A few Testimonials...

"I took 3 of Judy’s Feldenkrais classes in 2017 including her lower back and hip class. In that time period I had no lower back (SI joint and lumbar) issues. In the decades preceding these classes, trips to chiropractors, massage therapists and physiotherapists were almost on a weekly basis. The gentle movements and learning how to move properly again in her classes after years of pain have been a great relief."
Rita Wege, Rossland, BC

"I recently completed a series of classes with Judy on shoulder movement and completely healed a damaged rotator cuff injury that i have been suffering from for at least thirty years!!"
Ric Bivar, Blewitt, C


Mobilizing the Middle: 4 Class Series

More Mobilizing the Middle: Ribs & Thoracic Spine

With Judy Katz

Guild Certified Feldenkrais Pracititoner®

Thursdays 1:30 pm or 5 pm

Vitality Yoga Studio, 205 Victoria St.

Thursday March 8/15/22/29
Come to all for for $50!
$60 with recordings, $15 drop in

Please register as space is limited.

▪ Find LENGTH & SOFTNESS through your trunk

For easier FULL-BODY movement!

A soft and mobile rib basket/cage can do wonders for your body's comfort and the ease of your movement.


SenseAbility Newsletter

Check out these Articles (hot links!) from the January Issue:

Redefine What it Means to Age!

Images of Aging The Feldenkrais Way

Openness to Options

And from the February Issue:

Free Yourself from Back Pain with the Feldenkrais Method

Lets start with a video! from a colleague in Ontario!

Five Best Feldenkrais Moves for Back Pain Relief

How to Alleviate Runner's Back Pain

The Feldenkrais Method and Sciatica


Big News!

I am very happy to share that I have now completed my studies in Relational Somatic Therapy with Mariah Moser and have been accepted by the ACCT as a Registered Therapeutic Counselor.

For more information on Relational Somatic Therapy and/or on insurance coverage please contact me by email or phone.


Judy Katz does body centered therapeutic and restorative work. She offers both private and group sessions locally. Judy is deeply interested in resiliency; our natural ability to recover and even grow from the difficulties and challenges we face being alive.

Registered Therapeutic Counselor
Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner®
Level ll TRE Practitioner: Tension & Trauma Release Exercises, 250.352.3319

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