Tough Questions 2 Why Pray If Everything is Predetermined Anyway? Everyone agrees that the Bible teaches predestination. The only real disagreement

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Tough Questions 2

Why Pray If Everything is Predetermined Anyway?

Everyone agrees that the Bible teaches predestination. The only real disagreement is how much is pre-ordained? Some believe very little is pre-ordained. Others believe nearly everything was pre-ordained.

Either way, how does predestination affect our prayer life? What direction does God give us for the practice of prayer? Should we think about God's will and plan when we pray? Etc.

Join us this week as we talk about a subject that effects us all... How to get better results from our prayer life?

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Growth Groups - Coming Soon

We believe that growth groups offer individuals the best opportunity to connect with others, to develop real friendships and to grow spiritually.

Growth Group sign-ups will begin September 7th. If you have any questions contact Glenn Compton at

God Conversations

God Conversations (Rough Draft)

How do we take a conversation and turn it towards God? Have you ever wished that you had a conversation starter or a scripture that you could ask or share with someone?

This Sunday in your bulletin and available in the lobby will be a God Conversations booklet. Our hope is that this booklet will provide you with some tools to use and questions to ask when you are looking for something to say. This booklet is not designed to ask one person every question but simply to point the conversation in a direction that may open doors for you in your everyday relationships.

We are also looking for feedback and any edits, comments or suggestions you may have. We would also like to know what questions really stood out to you. Please e-mail any and all feedback to

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