Hello, Friends!


The Liturgical Year

I am so sorry to be missing in action last week. My husband and I drove from Ohio to Oklahoma to attend my brother-in-law's funeral. He was 58 years old and succumbed to brain cancer. His memorial service was filled with friends and family, pictures, eulogies and a pot luck of delicious food. What a wonderful testament to his legacy of love! This was NOT a religious ceremony by any means. But connecting with the family to share this experience was priceless to my husband and to me. It was also a good model for our children that this is what we do as family - we are there for each other during the happy times and the sad.

This week we celebrate two great feast days. On May 14 we celebrate the feast of Saint Matthias. He was the apostle that took Judas's spot. He was chosen by chance when the apostles cast lots. This is a fun day to play games of chance with your children. Maybe draw straws to see who sets the table or cleans up after dinner. Or maybe a guessing game to see who gets the first bowl of ice cream for dessert. Be creative! The main thing is to remember how Mathias was chosen and that he was a brave apostle who followed Jesus Christ. He is also the patron saint of alcoholics.

On May 15 we celebrate the feast day of Saint Isidore, the farmer! He was so devout in attending daily mass, that when his employer told him that he had to work instead of attending mass, angels came to help him finish his farm work! Today would be a good day to plant something in the garden in his honor.

Of note

Do you need some help focusing on what's important on your to do list? Maybe have two lists!

Last week I sent a lot of tweets to Representative Brian Sims, D from Pennsylvania. He recorded himself harrassing an older woman prayerfully praying outside an abortion clinic. He also tried to dox some teenagers. I wasn't alone. He had a lot of people tweeting that he should resign for his poor conduct. An attorney weighs in on whether or not this was actually criminal behavior. Representative Sims has now made his Twitter account private.

Last week the Duchess of Sussex looked amazing just days after giving birth to her first child. Her sister-in-law looked great last year after giving birth to her little prince. Those of us without a title or a staff should take heart! I wrote about that here last year.

Do yourself a favor and watch this viral video of a little girl at her pre-school graduation program - she's delightful!

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Homeschool Links of Interest

Jeannie Fulbright has some great ideas about making science come to life for your students. I totally agree! That's why I have a Youtube channel to go with General Science and Physical Science classes. But one of my all-time favorite classes with the Geology is a piece of Cake Class!

The Life Abundantly Blog has some really wonderful resources for preschoolers. They even have a list of books for kids to read before age 7. Just sign up for her FREE membership and access the list for download.

One of the books listed is Caps for Sale. We did a cute craft for that last week.. Rosie drew the tree for me. I simply photocopied the monkeys from the book as well s the peddler. I freehanded all the caps from felt. I think it turned out pretty well. Then as we read through the book, my granddaughter puts the caps on the monkeys, or on the ground or back on the peddler's head. It was really a fun craft and only took about an hour to pull off. More on that on the blog this week.

As Always thanks for your prayers and support,
Elena @ My Domestic Church.com

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