Things money can’t buyamy, 16 Aug 01:44 PM Note: This was a post that I wrote for a local student magazine a few months back which I think would be


Things money can’t buy
amy, 16 Aug 01:44 PM

Note: This was a post that I wrote for a local student magazine a few months back which I think would be useful to share here too. Enjoy!

Whenever I step into a classroom, the first question that I get asked is this: which profession in the design world makes more money: animators, graphic designers, or illustrators? Or how about multimedia artists or videographers? My reply was that there’s plenty of ways to make money – lots and lots of money perhaps. Not all of them are in the design industry. But all of it comes with a price. Heck, sometimes jobs that make the most money aren’t even legal, and you can bet that they’re dangerous. So again. There are plenty of ways to make money – not all of them are good. So herewith the question beckons: why all this talk about money first?

I can understand – I was once a student myself.

I was once so poor that I had to split a plate of economy rice with my friend. For those who don’t know what economy rice is, it’s a shop where they have 20-3...

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