Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for March Miles and I have been bringing our PAO community monthly webinars for 5 years! Amazing! W


Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for March

Miles and I have been bringing our PAO community monthly webinars for 5 years! Amazing! We appreciate your on-going, loving support. Truly, Together we are Victorious! We look forward to "feeling" your unique vibration at all our webinars as we weave a tapestry of Light around the world.


Why are we here?

A perfectly natural question that many of us have asked ourselves, especially in light of events of the past three years.

The answer lies in the Akashic Records, a complete account of all lifetimes on earth dating from the beginning of physical Creation. A cornerstone of our soul growth, the Akashic Records describe every detail of our pasts, while providing an indispensable guide into our next lives.

We at PAO are delighted to welcome a brand-new guest, Lisa Barnett, to our monthly Webinars. Lisa is a renowned healer and founder of the Akashic School of Wisdom, and we are very honored to have her with us.


An almost inexhaustible source of Akashic lore, Lisa will discuss the Records’ relevance to our own times. Unique in her ability to connect us with these annals, Lisa will clarify the ways in which we can access our individual Akashic Records.

You won’t want to miss this rare and inspiring opportunity. Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• What are Akashic Records?
• Connecting with Your Own Masters,
Teachers and Beings of Light
• Accessing Past Lives
• Ways of Clearing Karma
• Understanding One's Life Plan

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, March 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on March 26, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar video posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited...Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here.

Cost: $20.00 U.S

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St. Germain: You Have the Power to Change the World

Source:James McConnell


Water crystal – Love infusion

I am Saint Germain. I come to be with you at this time, in these continuing times of great change, change that is happening all around you every moment of the day.

There is no place on the planet now where change is not developing, for you are in the midst of that Great Changeover. True, it is difficult sometimes to see it with your physical eyes. But as you can move more fully out of the matrix, out of the third-dimensional illusion, see life for what it really is, the reality that is the life that you are creating.

You are creating this. You, the collective you, all of those that are working together to bring mankind up into the higher realms of consciousness, you are the ones that are creating this new world, this new Golden Age of Gaia.

What you are seeing now across the planet of all the chaos and tumultuousness that is occurring–all that is, is the ending of the old ways, the ending of the matrix. The letting go, once and for all, of the old illusion, moving beyond it to create whatever it is that you want life to be, however you want your life to continue on.

You are the Creator and created, all at the same time. For you are the God Source working through each and every one of you. The God Source that is working to bring about this Great Changeover, to bring the Solar Flash from the heavens to the Earth that will once and for all move you out of the dark times and into the times of Light, into the times of Oneness and higher consciousness.

The only thing that is stopping you at this time is you; you, again, the collective you. For if the “collective you” would all at once rise and say, “No more!” to those beings that have attempted to run the show for so long, if you would all rise as one voice and say, “No more!” your world would instantaneously be changed, those forces of darkness would completely leave this realm.

But alas, we know that you will not rise as one voice across the planet. So those of you that are that voice rising up as one together: you, the Lightworking Community, those of the Starseeds, all of the volunteers, the Alliance, working together as one, all of you rising together is enough to move the Great Changeover forward more rapidly.

It is up to you, each and every one of you, to do your part, whatever that part may be, whether it is speaking to the masses or just finding the Life Source within you and showing that to the world. You do not have to be the one that speaks out. But if you have the opportunity, when you have the opportunity, speak out your truth. For it will not fall on deaf ears for those that are ready to hear it. And more, and more, and more are awakening to be ready to hear those words of truth.

I am Saint Germain, and I leave at this time, that you would continue to move about your daily lives and daily activities, always remembering that you have the power within you to bring about great change to the world.


Crave More Balance?

Source: Meg Benedicte - newsletter


There is much fanfare for the upcoming Spring Equinox on March 20, and Pluto’s transit in Aquarius on March 23. You may be seeing an array of predictions from astrologers regarding Pluto in Aquarius. It is a big deal. Both of these events occur at zero degrees, a powerful hinge point. The Equinox on March 20 is 0° Aries, the start of a new season and new horoscope cycle, while Pluto moving into 0° Aquarius, initiates the start of a new era.

In the study of astrology, certain degrees are considered to hold greater meaning. 0° is considered a critical degree due to the potent nature of being at the beginning of the sign. It is a zero point event on a cosmic scale. It is the pregnant pause between what is completing and the birth of new possibilities.

When polarization neutralizes in zero point energy, we achieve perfect stillness. Not a ripple or chaotic disturbance in the field, but Divine, calm balance. It is sublime! These threshold points or gateways provide the fertile potency to influence the field. When we ascend into higher threshold resonance, our world reality expands into more complex consciousness.

Often referred to as the ‘Great Turning of the Wheel,’ the Equinox Gateway opens the dimensional door, when day and night are equal. Next Monday’s Aries Equinox portal provides a balance point, a safe haven, the quiet between the storm, the joy in the now. It is a time to celebrate not what pulls us apart, but what pulls us together.

Three days later, Pluto enters the Aquarian Age. Being a slow-moving transit, Pluto will remain at zero degrees Aquarius for some time, retrograding from May 1 – June 23, 2023, and then moving forward again. Zero degrees represents pure zodiacal energy, it sets the energetic impulse of that sign strongly. In humanitarian Aquarius, Pluto explores the themes of liberty, equality, of common causes and eliminating privilege for one group or person above another. During Pluto’s transit, we will see a new society emerge. These cosmic shifts take us into a new realm, a new container of Light.

Now that Saturn has moved into Pisces, it is time to clean up and clear away all the illusions, delusions and paranoia that spread like wildfire the past three years. Were you swept up in the frenzy? Did the pandemic trigger latent fears of victimization or apocalyptic flashbacks? While Saturn churned in Aquarius, did it rock your world? Did it ignite any unhealed Atlantean trauma? Were you laid bare? Saturn in Pisces reminds you it is time to come back into your body, land on earth and clear the muddle in the mind. The cosmic message is to clean up the mess, purify the vessel, merge with Spirit. We are ascending into becoming Divine Humans.

Lovingly, Meg


444 Angelic Freedom Codes ~ MAJOR LIGHT INFLUX! Blue Fire Shield of Protection ~ Interdimensional Flux

Source: Prime Disclosure

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Native American Storytellers: The story of the giants

Source: Playitagain Sam

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Coconut Water Reduces Body Weight and Blood Sugar

Source: Shift Frequency


Sayer Ji – Coconut water is nature’s gift in one complete package. It’s the liquid found in the center of a young, green coconut, helping nourish the fruit. Its wide range of applications is justified by its unique chemical composition of sugars, vitamins, minerals and amino acids, as well as phytohormones.[i]

The average green coconut offers about one-half to 1 cup of coconut water. One cup contains 46 calories along with 9 grams (g) of carbohydrates, 3 g of fiber, 2 g of protein, 11% of the recommended daily intake (RDI) of sodium and 17% of the RDI of potassium.[ii]

Coconut is known to be an excellent alternative to sports drinks, a natural refreshing beverage that could be used for whole-body rehydration post-exercise.[iii] Nature also filters coconut water through an intensive purification process, eliminating safety issues commonly tied with municipal water systems and even sports beverages comprising synthetic ingredients.

Let’s recap some of the whole-body benefits of consuming fresh coconut water, starting with a 2018 study looking into its effects on body weight and glucose levels.
Slashing Blood Glucose and Excess Pounds Naturally

A group of researchers sought to compare the effects of higher saturated fatty acid and fiber intake, as provided by fresh coconut, and monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) and fiber intake via a combination of groundnut oil and groundnuts.[iv] They then measured indicators such as blood insulin and glucose levels, along with blood pressure, in healthy adults.

The researchers divided the 80 healthy subjects they recruited into two randomized groups, consuming a standardized diet along with either 100 g of fresh coconut or an equal amount of groundnuts and groundnut oil for 90 days.

The results showed that fasting blood sugar in both groups was significantly reduced. Yet they also observed a significant reduction in body weight in the coconut group, along with a notable increase in diastolic pressure in the groundnut group.

The researchers noted, “Fresh coconut-added diet helps reduce blood glucose levels and body weight in normal healthy individuals.” This supports previous studies that vouch for the blood-sugar lowering action of the natural drink, offering potential anti-diabetes benefits despite its naturally sweet taste.[v]

Interestingly, while groundnut intake reflected an increase in diastolic pressure, coconut was shown in previous research to push down systolic and diastolic pressures in hypertensive subjects.[vi] Additional animal research shows coconut water prevents and reverses fructose feeding-induced high blood pressure, along with reducing oxidative stress and insulin resistance.[vii]

Coconut water vinegar, too, has been promoted as a food ingredient with potential anti-obesity and anti-inflammatory effects, thanks to alterations in the gut microbiota due to increased populations of Bacteroides and Akkermansia genera bacteria.[viii]

Coconut Water Reduces Body Weight and Blood Sugar

♦ Anti-ulcer properties: Both coconut water and coconut milk demonstrate strong anti-ulcer activity against chemicals such as indomethacin, a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID).[ix]

♦ Lipid-lowering action: Coconut water has a lipid-modulating effect similar to the drug lovastatin in rats fed a fat- and cholesterol-enriched diet.[x]

♦ Alzheimer’s disease protection: In a novel study, young coconut juice showed positive future implications in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease in menopausal women.[xi]

♦ Sperm preservation: A coconut water-based extender, ACP-116c, along with 20% egg yolk and 3% glycerol, was effective for the cryopreservation of semen.[xii]

♦ Antibacterial benefits: Three peptides were purified and identified from green coconut water, exhibiting remarkable antimicrobial action against pathogenic bacteria.[xiii]

♦ Kidney stone fighter: In a study on rats with kidney stones, coconut water barred crystals from sticking to the kidneys and other parts of the urinary tract. In addition, it slashed the number of crystals formed in the urine.[xiv]

While pure, clear water remains the beverage of choice to stay cool and hydrated, some ice-cold natural coconut water can be a sound option, replacing electrolytes lost from sweating without the added sugar. Its close kin, coconut oil, is equally celebrated for its own set of healing and nourishing benefits.

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