Please Join Us and Share Our November Program

Thursday, November 10th

6 PM ET - 11 GMT

“Letters from a Soviet Prison: The Personal Journal and Private Correspondence of CI U-2 Pilot Francis Gary Powers.”

with Gary Powers, Jr.

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Thursday, November 10th

6:00 PM - 07:00 PM (ET - NY) (11pm GMT please check for Daylight Savings adjustments)

followed by an open Social

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About the Program

Our Presenter’s father, Francis Gary Powers, was the CIA U-2 pilot who was shot down in the midst of the Cold War, on May 1, 1960, while flying in Soviet airspace. After his capture, he was tried for espionage and then served nearly two years in a Soviet prison until his eventual release in exchange for Soviet Colonel Rudolf Abel, a senior KGB spy who was caught in the United States in the late 1950s. The two operatives were brought to separate sides of the Glienicker Bridge in Potsdam, Germany, as depicted in Steven Spielberg's motion picture Bridge of Spies, where the exchange took place. While in prison his father kept a personal journal and was allowed to write and receive personal correspondence.

Through more than 150 priceless letters, written and received by a man whose name is synonymous with the cold war, history comes alive. Join The British Empire Study Group for this unique opportunity to hear about this historic event directly from Gary Power’s son and through cold war mail. Gary will tell the history and the philatelist in the group can pontificate about the postal history.

About The Book

We encourage everyone to purchase Gary’s new book Letters from A Soviet Prison available on his site or

(We may be able to arrange to have your copy autographed).


Gary Powers Jr image

GARY POWERS, JR. lectures internationally and appears regularly on C-SPAN, the History, Discovery, and A&E channels. He is the son of Gary Powers, Sr. the U-2 pilot whose plane was shot down over the Soviet Union in 1960, triggering an international incident during the Cold War. He is the author of Enemy Territory (2022), Letters from a Soviet Prison (2017), and Spy Pilot (2019) which all help to dispel the misinformation surrounding the U-2 Incident.

Gary is the Founder and Chairman Emeritus of The Cold War Museum, a 501(c) (3) charity located at Vint Hill, VA 45 minutes west of Washington, DC. He founded the museum in 1996 to honor Cold War veterans, preserve Cold War history, and educate future generations about this time period. He is also the past President of the Vienna Tysons Corner Chamber of Commerce. As Chairman of the Presidential Advisory Committee for the Cold War Theme Study he works with the National Park Service and leading Cold War experts to identify historic Cold War sites for preservation. In 2015, he consulted for a Steven Spielberg Cold War thriller, Bridge of Spies, about James Donovan who brokered the 1962 spy exchange between KGB spy Rudolph Abel and CIA U-2 pilot Francis Gary Powers, Sr.

Gary is a past Board Member of the Strategic Air Command and Aerospace and an Honorary Board Member of the International Spy Museum in Washington, DC. Because of his efforts to honor Cold War veterans the Junior Chamber of Commerce selected him as one of the “Ten Outstanding Young Americans” for 2002. He holds a BA in Philosophy, and Master’s Degrees in Public Administration and US History. He is married and has one son.


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Click on the link or visit our website, to register for any of these free programs.

TBD, Thu. 6:00 PM (NY) Parody in Philately" with Mark Sommer - We are working with Mark to reschedule.

2023 Schedule

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