Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from all of us at Cottonwood Place

2017 was a fabulous year for Cottonwood Place Senior Living and its residents and families, and for our great City of Holladay. The New Year will soon be rolling around. Here's our "Best of 2017" and how we guarantee to provide opportunities for our residents to live a life of purpose, no matter the age or the limitation!

Here's our Best of 2017 list - read more below:

▪ Cottonwood Place named Business of the Year
▪ Benefit Concert - Gifted Music School
▪ Two Chico's Fashion Shows
▪ Cottonwood High School Scholarships
▪ Holladay Holy Wars Red v Blue Police & Firefighters Chili Cook Off
▪ Holladay Town Hall-Candidate Meet & Greet
▪ Festival of Trees
▪ Mr. C Scholarship for Excellence in Academic & Vocal Performance
▪ Christmas Eve Service - The Christmas Story in narration & song
Cottonwood Place named Business of the Year
Benefit Concert - Gifted Music School
Two Chico's Fashion Shows
Cottonwood High School Scholarships
Holladay Holy Wars Red v Blue Police & Firefighters Chili Cook Off
Holladay Town Hall-Candidate Meet & Greet
Festival of Trees
Mr. C Scholarship for Excellence in Academic & Vocal Performance
Christmas Eve Service - The Christmas Story in narration & song

Cottonwood Place named "Business of the Year"

What a great ending to 2017 - Let's begin here! We wish to thank the Holladay Chamber of Commerce for naming Cottonwood Place Senior Living as Holladay's Business of the Year.

We welcome many more opportunities to use our beautiful community for great events. We're located in the heart of Holladay on the corner of Highland and 5600 South. We are a gathering place to bring friends, neighbors, families, and students together, to educate, inform, laugh, love and live a Vibrant Life.

You are welcome to come by and visit. Just give me a call and I'll show you around the place!

We hope you had a blessed Christmas and that a prosperous New Year awaits you!

Now...the rest of the best!

Cherilyn Bacon Eagar
Director of Marketing
Cottonwood Place Senior Living
5600 S. HIghland Drive
Holladay, UT 84121


Gifted Music School


Holladay Mayor, Rob Dahle

Gifted Music School Benefit Concert

Last March, with the support of Holladay Mayor Rob Dahle welcoming the crowd, we hosted 40 talented students from the Gifted Music School in Salt Lake City who performed a glorious benefit concert in our grand entry hall. Great music is part of our Vibrant Life at Cottonwood Place. We encourage your ongoing support of these talented young people. Juilliard is not cheap!

Chico s

Chico's Fashion Shows

In May, and, by popular demand, a reprise in October, Chico's came to present its fabulous Spring and Fall line of clothes. Residents and their daughters created warm memories as they had great fun modeling those fashions together. What woman, regardless of age, doesn't feel just a bit better in a new outfit? Welcome to our distinctive Vibrant Lifestyle.

Cottonwood High School Scholarship

In June our residents came together with some smart young seniors from Cottonwood High School to contribute to their scholarships. We can make one guarantee and that is that we will provide opportunities for our residents, regardless the age, to live a Vibrant life of purpose. This was just one of those occasions.

Blue v Red Holy Wars Chili Cook Off - Police v Firefighters

In September, the Holladay Police and Fire Departments came for a fun Chili Cook Off. It was sooo close, but the Fire Department's HOT chili won by just a hair! We love these courageous people who are there for us when we experience an emergency. We especially appreciate them taking off work to be with us to be part of our Vibrant Life experience.


Holladay Town Hall - Meet the Candidates

In November, Holladay voters had an opportunity to gather at Cottonwood Place for a Town Hall - Meet the Candidates night featuring the two candidates running for the open seat on the Holladay City Council, Dennis Roach and Paul Fotheringham. We appreciate assistance from the Mayor's office and the publicity they distributed. It's all part of helping our residents and neighbors stay in touch and connected with what's going on around us, giving back to our community, and staying actively engaged.


Festival of Trees

In November, Cottonwood Place donated a beautiful tree valued at $1,800 to the Festival of Trees, one of the largest shows in Utah. It's theme was "Timeless Memories" and featured our residents' touching personal notes attached to the tree, sharing their best Christmas memories. This event raises millions of dollars for Primary Children's Hospital in Salt Lake City. It's our turn to give children the opportunity to live their own Vibrant lives.


Mr. C Scholarship for Achievement in Academic and Vocal Performance

In December, we helped establish a scholarship fund in the name of one of our Cottonwood Place Senior Living residents, Paul G. Christensen (a/k/a "Mr C").

The gathering was filled with the Madrigal students from Highland High School who performed, along with Mr. C's alumni, family and friends and several media outlets - Fox 13, Channel 2 and the Salt Lake Tribune. State Senator Jani Iwamoto was one of the alumni that attended. While a member of the County Council, she gave him a street sign called "Mr. C Blvd." It hangs on his Cottonwood Place apartment door.

Here is the article that appeared on the front page of the Tribune.

We encourage your generous support of this scholarship. Checks can be made to “Salt Lake Education Foundation.” Write “Mr. C Scholarship” on the memo line, and mail to Mr. C Scholarship, c/o Salt Lake Education Foundation, 440 East 100 South, Salt Lake City, Utah 84111.

Donations are also accepted online
Designate "Mr. C Scholarship."

Kara Lynn Ciara Cherilyn

Kara Lynn Roundy, Ciara Green, Cherilyn Bacon Eagar

Christmas Eve Religious Service

On December 24th, I was delighted to be among those who had the privilege of performing for our residents on this special day. Thanks to pianist Kara Lynn Roundy; one of my voice students, Ciara Green; accomplished singer Patrice Vincent; and pianists Lee and Karen Russell for making it a beautiful hour of music. The room was filled with families and friends. One of our residents, Kenneth Coombs, narrated the Christmas Story from the Gospels of St. Luke and St. Matthew. Part of Vibrant Life at Cottonwood Place is to meet the spiritual and religious needs of all our residents and to provide transportation to their places of worship. We extend our special thanks to St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for being with our residents regularly to assist with their pastoral needs.

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