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News & Quick-bits - 16 September 2021


Remedy: Pyrogenium (Pyrog.)

It's no surprise that a remedy originally prepared from rotting meat is now used for severe infections with putrid and offensive discharges. It has literally been a life-saver. Read more & Comment


Questions: Helix tosta for Snails

Is it best to spray Helix tosta on the leaves or water the remedy into the ground? Does it work with all snails? We answer these and other questions.
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Why Homeopathy for Fractures?

The conventional and homeopathic approach to broken bones is compared. Key remedies that stimulate healing and address the swelling and pain of fractures are discussed. Read more | Comment


Remedies for Shingles

A doctor explores six leading remedies that shorten the length and severity of a shingles outbreaks plus prevent or treat post-herpetic neuralgia.
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One Week: Three Specials

Offer 1: Pyrogenium (Pyrog.) 30C Pills – 70% Off! Build your homeopathy kit with this week's $5.00 remedy and simple how-to-use info. More info | Buy now

Offer 2: 20% Off 15 Different Mental-Emotional Complexes Blends of frequently used remedies for the anxiety, homesickness, teeth grinding, and more.
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Offer 3: $10.00 Off the Basic 18-Remedy Kit A strong, lightweight family kit for minor ailments and first aid. More info | Buy now

Offers end at midnight on Monday, 20th September 2021 (UTC/GMT -8 hours)
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Previous Stories...


Help! I Have PMS!

Do you have mood swings, crave chocolate, or bloat with fluid before your period? You probably have PMS but the good news is that something can be done. Read more & Comment


A Day in a Homeopath’s Clinic

People often wonder what sort of things homeopaths treat in their clinics. To answer this question we asked one of our homeopaths to share her notes from a typical clinic day. Read more & Comment


Homeopathy for Babies

It's often said that homeopathy is about quality not quantity. Discover why that's so and learn how and when to give remedy doses when treating your little one. Read more | Comment


5 Best Remedies for Bronchitis

"When it comes to treating bronchitis, Homeopathy is very effective. In fact, it is the most promising system of medicine for the treatment of bronchitis.' says this doctor. Read more | Comment


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