Do you prefer Dutch? Click here. Zuiderspel 2015 On March 22th Board and Games will be attending Zuiderspel together with HenMar Games. You will be


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Zuiderspel 2015

Zuiderspel logo

On March 22th Board and Games will be attending Zuiderspel together with HenMar Games. You will be able to play Athlas, Höyük, 12 Realms and Cycling Party.

We hope to welcome you all there and meet you in person. We are looking forward to it.


Board Game Couch

logo BGC ALT

Those of you who follow our blog have noticed we haven't been publishing much content lately. The reason why is we created our own YouTube channel. We wanted this to be an independent project though, so we created a new logo and name for it: Board Game Couch.

You can watch the YouTube channel here. A new start is always difficult, so your feedback and suggestions are more than welcome!


Board game clubs and new events


We have a lot planned this year. We will start by attending Zuiderpel, but soon we will announce new dates for events we will organize personally our in cooperation with others. We will also hold our first tournament for the fantastic card game Star Realms.

We also started a new initiative for board game clubs. This allows them to make use of our collection of demo games. If you are a member of a board game club and you think this can be benificial for your club, please contact us for more information.


New great games in stock

We recently received a lot of great games: Dead of Winter, Realm of Wonder, Artificium, Eat me if you can, The Witcher Adventure Game, Shadowrun Crossfire, ... Be sure to check these awesome games you can't miss in your collection!


"May the boards be with you and the dice be ever in your favor."

- Board and Games

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