News & Quick-bits - 10 October 2019 Remedy: Ferrum Metallicum Those needing this remedy may look well but will complain of tiredness, breathlessness

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News & Quick-bits - 10 October 2019

Ferrum metallicum - NL

Remedy: Ferrum Metallicum

Those needing this remedy may look well but will complain of tiredness, breathlessness, chilliness, or joint and muscle pain that improves with gentle motion. Read more | Comment


Q&A: Extending the Life of a Liquid Remedy

Q. "Help! I'm running out of my remedy. Is there some way to make it last until I can get a new bottle?" We tell you how. Read more | Comment


Treating Lactose Intolerance

Homeopathy has many remedies for milk sensitivity and intolerance but, for them to be effective, the remedy must match the symptoms of the sufferer. Here's 5 of many possibilities. Read more | Comment


Homeopathy for a Goat

A goat farmer extraordinaire tells what happened when a very caring vet paid a visit to her dandruffy and greasy goat. Can homeopathy really work this quickly? Absolutely! Read more | Comment


One Week - 3 Specials!

Offer 1: Ferrum Metallicum (Ferr.) 30C Pills – 70% Off! Build your homeopathy kit with this week's $5.00 remedy.
More info | Buy Now

Offer 2: 20% Off 32 Different Pain Complexes It doesn't have to hurt so bad with these remedy blends. Pay just $22.80. More info | Buy Now

Offer 3: Save On Dog & Cat Prophylactics Save on individual prophylactics. Save more with a group of 5. More info | Buy Now

Offers end at midnight on Monday, 14th October, 2019 (UTC/GMT -8 hours)
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Video: Cows and Farmers Thrive

Homeopathy is the treatment of choice by organic farmers. Here's one news report about a Kiwi homeopath who meets the demand for New Zealand dairy farmers and their cows. Read more | Comment


Homeopathy and Epidemics

Epidemic diseases plague animals and humans alike. This vet explains how he manages bird flu, parvo, and foot and mouth disease with homeopathy.
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