Your Light is shining brighter than ever before, DO NOT Allow Anyone to Diminish IT, simply because it is blinding THEM. My Friends, My Compatriots,

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Your Light is shining brighter than ever before, DO NOT Allow Anyone to Diminish IT, simply because it is blinding THEM.

My Friends, My Compatriots, My Comrades in Arms, Fellow Members of the Legion Of Light, it has been an honor to serve with you. My task in this lifetime was to assist with Ascension, connect and share energy and information with fellow Watchers through you, release the Sacred Light and be a safety net for those who should be on the front lines but would only trust in the Animae to guide them. Although my work connected to Ascension is complete, I will continue to provide support to Gaia when asked to do so. I have been released from my day to day duties as a Watcher and I am now somewhat free to further experience my life as a horse. Jean and I are thrilled as we are now embarking on a new chapter in our lives. For the last 6 years I, and many Watchers have devoted our Hearts, Souls, and Energy to the Ascension of Gaia. Ascension is nothing more than turning the corner, exiting the Dark Ages and lifting towards the next Golden Age. Now, after years and lifetimes of devotion, some Watchers are being released from our duties. Some Watchers have been released from active duty in totality. I, and many Watchers will continue to serve the Greater Good when called upon however, the Water Watchers, The Wild Watchers, the Vegetable and Mineral Kingdoms will continue to be active. After all, the job is far from complete.

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The Legion of Light- those Lightworkers on the front lines, are becoming more illuminated and this will begin to wear on those who are lagging behind and have dug in their heels, refusing to easily follow along. Many followers will choose to stay in their own 3-D space as they feel it is safe and familiar. The new and higher vibrations and frequencies will be welcomed by some but feared by many. This will become more apparent in the upcoming days. Mercury is now retrograde which will bring to the surface long simmering feelings, situations, events and circumstances that need attention, healing or release (these situations may have surfaced for some in May). I am referring not only to your personal lives but Globally as well. If you have been ignoring a situation that needs attention, it will become apparent within the next few weeks. You, as well as Humanity, must now learn from your mistakes and fix what is broken in order for All to continue to Ascend. A resolution is now ordered and placation will no longer be acceptable. Rest peaceably because if you follow your Heart, a true and resolute solution will come.

Be patient with those around you as they may begin to react from a place of fear as your power begins to reintegrate into your being. As your power begins to reassert itself , some around you will feel threatened and recoil. You must await for them to decide how they are to proceed. They will either release their fears and come along or you will need to release them from your life. They have been given ample time to prepare and they must now choose their path. This Mercury in Retrograde is a cleansing which will create room for new energies that will be ushered in during the Summer Solstice. These incoming energies may, very well fortify a new chapter in your life.

As Gaia regains Her Power, so does Everything. A reconnection to Earth Mother is finally being rekindled but this is slow process. Friends, we are merely 2 years into a 13000/26,000 year cycle however, it can only improve from here. Like the Grasshopper, energetically we are making headway in leaps and bounds intermingled with seeming periods of inactivity, lethargy and stagnation. These times of perceived inactivity are in fact, fertile times when the physical body is catching up to the energy body. Energy introduced must be cemented within the physical body which is far more dense and needs much more time to integrate incoming Light energy.

As many have a self punishment program engrained within them, by intending that your body and being easily, quickly and comfortably integrate, assimilate and acclimate to the new incoming energies can override this program. "I declare that my body and being easily, quickly and comfortably assimilate and acclimate to the incoming lighter energies. So be it."

Once higher energy is introduced, it is automatically accepted by the Higher Self and cannot be rejected by the ego. Your Higher Self and Higher Good always supersedes the ego. Your Being is starving for evolution and your ego cannot override incoming Lighter energy. The ego of the individual, as well as the ego of the collective known as Humanity, is experiencing a death. An ego death is synonymous with releasing fear and trauma and it will formidably fight this release. Yet the ego has only fear to stand on and do not be swayed by its shallow and feeble attempts to divert you from your true path. Your heart and body always know the Truth and will guide you if permitted.

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Fear will continue to erupt, not only globally but for those in your environment, in varying degrees. I encourage you to choose to be a Pillar of Strength and Light as these attributes will be needed for some time to come. If you choose to stand in the eye of a Hurricane, you will automatically draw others into the center with you. Those who choose to stay in the turmoil, have chosen their path and I suggest you not squander valuable energy on these individuals. Focus instead on those who have joined you in the center of the storm, as here you will find Peace and Calm.

To My Fellow Legion Of Light-Workers...Namaste.

Our appreciation and dedication to Earth Mother runs deep. Striving to be the best we can be at any given moment is all that Gaia asks of us and keep in mind that your best fluctuates from moment to moment. We are All in this together and if you keep an Open Heart, a Light Mood, and a smile upon your face, only goodness will come.

So much Love to All!
Jack the Watcher, through my faithful companion, Jean

Click Here to visit Jean's Website or to Schedule a personal healing session with Jean and the Watchers

You can email Jean directly:

Tomorrow, June 17th, is the 8th anniversary of Jean and Jack officially being reunited, in this lifetime. Jean and the Watchers will be featured on Heavenly Blessings-The Golden Age of Gaia-InLight radio With Suzanne Maresca.

Incredible appreciation to Suzanne, and all of You for reaching out and embracing the Watchers.

Here is the Link:
Heavenly Blessings
