Concerned about how your children use and process technology? Everyday, I see the growing need to safely guide our tweens and teens through this tech

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Concerned about how your children use and process technology?

Everyday, I see the growing need to safely guide our tweens and teens through this technological age we are living in... These are unprecedented times and we are all in unchartered territory.

To address my own mixed feelings about both the dangers and benefits of technology for children, I created a curriculum designed to playfully address these important topics that need to be explored between parents and their children.

The Digitally Savvy workshop will give older kids (and their parents) tools and helpful tips for effectively navigating these new waters. We will focus on safety, netiquette, critical analysis, and the social and emotional side of growing up in a tech-driven world. The goal is to open dialogue between participants and their families about positive use of technology.

Digitally Savvy will be the first of our synchronous workshops that will run both online and in our studio. This gives us the unprecedented opportunity to bring our direct teaching experience in the studio and our online learning experiences together for—everyone to benefit. Exciting!

Topics Explored:

Tech as a Creative Tool
The Social and Emotional Side of the Digital Age
What’s a Reputation?: Your Digital Footprint
Messages in the Media
Online Safety
The Digital Deal: Creating a Family Technology Agreement



Saturdays (six weeks) – 4/16, 4/23, 4/30, 5/7, 5/14, 5/21

2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m.



Dates: May 2nd – May 27

During this four-week online workshop you will…
* Enjoy weekly projects and printables to be shared as a family
* Share your experiences and work with families around the world
