The Guru Mama

Blessing Beautiful Souls

Goddess sun

We have officially reached the middle of 2018!

How are you feeling about this year so far? Has it been everything you wanted it to be?

I would love to invite you to join me for a special 6-month review as we chat about the Summer/Winter Solstice, talk about how far we've come so far this year, and set some goals together to achieve for the rest of the year as I share an overview of the most major upcoming astrological energy and how to navigate it in your life & career for best results over the next 6 months.

Book in with Mama G Let's Begin

The Summer Solstice on June 21

Which is why on June 21, while it may not sound pithy or sexy, I'm sending you this Mama Power Time with wisdom that really does have the Magic power to elevate us out of overwhelm and into a natural flow that gives us the Magical power to get more of what matters done, and let go of the rest.

We lead crazy paced lives in part because we have made the unconscious choice to allow the rhythm of our life to be dictated by the pace the patriarchy and over culture has set – keeping us frenzied, fragmented and not focused on what truly matters.

And there is another choice…

Feminine wisdom shows us how to be in the world without being run by the world, by taking the powerful act to consciously set the patterns and rhythms of days, weeks, months and years in a way that creates harmony, not havoc.


TAKING A POWER PAUSE IS GOOD FOR YOUR CAREER, YOUR BUSINESS, YOUR RELATIONSHIPS, HEALTH, HAPPINESS and FINANCIAL FLOW. Slowing dow and using the rituals and processes I'll share, opens up access to your own inner wisdom and Divine Wisdom.

You gain insight for the path ahead in ways that support you to make wise choices and put your energy & resources to what truly matters.

On June 21 40 days of rejuvenation.

In a world that moves so fast, if you don't pause to reflect and refocus, you are way more likely to fragment your power, waste your time, and exhaust yourself trying to do it all. Too many of us are overwhelmed too often. Focused on too much and not receiving what we need to be sustained & supported.

Together, We'll turn off the outside world so you can tune into + receive inner guidance on how to best focus your life force and resources for the second half of the year... in all parts of your life. Your work, relationships, health, wealth, home, expression - the WHOLE YOU.

You'll leave with clarity on what projects, purposes, people you will put your energy & resources towards.

You'll leave with permission to set aside what it's not the right time for so you can stop pressuring yourself to do everything right now.

You'll leave with practices to fuel what you will grow the rest of the year.

I'll create the sacred space and lead you through the process - combining timeless wisdom practices with modern life realities that I've used for over a decade and taught others around the world to focus and fuel their work, relationships, health and wealth. Focus + Fluidity = Flow.


Register for the Power Pause Today
& Claim the Sacred Space for Yourself Now.

And... to gain access to this wisdom, you have to Slow Down. Unplug from the Outside World. Connect to Your Heart & Soul. Let Wisdom Guide You.

Each day we will begin with a connecting to our Essence & then begin a kundalini ~ Open and Access your Intuitive Wisdom Channels so Guidance can Flow Through - so you make choices based on your heart & soul and wisdom, not your ego, fear or lack.

Release what's distracting or draining your energy, time & resources - it's just not time to focus here, even if you really want to, and unless you release yourself from having to do this now, you will distract & drain yourself, clutter up the flow, and take power from what has the potential to really grow & flow.

40 days ~ Every single kriya or meditation in Kundalini Yoga changes us in very specific ways. Great powers of rejuvenation and detoxification are attributed to this breath ...

Receive a daily practice you can do in 3-11 minutes every day to fire up the creative energy in your body that you need to sustain yourself at a physical level, stay clear at a mental level, and stay centered at a emotional level, using Kundalini Yoga (no yoga experience needed).

Blessings & Love & Magic,
Mary June Tracy ~ Mama G

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