Recover Stability in an Injured Ankle Today - a VERY practical video, with some specific tips for you. About what is needed, to fully recover functi

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Recover Stability in an Injured Ankle

Today - a VERY practical video, with some specific tips for you. About what is needed, to fully recover function after injuring your ankle. (Interestingly, these same principles apply to other joints too, like shoulders. And knees!)

When someone goes over on their ankle and wants to do something to make that joint strong and stable again, most people will do something to strengthen the joint. So for an ankle, this would be something like lifting and lowering your heels while standing, lifting and lowering your toes, and perhaps using rubber tubing for some resistance training for the ankle moving in various directions.

(And of course, you would start all this after getting medical attention for the injury if it needs that, and after the initial acute tissue healing has had time to occur.)

Strength training is definitely important to do. But... (here's the key thing) - it's ONLY PART OF WHAT IS NEEDED.

Because you also need to work with your nervous system to basically bring your reflexes, and your body's way of knowing where your joint is in space and what it is up to - "back on line".

That information often kind of goes to mush, when your ankle gets all stretched out when you go over on it. And unless you get that "back on line", you are at much higher risk of re-injuring yourself again.

In today's video I explain more about this, why it matters, and (most important) some simple ways to do it. Click here to go see this really helpful stuff!

(By the way, if you have injured your ankle and you feel like "my ankle seems to go over easier than it used to, especially if I am not looking where I am stepping" - that's one really good clue that you NEED to do this work with your nervous system, so that you can change that for the better again. Cool, eh!)

The world is soooo much more fun and open and available when one has reliable, stable joints. This video unveils some of the key secrets to how to make that happen for yourself.

Here's to happy, stable, well-functioning ankles! Please feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.

Happy exploring -

p.s. An update on "the tale of 2 cats" from my last video: yes, after about 2 weeks, they have become buddies. They now hang out comfortably together. However, it took a while, and a lot of encounters and experimenting with what was OK. Just like your nervous system, when you are checking out whether something new you are testing out is OK for you! That too takes some time. It takes a lot of small ventures to test out what it is like, and then pulling back to consider it. It takes trying some things out that clearly don't work, as well as some that seem to work well. And if each of those "tests" is small enough to be interesting but also safe, then your body will often learn and adapt quite quickly - like the two cats now have. :-)

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About the Banner Photo

I LOVE knowing a bit about how things work. So I love looking at the skeleton, and learning about anatomy and physiology and kinesiology and energy work and how we learn and... all sorts of stuff!

And then I love figuring out how to explain things in ways that are clear and easy to understand, and make sense.

So - do let me know if something is NOT making sense, or if you have a question about something.

I'd be happy to answer if I can, or go look into it and report back if I'm not sure (or perhaps even totally clueless)! :-)

Happy Violet brighter

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Violet van Hees

Guild Certified Feldenkrais Practitioner ®
Tellington TTouch® Equine Practitioner 1
BCRPA Trainer of Fitness Leaders

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Create Movement Freedom - and Open Your World!


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