www.creativecockades.com At four years old, she started school by her own choice. At eight years old, she began a diary. And at 14 years old, she w

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At four years old, she started school by her own choice.

At eight years old, she began a diary.

And at 14 years old, she witnessed - and wrote about - the historic Florida secession convention.

Her name was Susan Bradford.

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A Teen's View of the War

Susan was born in Florida and lived at the family's Pine Hill Plantation. She was the granddaughter of John Branch, the last Territorial Governor of Florida. Her family's status and involvement in politics gave her an up-close and personal view of the exciting historical events during the Civil War.

While many written memoirs of the war come from seasoned gentlemen and mature ladies, Susan was only 14 at the time of Florida's secession. Her eye-witness accounts are detailed and vivid. She was an observant and thoughtful teenager.

FL Secession Convention Members

Members of Florida's Secession Convention

January 8th, 1861

We are at home again after a day filled to overflowing with excitement and interest.

We were in such a hurry to get to town that the convention had not assembled when we reached the Capitol. There were groups of men talking earnestly and there were other men running hither and thither with papers in their hands.

Father has a great many friends and I stood quietly beside him while he and they discussed the situation.

SC navy

My version of a blue palmetto cockade

The ambassador from South Carolina had evidently made an impression on his audience of yesterday and somebody had been busy last night, for in every direction could be seen Palmetto cockades, fastened with a blue ribbon; there were hundreds of them.

When at last the hall of representatives was opened and Father and I took our seats, Judge Gwynn came in and pinned a cockade on Father and one on me. Oh, I was so proud....

florida capitol 1845

The old Florida state capitol

The members of the convention took their seats and Mr. Blake...opened the day’s session with prayer; such a beautiful prayer. I had never seen a convention until Father brought me here and it is strange to me. I wish I could tell all I heard today but the language the members used is not familiar to me and some of the things they talk about are just as new. Then, too, I am just a little girl.

A message was read on the floor of the convention, from Governor Brown of Georgia, to Governor Milton. As near as I can remember it was this way: “Georgia will certainly secede. Has Florida occupied the fort?”

Mr. Sanderson was very interesting. He recounted the rights which the states retained when they delegated other rights to the general government in the Constitution. He made it so perfectly clear that all and every state had the right to withdraw from the Union, if her rights and liberty were threatened....


Susan Bradford Eppes in 1925

I cannot understand all the work assigned to the different committees; perhaps I am not old enough; people grow wiser as they grow older; so aunt Robinson says. I am going again tomorrow.

My palmetto cockade lies on the table beside me.

Southern Lady

After the war, Susan Bradford went on to marry a Confederate soldier and grandson of Thomas Jefferson named Nicholas Eppes. She remained a true southern lady and in 1920 she was elected Honorary President of Florida Division, United Daughters of the Confederacy.

Susan's quote about palmetto cockades at the Florida secession convention is just one of the many fascinating stories contained my book, "In Their Own Words: Cockades and Badges in the Southern States 1860-1865." You can order it by clicking here.

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~Heather Sheen
Owner, Creative Cockades

Every Cockade Has A Story To Tell!

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