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All Souls Anglican, Cherry Hill, NJ

December 2020 Prayer Letter

We greet you in Jesus’ name. Every month or so we will send this prayer email to you, letting you know the most effective way you might pray for us. We do hope you will consider All Souls Anglican for your personal prayers that this new mission for the gospel may continue faithful to the gospel.

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If you would like to join us Sundays at 4 PM Eastern, please EMAIL us at: to receive the Meeting ID and Password. All Souls will keep a fenced monthly service of Holy Communion into 2021, as vaccinations are distributed among us.

We encourage you to also, VISIT our WEBSITE (by clicking the embedded link). Use the CONTACT US Tab to tell us how we might PRAY for YOU!


For Your Prayers

Please use the buttons at the bottom of our newsletter to share with your network(s) among the saints of God to increase our prayer support.

Prayer 9

Join us this month as Christ’s Church Militant here in earth to raise our voices in PRAYER and SUPPLICATION to our heavenly Father as his wrath is revealed in PLAGUE or common sickness as COVID-19 cases rise exponentially in the holiday season:

O ALMIGHTY God, who in your wrath sent a plague upon your own people in the wilderness, for their obstinate rebellion against Moses and Aaron; and in the time of king David, sent a plague of pestilence that killed seventy thousand, but remembering your mercy spared the rest: Have pity upon us miserable sinners who now are visited with great sickness and mortality; and in the same way that you then accepted an atonement and commanded the destroying Angel to cease from punishing, so may it now please you to withdraw from us this plague and grievous sickness; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Sermon 2

   •    Give THANKS for the release of effective vaccines to arrest the life-threatening complications of COVID-19 for men and women. Continue to PRAY for those who are waking up each day to the fallout caused by COVID-19. PRAY especially for families keeping Christmas for the first time since a loved one, and for some loved ones who died of complications from COVID-19. PRAY for J’s parents as they care for him through his fears. He had a rough few weeks.

   •    PRAY for the men’s group as they begin their next study, Carl Trueman’s The Rise and Triumph of the Modern Self.

   •    PRAY for my next sermon series on the Letter of James to begin in the New Year.

   •    In December I’ll be preparing our 2020 State of the Parish report for our annual parish meeting in January. Give THANKS that our internal giving has held up this year despite COVID-19. Please PRAY for God to help us draft an honest and informative report of the parish, and that he would move people to continue supporting us generously in our internal giving.


Latest Sermon Podcast

Our sermon this month is the sermon for the Third Sunday in Advent on Isaiah 26.1-27.1 entitled, Building Faith. Here is the link to the sermon podcast. Share it by forwarding this link or email it to your friends.

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A Parish of the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word

Worshiping Sundays at 4:00 PM at: 520 Kings Hwy South | Cherry Hill NJ 08034

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Telephone: 856.671.1183 | E-Mail:

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Follow us on Twitter: @allsoulsnj


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