Liz Underwood web

Hello and Welcome to Spring!

When the snow falls it always feels to me as if we temporarily live in a bubble; we have to slow down and stay close to home and after a while I yearn to get back to normality; the major plus side of being home bound gives me the opportunity to practice more Somatics. It never ceases to amaze how simple and effective this method is at releasing tension in my neck and shoulders and keeping my posture and mind in balance.

Now, as we come through the other side of our cold spell, with the daffodils coming though, the night's drawing out and change in birdsong, Spring is well on it's way and this is the perfect season to get moving in healthy, mindful ways.

As the Somatics method becomes more widely known, I get people coming to me weekly who want to help themselves move without pain, improve their posture and maintain good movement. I see people who can barely walk, have hip pain or constant back pain, So if you, or if know anyone who has tried everything then do spread the Somatics word.

I have also found how well Somatics enhances my Yoga practice and I share this in my Unleash your Down Dog workshop on the 24th March, I also combine it in the popular Yoga for Anxiety and Stress Relief class which takes place again on the 6th April and on the 5th May join me for the a full day of Soma/Yoga Retreat day.

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Liz and (Fanny the Wonder Dog) x

Somatics Classes Update

Effortless Rest Pose

The two new classes at Nettleham and Bassingham are going well, with those new to the practise already feeling the benefits...
Here's just one of the testimonials I recently received.
"Hi Liz
the class at Nettleham yesterday was really good, I have found parts of my body that I never knew that I had. the improvement to my pelvis area is steadily improving with every class, and long may Pure Movement continue.

Already looking forward to the next class, even though I repeat the exercises daily

Sincerely Trevor"

Details of when and where I teach these classes can be found here

Unleash your Down Dog Masterclass

Downward Dog

Join me on the 24th March for this masterclass on this classic Asana.

Considered a basic pose in many classes, it requires mobility and stability in your shoulders and hips and flexibility in your hamstrings. So, if Downward Facing Dog leaves you feeling tethered at your shoulders, wrists, hips and hamstrings?

Unleash your Dog in this workshop and explore how to feel true ease in this essential and hugely beneficial yoga pose, with Therapeutic Yoga and Somatics.

To free you canine spirit you can book your place here

Soma/Yoga Retreat Day Saturday 5th May

Group Vrksasana

A Day of Steadiness, Comfort and Ease

A day to experience the perfect combination of Somatics, classic Asana and Restorative Yoga

The day will begin with Somatics to relax the centre of the body, which allows us to move more freely in our arms and legs, this is key for many of the classic Yoga postures. The postures will be approached with curiosity, exploring how Somatics can enhance and create "Sthira and Sukha" - , finding steadiness, true comfort, ease and delight in each Asana.

A delicious light lunch will be provided by Holly Nelstrop Catering,who is also providing a tasty treat to enjoy at the end of the day.

The afternoon will continue with the movement practice, slowing down for supportive Restorative Yoga in preparation for Yoga Nidra.

Suitable for beginners of Yoga and Somatics

To book your place, please follow the link to the studio here

Somatics for Happier Hips


A Somatics workshop that focuses specifically on dodgy, creaky hips and knees? Tight hip flexors, sore lower back? Then come along to this Somatics workshop on the 14th April to find freedom in your hips, legs and back. You will leave feeling taller, free-er, more grounded and with a spring in your spring-time step!

To join me, you can book your place here

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