Ethiopian nativity scene2

God's Protection

A church build in a fundamental Mus!im village barely began when villagers violently opposed, causing the work to cease. Late that same night a mob of angry men came to the construction site and vandalized or stole materials and then went looking for the missionary and the man who donated his property to the church. Thankfully, the men were warned and able to hide and no harm came to them. Read more here

Orphan Care

Sixteen babies (16!) found abandoned in various places, are now beloved sons or daughters secure in their very own families through adoption! Read more here

God's Provision

LifeMission Church in Olathe, Kansas provided the funds for twelve of our missionaries to receive Bible training in a field Bible school designed by our Missions Director. The training has exceeded our expectations! This first year of a two-year program deepened the men’s understanding of God’s Word, and they in turn discipled others (48 total!) with the same teaching they received. Read more here


Seven hundred (700!) children have been tutored in reading and writing through literacy programs executed by missionaries through churches that have been established in Mus!im villages where there are no schools.

Need of Provision
Two missionary coordinators in Ethiopia need laptops to effectively do their jobs. Maybe this holiday season you know someone who is destined to receive a new computer and would want to donate their old one. Joy and Jason are traveling to Ethiopia in January and can take them over. Email Jason should you be able to provide a computer:

Need a last minute gift for Uncle Ernie? He’s got enough ties, electric cup warmers and cologne, right? If you are stumped on what to get Uncle Ernie, a co-worker, your pastor or anyone … consider purchasing a needed item for Ethiopia in honor of that person. They will receive a lovely card letting them know what you donated in their name, and both of you walk away satisfied that this gift will not end up in a landfill or junk drawer but instead will radically impact a child, a family, a community.

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