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Here is a link where you can access the Tribunal Cease and Desist Order & Writ of Mandamus banning DIGITAL ID in Canada. You can also distribute it and enforce the Order in your jurisdiction.

SEE: Download Feb. 13, 2023 Cease and Desist & Writ of Mandamus - Digital ID - Natural and Common Law Tribunal For Public Health and Justice

The ASMIN Indigenous Nation and the 30 Indigenous Nations of the One Peoples Federation are now the Sovereign Constitutional Law Enforcement for the below URL Tribunal Cease and Desist Order and Writ of Mandamus banning Mandatory Digital ID in Canada and served by the Tribunal on February 13, 2023 on the Defendant-Respondents, and on Constitutional Law Enforcement.

The Provinces of Alberta and Saskatchewan are in compliance with the Tribunal's Cease and Desist Order and have announced that each Province will not go forward with the Canadian Federal Government mandate for digital ID as a condition of receiving federal health care funding.

Many thanks for reading and understanding the Tribunal Cease and Desist Order banning Digital ID and the Message below. You may want to enforce the Tribunal Order in your own jurisdictions and nations, as the Tribunal is now doing in Canada.

Please let us know if you need any guidance or assistance in doing so.

Best regards,
Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, MEd, CERT Public Health
Natural and Common Law Tribunal
for Public Health and Justice

February 14, 2023

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