ORGANIC PRODUCE SALE & NEW ITEMS & RECIPES! ORDER HERE Hi everyone and shavua tov! Wow! The temperature has finally dropped, the heat is on, and

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purple kohlarabi on marble
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Hi everyone and shavua tov!

Wow! The temperature has finally dropped, the heat is on, and its cold and windy outside... time to make hearty and healthy soups, using all of our new organic veggies!

We just added brand new yummy organic produce including: organic pink lady apples, organic Parisian potatoes, organic purple kohlrabi, yellow cherry tomatoes, lycopene dark red (almost black) cherry tomatoes and Starking Hermon apples.

We also have in stock this week juicy organic red Hebron grapes, organic clementines, organic oranges, organic sesame seeds & whole sesame seeds (sprinkle on anything to kick up the protein a notch), organic crushed tomatoes (so important not to use canned ones due to toxicity) and organic ketchup (so much healthier and way less sugar).


This week's specials are loaded with so many goodies perfect for creating warm winter treats lik:e hearty soups and stews, quiches and warm salads too! I'll be posting nutrient-packed recipes on our Bodek2go Facebook every day so check back daily.

With gratitude and blessings,
Zahava and the Bodek2go & Organika Team



DEADLINE TO ORDER: Monday, November 28th by 10:00 PM

DELIVERY DAY: Wednesday, November 30th (afternoon through evening)

MAIN TEL: 02 6236060

Customer Service : 058 623 6060




Organic Pink Lady Apples

Organic Pink Lady Apples

The Perfect Pink Lady Apples
Pink Lady apples strive for one thing: to deliver the perfect apple every time.
Grown to exacting standards, only the best of the best are chosen, picked by hand and rewarded with the Pink Lady heart-shaped seal of approval.
Pink Lady apples are grown in the greatest wine regions of the world, and owe their warm blush to the sun. They are the first apples to blossom and the last to be harvested, and that extra time on the tree, along with a warm climate and rich, fertile soil give Pink Lady apples their sweet, succulent crunch and famous colour.

1) Why is Pink Lady so much more than an apple’?
With Pink Lady, you’re not just biting into an apple: you’re having an unforgettable taste experience! Juicy, crunchy, slightly tart and sweet with a delicious taste, these apples provide great taste all the time – and one bite is all it takes!

Naturally exhilarating, Pink Lady is a source of pleasure. ‘I’m under a spell’, ‘it’s irresistibly attractive’, ‘utterly seductive’ are just some of the ways our consumers express their appreciation, far more intensely than for other apples.

2) Should I peel a Pink Lady before biting into it?
No, please don’t peel it! 50% of the vitamins provided are contained in its skin. So wash it well and don’t wait any longer, bite into it whole-heartedly for a true taste sensation !

peeling purple kohlarabi

Organic Purple Kohlrabi

Purple Kohlrabi

You've probably seen purple kohlrabi around recently and wondered what the heck this odd-shaped thing with the weird name is! Well, it's a fantastically versatile vegetable with a taste and texture somewhere between cabbage and broccoli stems.

Purple Kohlrabi is part of the Cruciferous family of vegetables, scientifically known as Brassica oleracea var. gongylodes. The word ‘Kohlrabi’ comes from the Germanic words for cabbage, ‘kohl’, and turnip, ‘rabi’. It was given its name for the close resemblance to both a cabbage, and a turnip, with its bulbous stem sitting on top of the ground. The Purple variety is a bit less common than its green counterpart.

Nutritional Value
The purple pigment in the skin and leaves of Purple Kohlrabi comes from the presence of anthocyanins, which are cancer-fighting compounds. The pigment is only present in the skin and leaves, lined with purplish-red veins, so therefore the cancer-fighting benefits are mostly present in the leaves of Purple Kohlrabi. Kohlrabi is high in vitamin C and a good source of both fiber and potassium. The nutrient-dense tuber also contains high amounts of phosphorus, magnesium, calcium and iron. Kohlrabi, like other cruciferous vegetables, contains anti-cancer phytochemicals and is considered beneficial for good health.


LYCOPENE cherry tomatoes

Organic Lycopene Cherry Tomatoes

Lycopene Cherry Tomatoes

These very dark red tomatoes are rich in lycopene, a phytonutrient that helps combat inflammation, which has been linked to stress. Interestingly, you’ll get the biggest boost from eating these smaller cherry tomatoes, because most of the lycopene is in the skins, and the smaller tomatoes have a higher skin-to-middle ratio.

According to Harvard Medical School Lycopene-rich tomatoes linked to lower stroke risk.


Organic Yellow Tomatoes

Organic Yellow Tomatoes

Yellow tomatoes taste great raw. Cutting up a handful and mixing with avocados, pomegranate seeds with a touch of sea salt and splash of olive oil makes for a quick and delicious healthy snack.

But the health benefits may be greater when eating them cooked as recent research shows that heating tomatoes enhances their anti-carcinogenic powers. My favorite food is pasta and unlike Italian-American marinara sauces, which heavily rely on canned tomatoes, require adding sugar and take hours to cook; authentic Italian sauce is made from fresh tomatoes and should take no longer than 30 minutes to make. I prefer to use fresh yellow cherry tomatoes because of the naturally sweeter flavor. I highly suggest that you try it.

Lycopene is known for its many health benefits. It has been correlated to reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease and macular degenerative disease. But a common misconception is that lycopene is associated with the red pigment of tomatoes. However, yellow tomatoes also contain lycopene and recent studies such as one published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition suggest that the benefits of the antioxidant may be greater when consumed via yellow tomatoes.

Red tomatoes contain trans-lycopene and yellow tomatoes contain tetra-cis-lycopene. The antioxidant is equally potent in both forms but the human body is more readily able to absorb lycopene in the cis-form. This study supports that tangerine yellow tomatoes are a better source of lycopene because your body is able to get more usable lycopene from them.


Organic Baby Parisian Potatoes


Parisian potatoes, or pommes Parisienne, are small, round potato balls originating in France. They add a simple, yet elegant touch to a formal dinner without overwhelming the entrée. The raw potatoes can be shaped in advanced and kept in cool to cold water for several hours until you are ready to boil, prepare and serve. Preparation time is about 30 minutes.

Kashrut: Mehadrin Gush Etzion

SALE: 6.90 NIS

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Organic Avocado


Incredible Health Benefits of Avocados

Avocados are fantastically good for you – here are just a few of the health benefits of this super-fruit.

Nutritionally speaking, avocados are rife with monounsaturated fat – the kind of fat that helps lower LDL (bad) and helps increase HDL (good) cholesterol. Prevention Magazine’s Flat Belly Diet names the avocado as one of the five all-star fats you should incorporate into your diet (yes, for a flat stomach!), providing nearly 20 essential nutrients, including fiber, potassium, Vitamin E, B-vitamins and folic acid. They also help the body absorb nutrients, such as alpha and beta-carotene and lutein, in foods that are eaten in tandem.





Organic Grapes

Organic Hebron Red Grapes

These juicy sweet organic grapes are grown in the hills of the holy land of Hevron, and have seeds. they are packed with anti-oxidants vitamins.

The health benefits of grapes include their ability to treat constipation, indigestion, fatigue, kidney disorders, macular degeneration and the prevention of cataracts. Grapes, one of the most popular and delicious fruits, are rich sources of vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin B6 and folate in addition to essential minerals like potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium and selenium.
Grapes contain flavonoids that are very powerful antioxidants, which can reduce the damage caused by free radicals and slow down aging.Grapes, due to their high nutrient content, play an important role in ensuring a healthy and active life.

Kashrut: Mehadrin Gush Etzion

Price: 24.90 NIS

GrannySmith copy

Organic Granny Smith Apples

Super crisp, tart apple that make a delicious snack or a tasteful addition to recipes.

Toss diced Granny Smith apples into salads or stir them into your oatmeal at breakfast.
Caramelize chopped Granny Smith apples with a touch of butter and cinnamon to make a warm topping for frozen yogurt.

No matter how you enjoy these tart green apples, your body will reap a nutritional harvest of benefits.


Kashrut: Mehadrin Gush Etzion**


Organic Golden Delicious Apples

Organic Golden Delicious

Golden Delicious is an 1890’s heirloom with exceptional sweet flavor and silky, tender skin with creamy-crisp juicy flesh. This is one of our favorite apples to snack on, and it is also good for baking and sauce. Reduce the sugar in your recipe when using this apple!

Apples can be a healthy and delicious way to add essential nutrients without ruining your diet. Apples are a great addition to any meal and serve as a healthy snack.

Calories and Considerations
A medium golden delicious apple contains 96 calories, 0 grams of fat, 23 grams of carbohydrates and 0 grams of protein. As an excellent source of vitamin C, apples also contain 4 grams of fiber that may help lower your cholesterol and maintain a healthy digestion. Try eating an apple with 1 tablespoon of nut butter for protein and good fats, or add an apple to your morning oatmeal to help keep you fuller longer.

organic veggies for madmimi


Carob Concentrate


Our Carob Syrup

is an all natural, 100% pure carob concentrate, and made from concentrated carob fruits.
Carob, to put it plainly, is the Mediterranean cousin of chocolate.

Tasting Notes
Our Carob Syrup has a strong chocolatey flavor with a slight bitter undertone and a powerful and voluptuous aftertaste.

Although a lot of people use it for baking, carob syrup can be used in a number ways. You can use it as a dressing over fried foods like falafel to add more depth, you can also use it a glaze over fish or beef and of course over Greek yogurt, ice cream or any kind of cheese platter.

This product contains no preservatives, no coloring, no flavoring, no sugar, and no sulfites.

Carob is rich in fiber, low in calories and rich in antioxidants. It also, unlike chocolate, contains no caffeine. For more information on the health benefits of Carob Syrup.

The Benefits of Carob Concentrate


Kashrut: Mehadrin Kiryat Shmona KLP Rabi Drori

Price: 17.90 NIS
SALE: 13.90 NIS

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