
Finally edited the photos from Emma's Luna Lovegood cosplay photo shoot. The photos turned out so great, it was hard to choose just these few.

I'm pretty pleased at how this outfit all came together - especially the crochet lion head hat. Pop over to the post to take a look.


These Peanut Butter and Jelly Cookies combine two great childhood food memories – yummy Jam Drop biscuits and the classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich.


One of my favourite posts from the archives.

Call it what you will; vintage, second-hand, pre-loved or recycled fashion, when you choose to buy and wear clothes that are older than retail-shop-new, you will introduce a whole new level of joy to your closet.


Thanks for all your feedback last week. Lots of helpful suggestions for the yarn review post and I'm working on the crochet bag pattern for next week.

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Spring has finally arrived in Melbourne HOORAY! The longer warmer days have finally helped with my low mood and I'm feeling quite productive.

So many ideas! But first I need to get my craft room in order as it's become everyone's dumping ground over winter.

I've already started tidying up and have unearthed some long lost items, including the cute pom poms I'm wearing as a brooch in this photo.

Can't wait to see what else I find. I feel like an archaeologist!

Have a great week
xx Cinti

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