Latest stories... * * * Homeopathy in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU) Patients given this homeopathic remedy had less mucus, shorter times on respirat

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ICU Nurse and Patient

Homeopathy in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Patients given this homeopathic remedy had less mucus, shorter times on respirators, fewer respiratory complications and faster ICU discharges. Read more | Comment

Bottle and Flower

Queen’s physician calls for more homeopathy

The Queen’s physician says some doctors have to get over their bias about homeopathy while a skeptic professor warns that it "could be deadly". Read more | Comment


Debate: Should doctors recommend homeopathy?

Of course! It is safe, popular, reduces the use of potentially hazardous drugs, and improves clinical outcomes without increasing costs, says the “Yes!” side of this debate. Read more | Comment

Statue of Hahnemann

Homeopathy follows an eternal law

Homeopathy is the most scientific of all medical systems - it produces healing effects by a natural law, the Law of Similars. Iman Navab calls it an eternal law. Read more | Comment


Homeopathic help for addicts

The Punjab government may soon help addicts with homeopathy as, compared to allopathic treatments, it is effective, cheaper and non-addictive. Read more | Comment

Lady and Computer

This Week’s Special: Cough Combo

Save $15.00 off our Dry Cough Complex & Wet Cough Complex Combo - now just $34.90 until midnight tonight. For dry, rasping or barking coughs or moist, phlegmy coughs. More Information | Order Online


Previous stories...

Doctor and Patient

Cancer patients improve with added homeopathy

95% of cancer patients reported much better health and wellbeing when homeopathy was added to their conventional treatment regime, says a study from the Oncology Department of the Medical University of Vienna. Read more | Comment

Marathon Race

Marathon runners, rejoice! Homeopathy reduces the pain

Two pooled studies showed that, compared to placebo, Arnica had a positive effect on the soreness of strained and injured muscle cells following a marathon. Read more | Comment

Jumping Children

Homeopathy benefits ADHD

"Two publications, a randomised, partially blinded trial and a clinical observation study, conclude that homeopathy has positive effects in patients with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)." Read more | Comment

Bottle and herbs

Homeopathy: What you should know

"From its very beginning, Homeopathy was a therapeutic method based on experimentation..." Ronald Boyer gives a well-written and clear introduction to homeopathy. Read more | Comment


Petition: Protect homeopathy

"In April 2015, the FDA held a public hearing to re-evaluate its views on the use and regulation of homeopathic products..." Read more, sign the petition, and share. Read more | Comment


Petition: Repeal immunity for drug companies

When the vaccine industry has immunity from prosecution, it then has no incentive to make sure vaccines are safe - and people are still injured. Please sign and share the following petition calling for change. Read more | Comment

Under attack

Petition: Family under attack

In spite of opposition, the UN has just adopted a landmark family protection resolution - but the governments who supported it are now coming under attack. Please sign and share this petition to show your support. Read more | Comment


Information about our information

The information in our publications is from the homeopathic perspective. It may not be endorsed or recommeneded by sectors of some governments, medico-pharmaceutical groups, “skeptic” organisations or those unfamiliar with homeopathy. Comments, references or links posted by others on this page may not reflect the opinion of Homeopathy Plus and so should not be seen as an endorsement or recommendation by Homeopathy Plus. Please see a trusted healthcare provider for advice on health problems not suitable for home management. Further information about the purpose of our material may be read in the disclaimer at the foot of our website:

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