Volunteers needed on Fridays in Bristol! Fresh Connect Bucks County is a free farmer’s market bringing fresh, healthy food to our hungry neighbors i


Volunteers needed on Fridays in Bristol!

Fresh Connect Bucks County is a free farmer’s market bringing fresh, healthy food to our hungry neighbors in Bucks County. It returns to the same location on the same day at the same time each week, making fresh food available to the 57,000 Bucks County residents facing hunger, 32% of whom are children. Fresh Connect is a collaboration of Bucks County Opportunity Council, Philabundance, Rolling Harvest Food Rescue and St. Mary Medical Center, with generous funding by United Way of Bucks County.

When: Fridays beginning April 21, 2017. Distribution begins at 12 pm, volunteers arrive at 11:30 am
Where: Lower Bucks Campus of Bucks County Community College, 1304 Veterans Hwy, Bristol, PA 19007

Volunteers are needed to help set up and distribute produce, among other tasks. Each weekly location requires 10-15 volunteers, whose involvement is an integral part of not only distribution, but also community building.Volunteers must be 18 or older, and dress for the weather- this distribution is outdoors, year round! Closed toes shoes, background clearances required. Volunteers can sign up here! You will need to submit the volunteer application and background clearances prior to your volunteer shift.

Questions? Please contact Amanda or Eileen We hope to see you there!

Amanda Musselman, Food Program Coordinator, 215-345-8175 ext. 223
Eileen Albillar, Volunteer & Community Connections Manager, 215-345-8175 ext. 209



Ottsville Fresh Connect distribution will begin in May 2017 - stay tuned for details!

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