Hi Member, I'm ready for my close up Mr DeMille.... This week I came across some free software that lets you record what you're doing on your laptop

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Hi Member,

I'm ready for my close up Mr DeMille....

This week I came across some free software that lets you record what you're doing on your laptop/desktop and it's extremely easy to use. As I'm far from being a 'tecchie' I thought I'd test it out and record my first video.

I also have a very short attention span and can rarely watch a video for longer than 3 or so minutes so I've kept my first video with an easy tip for your Facebook Page to 3:30 minutes. Check it out below and leave some comments/suggestions on the panel to the right of the video.

Also this week another guest post from Dr Gerardo Poli all about treating dog bites as well as another quick, tasty recipe for Gourmet Chicken Burgers. It's been awhile since we posted a recipe and I guarantee you'll love this one.

There are also 2 interesting featured jobs from Vetme - including positions in Hong Kong & Singapore!

We've also got some information on how you can support the research of a PhD student, the importance of beliefs and being a great leader, and why Vetanswers member and occasional guest blogger Dr Belinda should be the next Bondi Vet.

Our aim is to help you - save time, connect & discover!

Enjoy your reading :)

Judy signature enews

Vetanswers blog posts....


Dog Bite Wounds - The tip of the iceberg (Guest Post)

Another guest post from Dr Gerardo Poli, Dog bite wounds are one of the most common presentations both in general and emergency practice, and they can often be challenging cases.

Vetanswers Gourmet Chicken Burgers Recipe

The BEST Gourmet Chicken Burgers

It's been awhile but here's another of our quick, healthy tasty recipes for veterinary professionals. Anyone can make this one and the leftovers make excellent lunches.

My first Vlog (= Video Blog)

How to clean up your Facebook Page with the click of a button (or 2!)

My first video with a quick demonstration on how you can renovate your Facebook Page and easily change around the tabs to suit your needs.
Feel free to add comments and feedback in the box to the right hand side of the video - maybe you could add in what video topics you'd like to see in the future?

How to clean up your Facebook Page with the click of a button
Vetme This week s featured jobs - Advertise for as little as  50


2017 02 Feb FT Sml Animal Vet Delahey Vic  1

Experienced Veterinary Surgeon

Full time, Small Animal, Delahey, Vic

Highly motivated and want to further your career? Do you have a special interest in surgery?
Like to work as part of an enthusiastic lovely team of well qualified people who are passionate about high level veterinary medicine and beyond the call of duty pet care?
Like to work in a modern purpose built, state of the art facility with separate cat and dog waiting areas, consulting rooms and wards?

Click here to find out more.....


2017 March FT Veterinary Ultrasonographers  Hong Kong   Singapore  4

Experienced Veterinarian Ultrasonographers

Full time, Small Animal, Hong Kong & Singapore

Hong Kong Mobile Veterinary Ultrasound Service (HKVUS) provides abdominal ultrasounds and echocardiography to the Hong Kong veterinarians, and is now expanding its service in Asia (Hong Kong, Singapore, China).

Ideally, they are looking for reasonably experienced ultrasonographers, however, extensive training will be provided as necessary in order to support the right candidates.

Positions currently available in both Hong Kong and Singapore on an urgent basis.

Click here to find out more...


Great Bosses.....

7 core beliefs of great bosses

7 Core Beliefs Of Great Bosses

By Dr Travis Bradberry, Huffington Post
You know a great leader when you work for one but it's not always so easy to pin down exactly what makes them so effective. This post suggests it has much to do with their beliefs....
"Great bosses believe in their people, and this belief drives them to create an environment where people thrive. Let’s explore some of the driving beliefs that set great bosses apart from the rest of the pack."

1. Growth should be encouraged, not feared
2. Employees are individuals, not clones
3. Employees are equals, not subordinates
4. Work can, and should be enjoyable
5. Diversity, not like-mindedness, bears fruit
6. Motivation comes from inspiration, not agony
7. Change is an opportunity, not a curse

How would your team describe your beliefs?

Read more here...


Help out a PhD Candidate by taking part in her study...

Border Collie Project

Sydney University PhD candidate Pamela Soh and oncology resident Dr Katrina Cheng need your help.

If you know a Border Collie or you've lived with them then you may be able to help out:
"Hello! We are looking for people who own/breed Border Collies in Australia or have done so in the past to complete our survey. We are examining Border Collie longevity and current health status, and we are also interested in dogs affected by lymphoma. Please click on the link for more details about the study. All information you provide in this survey is strictly confidential. The survey should take about 5-10 minutes. Your participation is highly appreciated, thank you!"
From 'The Mac & Jetty Border Collie Health Project' Facebook Page

You can read all about it Dr Anne Fawcett recent Small Animal Talk blog post here: Help Border Collies beat cancer


The hunt continues.....

December 12  2016 at 0946PM - Happy Monday fr

Why Dr Belinda Parsons should be the next Bondi Vet

By Dr Anne Fawcett (Small Animal Talk)
Dr Belinda has written a couple of blog posts for Vetanswers so we may be a bit biased but we agree that she would make a great Bondi Vet.

You can read why Belinda's putting herself out there in this Post from Small Animal Talk here..

And you can watch her nomination video here...


Vetanswers Daily Top Tips...


This week I also found.....

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