
Oregon Army National Guard Soldiers returning home from Poland

Ladies and Gentleman of the Patriot Guard Riders and OVMA

UPDATE: We have 4 Flights coming in today, not just 1. That's 4 Welcome Homes!!!
The most recent updates for Redmond flight arrivals are 12;39pm, 1:09pm, 3:11pm, 8:43pm, and 11:56pm.

It has been almost a year since we escorted our National Guard members from Bend to PDX, Well, Ladies and Gentlemen, they are coming home. We will be there to great, and you should to.

Bring your American flag and show your support and pride in our great country.

Below is what was sent last April - For Informational purposes only - Except Staging Time

We will be escorting members of the National Guard, from the Bend Armory to PDX, where another crew will take over for us. The update is we are not handing off at Government Camp, we will be taking them all the way to PDX. Exact Destination TBD.

119 of the Oregon Army National Guard Deploying to Poland out of PDX from 3 locations in Oregon. The Dalles (9), Bend (9), and Albany (101).

These Heroes are deploying to Poland.

Let's show them we support them and honor their duty of protecting our great country.

Mission Details

Date: 1-25-2022 - Tuesday
Ride Captain: Rusty Mann -
Co-Ride Captain: Larry Moyer -

Staging Location : Redmond Airport - Parking lot on right nearest the terminal
Staging Time: 12:15 pm, 1 pm, 3 pm, 8:30 pm, and 11:40pm
Flag line: 12:30 pm, 1:09 pm, 3:11 pm, 8:43 pm , and 11:56 pm

Masks will be Needed and Mandatory.

Thank you,

Rusty Mann
Patriot Guard Riders of Central Oregon District Captain

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