
Christmas Goose

YOU, precious geese, make this silly business go round. I seriously couldn't do what I LOVE without YOU. And I'm praying you'll stay Silly in the New Year. With that said, several of you have already chosen your session dates for 2018, and I LOVE that. I can't even. If you haven't, please e-mail me (janet@sgoosephotography.com) as soon as you know when you would like your session, and I'll get it on the calendar! I don't want to miss out on any of you!

I'll be setting the Spring Speedy Geese dates in January so be on the look out! If you just can't wait until then for a Speedy Geese session, I'll be doing a round of Speedy Geese LOVE sessions (just in time for Valentine's Day gifts!!) on Saturday, February 3rd from 3:30 until 4:30. Please e-mail me (janet@sgoosephotography.com) if you'd like a spot! More details to come!



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So, y'all . Christmas is a mere few days away, and I can hardly believe it! I've yet to slow down (I am the silliest of geese!!) so I'm really looking forward to these next few days where I finally get to soak it all in and realize just how incredibly blessed I am, surrounded by the silliest and most amazing gaggle of geese! God is SO good. My hope is that you also have several moments to slow down and really enJOY everything that this season represents. Each one of you Silly Geese has truly made this year completely and totally AMAZING - my busiest and best year yet! You will never know how unbelievably grateful I am for the way you trust me to capture at least a glimpse in to the love you have for the people you care most about. I can't wait to capture more JOY in 2018! I wish each of your precious families the merriest of Christmases and the happiest of New Years. I already can't wait to see you!

Silly Goose (and her goofy gaggle!)

P.S. YEP. The boy is SMILING. I may have said every potty word you know. MULTIPLE TIMES. You know this SIlly Goose isn't above that. ;-)

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