SERVE @ the ICM Food Pantry! This Saturday, Jan. 7 at 10am Was "giving back" one of your New Year's Resolutions? Join us at the Intown Collaborative

food pantry

SERVE @ the ICM Food Pantry!

This Saturday, Jan. 7 at 10am

Was "giving back" one of your New Year's Resolutions? Join us at the Intown Collaborative Ministries Food Pantry this Saturday, Jan. 7 at 10am where we'll provide food to those experiencing food insecurity. For more details and to register, click here.
*Please note the new location for the Food Pantry! It is now located at McIver Hall at Druid Hills Presbyterian Church, 1026 Ponce de Leon - use back entrance on St. Charles Pl.

Are you available tomorrow (Friday) to SERVE by helping the Food Pantry move to their new location? Volunteers are still needed from 10am - 5pm tomorrow - click here to sign up.

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New Adult Sunday Morning GROW Study

New Adult GROW Study starts this Sunday, January 8th at 9:45 in the Library: The Story of Christianity, a History of our Faith. The study will be led by Pastor Max.

All kid’s, youth and adult GROW Groups will resume this Sunday Jan. 8th

Sunday Night

New Time and Format for Sunday Night CONNECT!

Beginning in 2017, our Sunday Night CONNECT group will launch a new way of connecting! For some of you, a return to a familiar way of connecting. We will continue to meet on the first Sunday of each month with the exception of January due to New Year's Day. We will start at 5:00pm and close at 6:30pm. We will only have appetizers and beverages -no dinner. We will have "table talk" discussions; nothing too heavy but interesting topics. This group is geared for the ages 35ish and up. Please plan on joining us at the parsonage, Max and Kristen Vincent's home (889 Euclid Ave) on Jan. 8th at 5pm-6:30pm and if you desire, bring an appetizer and/or a beverage to share. This is totally optional! We will rotate homes between the Vincent's, Cunningham's and Yates'. We hope this new format will enable more of you to attend and connect!


SERVE: Refugee Apartment Move In!

Saturday January 21st at 8:00am

Please SERVE by helping us set up the apartment for the refugee family with all of the items donated from the Giving Tree! We will meet at the church, load up all the furniture and other items and take it all to the apartment where we'll set it up for the family. We will be hosting a family from Ethiopia – mother and father, one daughter and two sons.

Items still needed:
Serving Dishes
Side Tables and Night Stands
Lamps – living room and bedroom
Arm Chair (sofa is navy blue leather)
3 Dressers

For those of you that aren't familiar with the Refugee Apartment project, IPUMC will furnish a new apartment for a Refugee Family supported by New American Pathways. We want to provide all the supplies for a simple, new apartment home for a family to start a new life in America.


2017 IPUMC International Mission Trip

Sign Up By Jan. 31, 2017

Mission Dates: May 27th – June 3rd, 2017

We are looking forward to working with the Rice and Beans Ministry (RABMIN) ministry again for a mission trip! Please click here to download the sign up form. If you have questions about who they serve, what to expect as a mission participant, requirements for going (age limits, participating in fundraising, etc) talk to Jennie Casaday (

r bell

IPC Book Club!

We are at the beginning of our second year of the IPC Book Club! Our next book choice is Rob Bell’s How to Be Here. We will start the discussion on it next week.

Please note that we are changing locations! As of March, Lisa will be very busy welcoming a new member into her family, so we will no longer meet at her Common House. We are so grateful to Lisa for hosting us for most of 2016!

Otherwise, our meeting dates are the same: 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of each month at 7pm. We will rotate locations for the meeting.

Here’s the details for our first meeting of 2017:

Date: Wednesday, January 11, 2017
Time: 7pm
Location: 889 Euclid Avenue NE, 30307
Book: How to Be Here, by Rob Bell
Focus: Chapter 1

Contact Kristen Vincent if you have questions: See you next week! And bring a friend!

surprise party

Shhh.... Annette Reid's SURPRISE 90th Birthday Party!

Saturday, Jan. 14th @ 4pm

Rose Mary's mom Annette Reid will be turning 90 in January and we'll have a surprise birthday party for her! Please call or email the church office to RSVP by Friday, January 6th (tomorrow!) if you would like to attend (404-522-9322 or

Melanie Winans

Welcome New Member!

We're very happy to welcome new member Melanie Winans to the IPUMC family! She joined last Sunday, Jan. 1st. She is an artist and was one of our artists at the Merry Artist Market!

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Baby Anderson is Here!

Congratulations to David and Allison Anderson! Baby Bryce David Anderson was born the morning of Thursday Dec. 22. Welcome baby Bryce!


Praying Our Way Forward: Worship, Study, Discernment, Confession and Prayer for God’s Guidance

The denomination-wide 'Praying Our Way Forward' initiative began it's second phase on New Year’s Day with 75 weeks of focused prayer for The United Methodist Church. The effort began January 1 in the North Carolina Conference, and will wrap up in the West Angola Episcopal area in June 2018. Each annual conference will take one week to have intentional prayer for the mission of The United Methodist Church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. The North Georgia Conference's week of prayer will be March 19-25, 2017. Click here for more.

appointive cabinet announcement

Bishop Announces Three Appointive Cabinet Changes

Our District Superintendant Rev. Dana Everhart is one of the Appointees

Bishop Sue Haupert-Johnson has announced three changes to the Appointive Cabinet effective June 2017. Rev. Jane Brooks will be promoted to serve full time as Assistant to the Bishop. Rev. Dana Everhart will become the new Director of the Office of Ministerial Services and Board of Ministries Registrar. Rev. Dr. Phil Schroeder will remain as Director of the Office of Congregational Development, but will be promoted to serve as a full member of the Appointive Cabinet. Click here for more.

world prayer

Ecumenical Prayer Cycle

As a way to remember our connection with Christians around the globe, we will start using a great prayer tool: the Ecumenical Prayer Cycle. Each week of the year a number of countries are highlighted to lift up in prayer. There are also prayers written by Christians in those countries that you can use. By following the cycle throughout the year, you would pray your way around the globe. We will start listing the different countries each week in our prayer list.

For the week of January 8 pray for: Iran, Iraq, Syria

To find out more and to find links to the prayers from countries around the world click here.

womens weekend

Women's Weekend Getaway is Cancelled

We will have an in-town gathering in the Spring instead!

The weekend of Jan. 20-21 turned out to be full of church and neighborhood events! We decided to postpone the getaway and have an in town gathering instead later in the spring. If you were planning on attending the getaway, please considering SERVING at the Refugee Apartment set-up on the 21st instead! Info is in post above.

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Want to GROW and CONNECT on a Cruise?

Come on the Quiet Spaces Retreat at Sea 2018 with Kristen Vincent!

Join us for the first My Quiet Spaces cruise event departing on January 25, 2018 – a retreat designed for Christian women. Engage your mind, body, and spirit through music, creative writing, meditation, movement, and prayer. Gather with other women who are seeking a time of renewal and connection with God. Relax in the warmth of the Caribbean while enjoying the comforts and activities of the ship, beaches and ports with Christian friends new and old. Kristen Vincent is our group host. Click here for more info and to register!


Click here to see IPUMC's Weekly Kid's Newsletter!

Click here to see IPUMC's Weekly Youth Newsletter!

happy birthday

Happy Birthday!

We have four birthdays this week:

Cecelia Reilly - Jan. 5
Arman Tolentino - Jan. 5
Javon Mongeon - Jan. 10
Annette Reid - Jan. 11

Happy Birthday!

If your name is not listed but you would like to be included on the birthday list, please email the church office by replying to this email.


Max Vincent, Minister
Cecelia Reilly, Coordinator of Children & Youth Ministries
Lisa Farnsworth, Music Coordinator
Sarah Adair, Office Manager
David Myles, Maintenance Tech
Britney Toner, Ministry Intern
