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Hello everyone,

We're sharing five calming partner yoga poses to celebrate Mother's Day Yoga this weekend.

Don't miss our popular Breathing Exercise Cards with instructions for thirty breathing techniques to help children to calm and focus.

Here's our update this week:



You may have noticed that I don’t usually take photos of myself and my daughter practicing yoga. Many people say that would make our site more engaging, but we just aren’t your typical Instagram-mother-daughter yogis. So when I asked my six-year-old daughter if we could take a couple of pictures of us in partner poses last weekend for our Mother’s Day post, I’ll admit I was a little nervous.

We put out the mat in front of our house, and let’s just say she was not agreeable to taking photos. Can’t say I blame her, to be honest. But I thought it might be useful to see what the partner poses look like with an adult and child together.

I got on the mat in Seated Cat Pose, took a few breaths, and waited to see if she would join me. Guess what? She did! She was wiggling at first, and then like magic, she calmed right down. We then turned around back-to-back to do the Partner Easy Pose. As my husband snapped a few photos, my daughter and I sat there in complete silence. It was a warm evening, the birds were chirping, and there was a light breeze.

One of those magic yoga moments hit me. “Just do the work,” my mind said.

Today’s yoga tip is to remind ourselves that life with children is often difficult and messy. Our yoga classes don’t always go as expected, our children don’t always want to engage in the yoga practices, and we often feel deflated with our efforts. But the most important thing is to keep going. Keep doing the work. Yoga works.

If your class has lost control, take a few deep breaths. If your children don’t want to join you in a daily meditation, try another day, but still meditate yourself. If your yoga lesson planning is driving you crazy, take a few moments to hold Downward-Facing Dog Pose to change your perspective. Just keep doing the work. We got this.

Watch “4 Steps to Teaching Yoga to Children” here.
See “Behavior Management Tips for the Yoga Classroom” here.

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For this Mother’s Day, give your child the gift of love and connection by practicing these five calming partner yoga poses together!

See MOTHER'S DAY YOGA here, or pin it for later.

See other HOLIDAY YOGA IDEAS here.

Just FYI, our Partner Yoga Pose Cards will be available in a few months.


May your week be filled with health, happiness, and a passion for life!



Spreading happiness through children's books

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Back-to-Back Breathing. Photo credit: Melanie

P.S. Check out our popular digital BREATHING EXERCISE CARDS!

Margarita says,"These are amazing!!! I have always wanted a great selection of breathing exercises that are quick and easy to grab on the run, especially with kindergarten children I teach. I usually have to go through a book and find breathing exercises, but these are fabulous!"

Buy Breathing Exercise Cards for Kids PDF Download here.

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