Using Cost Per Sale - or an equivalent brilliant metric you find to replace ROAS with - is not the journey's end.
On the path to understanding Marketing's effectiveness, Cost Per Sale is just sucking less.
(Most executives underestimate the immense value from a focus on sucking less.)
Once Cost Per Sale is entrenched thinking, work towards including identifying:
Cost of Goods Sold
COGS includes what it costs you to manufacture the product. The iPhone X which sells for $1,000 has a COGS of $370.
Fully Loaded Marketing Cost
FLMC includes media cost PLUS people, agency fees, process costs, and everything else it takes to spend a single Marketing dollar.
COGS and FLMC get you read to compute the God-Metric:
Profit Per Marketing Dollar
It is not easy to get there.
But, getting there reflects a sophistication in marketing execution that rarely exists on Planet Earth. If you have it, be loud, be proud.
Bottom-Line: Every once in a while, question accepted wisdom. If in your company Cost Per Sale, as I've described it, is accepted wisdom, question it. Unearth biases, expose limitations, check what intrinsic and extrinsic motivation a metric is solving for, be a little difficult to deal with (because you have high standards). It is the only way to consistent, profitable, progress. Your gift to the world.
And now, I'm off to get some more Advil.