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If you can learn to struggle, you can learn to live.

-Magda Gerber

Something to Think About...

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Self Care

What is it really (this self care everyone is talking about).

Is anyone talking about it?

Do you care for yourself the way you want to, you need to?
What is it that you NEED anyway?

These are questions that may be easy or impossible to answer. When you are able to TUNE IN to your body and listen, do these answers get easier? How do we do this anyway? I certainly don't have a clue...but I bet your baby does.

As they lie there on the floor they notice, they feel, and show pure, undivided wonder and curiosity about everything around them. When we can recognize, appreciate, and respect this place in their development, I believe we are supporting their self-care. And by taking in this mindful moment, you might be supporting yours too. Take a moment for you today. It may be small or seem meaningless, but you are worth it!!

As early childhood guru Magda Gerber said, Do Less, Observe More, Enjoy Most.

Have questions, comments!! Reach out at



RISE Summer Webinar Series

We will be providing webinars every other week this Summer for one and two-hour sessions. Join us for one, some, or all of our sessions. Here are a list of our sessions. Click "Webinar Registration" below to register.

Surviving the Tantrum - June 4, 8-9 p.m.
Gather tools and strategies to survive those rough parenting moments with your child, while building connection and confidence for both of you.

The Power of Movement -
Part 1 - June 20, 7-9 a.m.
Part 2 - July 18, 7-9 a.m.
The power of how we hold, connect, and move with children has great impact on a child’s life. Come learn about the power of movement and ways to support and enhance the movement activities in your program both indoors and outdoors.

"Being With" Children - July 2, 8-9 p.m.
Being with children can be a rewarding yet trying task, but how does the child perceive our care? In this workshop we will look at "being with" children during caring routines and during play. We will discuss ways to stay attuned through connection and caring and what impact this has on the child.

Partnering with Parents Through Breastfeeding - July 30, 8-9 p.m.
Did you know that how you hold and feed a breastfed baby can affect the success of breastfeeding? In the introductory session you will learn about the ways to support mother and the child on the journey through breastfeeding. You will also learn about resources for the classroom, the breastfeeding facts, and community support available for the family.

Seeing Picky Eaters Through New Eyes - August 15, 7-9 a.m.
Picky eating... what is it all about anyway? Discover the stages of eating and how
they can help see your picky eater through a new lens. Explore new ways to support young eaters, parents, and caregivers while making mealtime pleasant again.

Parent-Child Groups Are Changing

In these uncertain times, RISE is pausing their in-person Parent-Child Groups. Social distancing is an impossible feat in this setting if our goal is to respect the play and curiosity of young children. While we await offering this opportunity again, we will be offering a few different options for families.

Sign up for online individual and group coaching sessions. You can participate with your child during play or while your child is away. During these sessions, we provide valuable advice from establishing first routines for infants to developing healthy boundaries during those toddler years and beyond. We allow space for mindful observations if your child is present, watch short video clips, and discuss topics that are on the forefront of your parenting.

Reach out to Shannon Carr at to discuss the best option for your family or click below to learn more and make a request.

Getting Closer!!! RIE® Foundations Course

The RIE® Foundations - Theory and Observations Course was scheduled to happen in St. Louis March 2020 and is on hold. Right now we are working to find a way get this course back on the calendar with the help of online learning.
This Course gives participants a way to take a deep dive into Magda Gerber's work and there may be a couple spots available.
Parents and Early Childhood Professionals come away with an incredible amount of tools and insight to care for their children and themselves.

Not sure it's for you?? Reach out Here or call/text Shannon Carr at 314-348-1442.

Friends of RIE® - Missouri Community Group

Our Face to Face group has moved online and at a later time to support more families/providers! We will not be meeting in May due to Memorial Day. Our next meet-up is June 22nd at 8 p.m.

Join us for a discussion about RIE® This is a group for parents and professionals of young children and/or anyone that is interested in caring for children in a respectful and meaningful way. Click here to learn more. To join, email for the link and password for this online meeting.

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RISE NapChats™

Thanks to all that participated in our weekly NapChats™ March-May! It was fun connecting with parents and providers across the Midwest and diving into topics that positively impact children and their families!!


In the Community

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Guest Speaker

This month we had the opportunity to be the virtual guest speaker at Michigan's Southeastern AEYC Work Together Wednesday.

We spoke about ways to support children in finding their own balance and what gets in the way of ours.

Need a speaker at for your next event? Check out a list of some of workshops we provide or let us create something unique for our audience.

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Seeing Children: Caring with the Child in Mind

Join Us July 8th! RISE has been invited to participate in the Leadership and Learning Webinar Series hosted by the CDA: Council for Professional Recognition.
Series starts this month.

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RISE will be presenting “Take it Outside!: Getting Outdoors with Infants and Toddlers” at this years NAEYC Conference in Anaheim, CA — November 4-7, 2020.


“Talk to yourself like you would someone you love”

- Brene Brown

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