Un-Orchestrated Precision Driving is more than just putting my feet on the gas and going. It takes a lot of thought because you are multitasking cons

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showersblessingeblastdate 7-16-14

Un-Orchestrated Precision

I-75 Chrysler Freeway looking south

Driving is more than just putting my feet on the gas and going. It takes a lot of thought because you are multitasking constantly. You have to be aware of what is ahead, what is behind and always cognizant of what is happening on each side of you. Not to mention myriad things you’re doing inside of the car from reading signs, adjusting the heat and air-conditioning, managing the radio and cd, singing, talking, texting (hopefully not) and on and on. Your feet are constantly in motion as well moving from right to light to press the gas and putting on brakes. You never give it a moment’s thought as you maneuver from one decision to the next with un-orchestrated precision. You simply do it and keep moving.

While traveling up the highway the other day and unconsciously multitasking, my mind was anticipating the exit where cars come on but they don’t have much merge area. Not wanting to wait unto the last minute to avoid a collision, I automatically got into the next lane anticipating cars might try to merge into traffic.

Every day we’re driving through this journey of life. As much as some folk say they do not multitask, we can’t but do it, because it is an innate part of our makeup from the day we were born. While just living life, as we do when we’re driving, we are doing so many things in anticipation of what will come next. Sometimes nothing happens and sometimes it does. We are always in a place of anticipation even in the midst of multiple occurrences in our lives.

It is this anticipation that causes us to adjust our plans along the way. In essence, it is the contingencies of life. Inherent in anticipation is our ability to decipher and manage the what if’s. The what if’s bring us to a point of decision. It is no different than when I’m driving and anticipating that there may be cars trying to merge onto the freeway. All I have to do is move into the other lane to make sure they can enter safely and I can keep moving forward without a collision occurring.

Most of the times when you find yourself in a collision, it is because you didn’t anticipate and make the necessary adjustments. Sometimes it can be caused because of the myriad things happening simultaneously. Yet, you cannot become so overwhelmed you lose sight of what is ahead. Like driving, there is so much activity happening around, yet you can’t just stop.

If you decide while driving that you are going to just stop in the middle of the road, more than likely the car behind you is going to ram right into you. You can’t just put the brakes on in life because of all the things happening. You have to understand something very basic. Life happens! It is as simple as that. However, anticipating what will come next provides you with what you need to access what is ahead and make a decision to avoid a possible collision.

Copyright © 2014. All Rights Reserved.
Jacqui A. Showers, The Showers Group Ministries



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And let the peace (soul harmony which comes) from Christ rule (act as umpire continually) in your hearts [deciding and settling with finality all questions that arise in your minds, in that peaceful state] to which as [members of Christ’s] one body you were also called [to live]. And be thankful (appreciative), [giving praise to God always]. Colossians 3:15 (AMP)

He answered and said unto them, When it is evening, ye say, It will be fair weather: for the sky is red. And in the morning, It will be foul weather to day: for the sky is red and lowring. O ye hypocrites, ye can discern the face of the sky; but can ye not discern the signs of the times? Matthew 16:2-3 (KJV)

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Multitasking is an innate part of me because I have been created in Your image. When I anticipate what’s ahead, I avoid overwhelming feelings of being out of control regardless of myriad tasks that require my attention. Anticipation enables me to prepare and make the right decision to adjust my course of action for optimum performance.

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The Showers Group Ministries' mission is to shower the world with the rich life transforming blessings of the Word of God in empowering you to become all God envisioned so you can experience what God S.A.W.W. (Spiritual Abundance Wholeness & Wealth).

I will make them and the places all around My hill a blessing; and I will cause showers to come down in their season; there shall be showers of blessing. Ezekiel 34:26

If you would like to secure Jacqui A. Showers as a speaker, contact The Showers Group Ministries, 313.289.4559 or send your request to showersblessings@sbcglobal.net.

Minister Showers is a member of House of Prayer & Praise Ministries serving under the leadership of Bishop Steve & Lady Valorie Bennett, 16520 Wyoming, Detroit, Michigan, Phone: 313 340 0230, Where You Experience The Love, And Love The Experience.

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