Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . I have received many emails asking for more information on the Violet Flame and how to use it. I'm including a p

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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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I have received many emails asking for more information on the Violet Flame and how to use it.

I'm including a posting on the Violet Flame however, there is a plethora of postings and youtube videos on this subject that I invite you to research the Violet Flame because it is a valuable transmutation tool.

When I first woke up back in 1993, I was fortunate to be introduced to the I AM Discourses by Saint Germain (series). This is when I learned about the Violet Flame and how to use it. I was so excited reading this book along with two books, Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence, written by Guy Ballard about his encounters and teaching with Saint Germain. For me, these are must reads. I only read two of the I AM Discourse books but there are 33 volumes.


Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

If you were unable to register for PAO’s LIve Galactic Activation Webinar, hosted by Colleen and Miles, on Sunday, March 24, it is now available for downloading.


Lately, many Starseeds and Lightworkers have been experiencing what we interpret as symptoms of severe ascension syndrome. But how can we know whether they are true signs of our approaching ascension or actual medical conditions that require immediate intervention?

Scott Werner, PAO's guest this month, shared his insights on a higher dimensional approach to healing and wellness. Scott answers our questions and gives us his unique personal perspective on the many levels of spiritual healing and the heart-stirring destiny that awaits us.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Scott's Mission
• How to distinguish galactic ascension adjustments from actual diseases
• How to manage ascension symptoms
• How to manage actual diseases intermingled with ascension symptoms
• Discovering a higher-dimensional approach to wellness
• How to connect with your spirit guides for help
• Examining our ascension preparation timelines


About Scott:

Scott Werner was born with the gift of higher dimensional sight, which means that when he "tunes in" to someone, he sees them not only on the physical level, but "sees" them also on multi-dimensional levels as well.

Scott received his medical degree from Saint Louis University School of Medicine. He has lectured extensively to private and professional groups throughout the United States, educating them about multiple healing modalities and herbal products.

Scott truly believes that all "dis-ease" is a combination of too much toxicity and not enough bodily nutrition, coupled with negative emotions that deplete our health. He has a very spiritual understanding of the approach to wellness. Having worked extensively with world-class healer, Katherine Beck, he has mastered a wide range of healing techniques.

Scott Werner is the author of three books:

The Next Step in Human Evolution
Take Back Your Healtht Company
A Modern Day Saint – Father Gabriel Mejia

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-13 Archive: Click Here.

Price: $13.95 U.S.


What is the Violet Flame and How to Use It?

Source: Healing and Love


The violet flame is a gift of light to all us from Mother / Father God. The keeper of the violet flame is Saint Germain, who is an ascended master. The violet flame is very powerful and transmutes all negativity and transgressions that you may have in this lifetime or past lifetimes.

Whatever you may have manifested in the past through your words, thoughts, deeds, or acts can now be transmuted and released into the light. Everyone needs to do this individually and collectively as you cannot take these things with you as we move up in consciousness through ascension.

Imagine, everything that you have done, said or thought that was a transgression can be now transmuted into the light and basically permanently released. What a way to release and cleanse and heal yourself. Saint Germain is bringing the violet flame into the conscious minds of humanity. It is there for you to use and transmute all of your transgressions. So please use it when you need it. We all need it at these times.

This is such a helpful tool to help you self-heal yourself. The violet flame contains forgiveness, compassion and mercy and will transmute all of your transgressions. But you need to ask for its help from your heart with the purest intentions. By asking for the violet flame, it will transmute all the negativity that you may have that is now being pushed to the surface by the increasing energies to be released. It must be released for your ascension and the collective ascension.

This has to be done individually and collectively now as you cannot take this negativity into the higher dimensions. Again, this is why you are seeing so much pain, suffering, anger, frustration, wars, guilt, shame, and all the things that are about separation, criticism, and judgment. Just turn on the TV and count all the stories that are negative.


These are all 3rd dimensional ego based emotions that are not heart based and must be released and transmuted. The violet flame will do this for you and for humanity.

All of this needs to be transmuted into the light before we can collectively ascend. The violet flame is helping transmute all of this. The violet flame is available to every person and you invoke it through your I AM Presence. Each of you has an I am Presence, your soul.

This is who you are, your God spark. You must ask before you can receive. Once you invoke it, the violet flame will do whatever you invoke it to do. It will help you with relationships, money issues, pain, suffering, hurt feelings, anything.

All of this can be transmuted into the light and released. This is how powerful the violet flame is and it is there for you to take advantage of. The violet flame can transform anything that you want to heal, anything that you want better in your life. It is that powerful and it is now available to you. Please take advantage of it and invoke it in your life.

With all the healings that I do, I always wrap all the people I heal in the violet flame and ask it to transmute everything into the light. It does work. The violet flame will help you in your life. It will help heal you by releasing the pain and suffering that you may be holding on to. It will help you to forgive and allow you to move forward in your life. To invoke the violet flame say the following:

Thorough my I AM Presence, I now invoke the violet flame. I ask it to flow now through my crown chakra into my heart and into every cell of my mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and physical body. I ask it now to transmute into the light every thought, deed, word, or act that I have ever made or done in this lifetime and past lifetimes with respect to___.


In the underlined area, just state what the situation refers to. Maybe you had a fight with your spouse, then state it there. Maybe you have been hurt by someone and can’t forgive them, then state this. It does not matter what it is! There are no sins, just karma. It is the intention that matters. Whatever situation that is bothering you or hindering you in any way, including poverty consciousness, just state it in the invocation. And once you do this, have faith and trust that it is working, because it is.

Do not have any expectations about the outcome and do not worry about it, just like you do not worry that the sun will come out tomorrow. Mother / Father God has given to us this gift of the violet flame which will allow you to literally in an instant transmute all of your transgressions from this lifetime and all past lifetimes by invoking the violet flame by your heart warm intention. Give it a try to let it work for you.

See how much better and lighter and happier you will be. Since I started using the violet flame, I have never been happier as I am now in my entire life. It does work. Take it from me. Invoke it and cleanse and purify and transmute your troubled transgressions into the light.

Once you do this, your light will shine brighter and you will allow others to see your beautiful shining Light. Remember that YOU are loved, YOU are powerful and YOU are the LIGHT!!! And nobody and nothing can turn off YOUR light! So shine on my friends…


Donation 11


By Troika Saint Germain

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The Violet Flame is a Divine gift and tool for everyone, given to us by Ascended Master Saint Germain. It is a sacred fire that exists on the Higher Dimensions. People with the gift of interdimensional sight have seen it. Cameras have captured it when it was not visible to the person taking the photo. The Violet Flame is REAL and I invite you to use it to your great advantage.

The Violet Flame is Spiritual Alchemy in action. Just as Alchemy is said to turn Lead into Gold, the ultimate purpose of the Violet Flame is to turn the Human into the Divine Human. Its action is to TRANSMUTE denser feelings, actions, deeds, karma, etc. into a higher vibrational frequency, which helps prepare us for our Ascension. Ascension means becoming a Divine Human, also known as a Christed Being - a level of Consciousness obtainable by any person. You may use the Violet Flame in perfect harmony with any belief system, religion or practice. It is a neutral tool with absolutely no conditions attached to it.

Some organizations teach people to use the Violet Flame with pre-written prayers and affirmations that they need to memorize and say in the right order for them to work. Some of them are very complex and rhyme with much repetition. Saint Germain has always told me that the words are not so important. Too many people are spending their energy and focus worrying about whether they got the words right or not. This causes them to miss the really important part of using the Flame - the feeling in your heart, your desire, intention and sincerity. Use the words from your own heart.

There are unlimited ways to use the Violet Flame. This is the basic method Saint Germain taught me over 30 years ago and he wishes everyone to use as a foundation for Violet Flame work. It is very simple with only four steps. Once you understand the principles behind this practice, you can adapt it and use it in unlimited ways.

Step 1. Bring the Violet Flame into your body. Ask your Higher Self, a Master, Guide or Angel to assist you to do so, or just ask the Flame to "be made manifest," whichever is most comfortable. It is helpful to visualize (doesn't matter if you can or cannot actually see it) or pretend that there is a ball of violet fire above your head. Then ask that ball of fire to come into your body and fill every speck of your entire body.

Step 2. Spin the flame in and around your body. Keep the Flame inside your body while asking it to also come out through your heart chakra and spin around or encircle the outside of your body so that it's encompassing your emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.

Step 3. Ask the Violet Flame to transmute everything you wish to be changed or eliminated from your life. Some people like to mention everything like a shopping list - all karma, negative feelings such as anger, poverty, frustration, sadness, physical illnesses, etc., which is fine. But you can also do a catch-all phrase, such as "transmute anything and everything standing in the way of my ascension, or of becoming a Christed Being." Again, it's the intent and the feeling behind it. One important phrase to add is, "on all dimensions, on all levels, through all time and space, past, present and future" to your request. That covers all your lifetimes and your multidimensional selves.


Step 4. Change negativity into Divine Light and fill your body. Energy is never lost nor can it be "deleted", however, it can be CHANGED into a higher frequency. That is why it is important to ask the Violet Flame to do so. You can specify what the energy is to become. Then call that new energy into your body and aura. Some people like to do the list again. "Please transmute everything into love, prosperity, abundance, peace and happiness." Or you can ask for specific Color Rays, which are pure energy. Example, Pink is unconditional love. Blue is peace and tranquility. Green is health and abundance. Deep dark blue is spiritual knowledge and intuition. Violet is spiritual advancement and knowledge. Either way works fine. The Violet Flame Invocation below turns everything into the Gold and Platinum light of the Christ Consciousness, which encompasses all the qualities of the other colors.

The following Invocation was given to me directly by Saint Germain as an example of the 4-step Alchemical Violet Flame Meditation, which will transmute your karma and negative thoughts, actions and emotions. Once you understand the process, please individualize the Invocation using words from your heart and say them with great feeling and intention. Saying the words out loud is best because the power and vibration of the spoken word has energy, which helps create the maximum results of the Violet Flame. If you are among people that would not understand your words, you can say it quietly in your mind.

Center yourself. Take a few deep breaths to prepare, and then say:

Mighty I AM Presence, Beloved God, My Heavenly Source, Please make manifest in me now the Sacred Violet Flame of Transmutation. Bring the Violet Flame into every cell, molecule and atom of my body filling me totally and completely.

Blessed Violet Flame blaze into my Heart and expand out and around all of my bodies, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, surrounding my entire Being with your Divine Grace, Love, Mercy and Forgiveness.

Transmute all karma, negative thoughts, actions, deeds and energy that I have ever created at any time, in all dimensions, on all levels, in all bodies, through all time and space, past, present and future, for all Eternity. Transmute anything and everything that stands in my way of embodying the Ascended Christ Being That I AM.

Beloved Violet Flame turn all that has been transmuted Into the Gold and Platinum Light of God, the Christ Consciousness, The Light of God that never fails.

Send this Gold and Platinum Light to me now, filling and surrounding my entire body with its Divine Radiance. Raise my vibration and frequency to the highest level possible for me at this time.

So Be It and So It Is. Thank You God. Amen.

It is suggested that you do this first thing in the morning and last thing at night, or anytime you feel a little overwhelmed or upset. Just Violet Flame what is going on, right then and there.

First published in The Spirit Mountain Chronicle, Mt. Shasta, CA, Winter 2007 issue.

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