The Turkey will be Our Guiding force for the next few weeks as We work collectively to ground the energies that were released at the end of April by t

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The Turkey will be Our Guiding force for the next few weeks as We work collectively to ground the energies that were released at the end of April by the Himalaya

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Eruptions of long held energy are coming from deep within Gaia and the energy is now just matriculating up into Her inhabitants. Although earthquakes occur regularly, some gain more attention than others and rightfully so. Some eruptions are merely the result of the process of balancing forces within Gaia but some are significant to our planetary growth.

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The earthquakes that occurred in recent years within the Andes Mountains, served as a balancing force; laying the groundwork for the eruption that was to come in the Himalayas. The importance of Himalayan eruption cannot be understated as this mountain range contains immense energy, long held wisdom as well as vital keys to the evolutionary process on this planet. I am deeply saddened by the loss of life but their sacrifice rewards Us with energy and wisdom that we will carry with Honor and Gratitude far into the future.

The amount of energy and knowledge contained within the Himalayas, specifically, Mount Everest cannot be understated, which was recently released onto the physical plane. This release has been long awaited and was spurred by a myriad of cosmological and earthly events.

Mother Ganges


Thanks Tim for the beautiful picture of this powerful Lady!

Another powerful force in the Himalayas is the River Ganges. Mother Ganges is a seat of Creation and gently moves energy through the majestic mountains that she calls home. Her energy is patient yet formidable.

Encouraged and gently awakened by the recent release of energy, Mother Ganges is now coming to life. She too is introducing long held energy that She has been waiting to share. Right now, She is gently enabling the the Kundalini energy to be activated and released within the Human Collective. Kundalini energy has already begun to awaken within many of you resulting in more energy, more vitality, more empathy, more compassion, more gratitude more sexuality and sensuality. Connect to Mother Ganges and ask Her to assist in awakening the Kundalini energy that resides within you.

Current Conditions

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A powerful energy reset is now being experienced by Gaia and her inhabitants. The symptoms one may experience are trouble with electronic devices as well as a personal feeling of disunion and disconnection. Physical and emotional release may also be occurring now, which is clearing and healing outworn and useless people, places, circumstances, and events that no longer serve one’s highest good. This process is preparing one to accept the higher frequencies that were released via the Eruption in the Himalayas at the end of last month. Do not be dismayed by these fleeting feelings and annoyances for they are temporary.

This reset is timed, as they usually are, to coincide with Mercury "going retrograde" which is already being felt although it does not begin in earnest until the middle of next week. This is a time for clearing and reflection. You are being nudged to let go of what no longer serves you.

If you are feeling apathetic, spur yourself into action by cleaning your space of items that you do not use or no longer need. Begin working on projects that have been floating around in your mind for some time. Organize and streamline your space. Donate your time, money or unwanted belongings to others who could utilize them with gratitude. Begin to Write or Create and Focus your attention and energy on something that brings You Joy and Satisfaction. This will turn your attention away from what is not working and is needlessly sapping your time and energy. Be self-centered for a short time and focus on You and Your feelings and what brings You Joy and Happiness.

Now is the perfect time to begin an exercise regimen or release negative people or behaviors that have been holding you prisoner. Mercury will lend a hand now to assist you in your dream of building a better you. Because a better You, vicariously builds and contributes to a better Us. If you need assistance, the Watchers are waiting to help. Specifically ask the black vulture to help in releasing the old while The Turkey will aid in grounding new energy.

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During this time, Do not be afraid to share your ideas and inspirations with others, if you are so guided, you may find a kindred spirit hidden in the midst. There are people just like you who feel alone and isolated in their thoughts and feelings and are waiting to be discovered. Be brave, open your Heart and extend a hand. Ignore those who do not embrace your invitation as I promise, through determination, you will find others who have been waiting for You! A like-minded human to enter their world and share in their dreams and vision of beautiful Earth!

The veil between space and dimensions continues to be thin, contributing to vivid and prophetic dreams. Your dreamtime now may allow you a glimpse into how you are operating in other dimensions. If you do not like what you see, ask for guidance as to how, You in this space, can affect change throughout your entire current soul existence.

Much Abundant Blessings,

Jack, The Watcher and Jean

If you would like to schedule a personal healing session with me, Jean and the Watchers, please email me at: or

visit my website:
jeanrockefeller for more information and testimonials from clients.

Jack and I Love your feedback and the best way to respond to Jack's messages are on Facebook. If you have any comments related to Jack's messages, please don't hesitate to share them! I have asked Jack to be more interactive and he has chosen Facebook to be the most immediate and simplistic way to interface.

Jack's FaceBook page
