2016 03 29 Banner CHN


Heidi Bowes

Missionary Heidi Bowes


Potluck! Bring your favorite food to share!

Missionary service January 7, 10:30 AM. Heidi serves in the Eurasia Regional office in Switzerland.
It's our first potluck of the year! Get acquainted with Heidi and enjoy food and fellowship together!


Hang around after the potluck...

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It's time to pack up the Christmas decorations!


Next Sunday:

teen ss

Weekly teen Sunday school (grades 6-12) after church with LUNCH! Starts January 14


Financial Peace University 9-week class beginning January 14, 2018 after church

Click on the picture above to register for our Financial Peace University class.

Nine, consecutive weekly Sunday afternoon classes except February 18.

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After church parish group resumes January 14 in the coffee area.

membership class

There's a place for you at Castle Hills Nazarene!

Membership Class January 14 after church

Let us know you're coming (office@castlehillsnaz.com). Bring a sack lunch!

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Contact Pastor Aaron for more information castlehills.kidsandyouth@gmail.com

Calling all teens! January 19-21, McCall, ID!

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