Summer 2015 Best Sellers 320 M - Embrace - $30 820 S, M, L - Embrace Magnetic - $40 - An attempt to represent human affection with metal. 443 M - C

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Summer 2015 Best Sellers


320 M - Embrace - $30
820 S, M, L - Embrace Magnetic - $40 - An attempt to represent human affection with metal.

843 new

443 M - Copper Swirl - $50
843 M, L - Copper Swirl Magnetic - $60 - To show gracious flow; a reminder to keep dancing.

768 600px

678 M, L, X - Copper Sage - $70
768 M, L, X - Copper Sage Magnetic - $80
Lakota way to weave sage for their rituals.

Best Deals - Perfect Gifts

614 72dpi

614 M - Copper Veil - $14
Textured to provide superior copper-skin contact.

307 M Brass Wave 72dpi

307 M - Wave Brass Magnetic - $14
Gracious and fluid design inspired by the sea,

305 72dpi

305 S,M - Copper Core - $18
The result of dancing around a pole with ribbons.

726 72dpi

33 M - Hammered Brass - $18
726 S, M, L - Hammered Brass Magnetic - $25

8994 72dpi

8994 M - Hematite - $28
Unique gemstone with natural magnetic properties

961-991  72dpi

961-991 Sizes 4 to 8 - Dancing Sailor - $40
Pair of 14K/20 Gold & Sterling Silver Rings.

We Love Matchmakers

Do you know of stores that should be representing our work? We will be most grateful for your tips and will gladly send you a $50 gift certificate for each successful match. A match is a store that you introduced to us and that decides to continue carrying our bracelets after their initial 2-month trial.

Summer Shopping

Angel Heaven

As you vacation this Summer, you may want to visit some of our seasonal retailers. Some of them, like Angel's Heaven in Mystic CT (pictured at left), makes sure to offer the best selection of our work in their whole region.
To find our retailers, use the search feature at

Wear Your Mineral Supplements

678 Detail

Copper and zinc are essential minerals and the two key metals we use in making our bracelets. Both elements work together to promote such fundamental life-sustaining processes as immune response, nervous system function and healthy digestion. Copper is already proven to be absorbed by our skin.

Excerpts from scientific literature.
• Copper is needed for blood vessel formation and to have a strong heart.
• Copper helps to make superoxide dismutase to get rid of free radicals.
• Copper helps brain development and communication between nerve cells.
• Copper is essential to enzymes involved in energy production.

• Anemia and low white blood cell count are often signs of copper deficit.
• Cow’s milk is copper poor, infants fed a milk diet are likely copper deficient.
• Food sources of copper: Meats, mushrooms, lentils, nuts and chocolate.
