
April 6, 2023



One of the reasons TRUTH SQUAD UPDATE has its exclusive site now wholly segregated from is because, if you still need to figure it out, the dichotomous sites send conflicting messages. Like some of you, my brain seems only to find solace in regular intelligence gathering. And sometimes, this data accumulation supersedes the previous illuminations. Besides the obvious fact, such advancement tends to shatter a few nerves of those who, in this life at least, must stand fast to their fixed understandings and interpretations lest their whole worldview change and their perceptions thrown into disarray.

So, that being said, I make no apologies for my abandonment of religion. And just as I stated in the last update, I have nothing but respect and admiration for most religious people as they tend to be searching for moral absolutes while exhibiting ethical behaviors, making them pleasant people to be around. Nonetheless, fear permanently prohibits most religious people from contemplating how deep the rabbit hole goes. They either assume they will offend or betray their God or, most often, lose friendships and family they may have acquired in the particular flavor of spiritual belief in which they assemble.


For me, TRUTH will always transcend faith. Faith can be misplaced, misapplied, and misguided -but TRUTH, absolute TRUTH, is the goal of all humanity whether they realize it in this life or not. If this is not their purpose, then sadly, we're dealing with mentally ill human beings with schizophrenic and psychotic behaviors, which unfortunately do not always get adequately treated by those specializing in sociopathic remedies. To put it less clinically, without pursuing truth in one's life, it quickly descends toward depravity, then outright evil. Some conclude that those who seek truth apart from religion are deluded and perhaps damned. Really? My answer to such folks is maybe you should research your religious texts more. I have. And I'll put it kindly for the oblivious, The Church of Rome has been the seat of evil on this planet for 2,000 years, give or take a century or two. And for those who need clarification, I speak NOT of the billions of laity who label themselves Catholic but of the pedophilic MAGISTERIUM consisting of popes, cardinals, archbishops, and priests.


A misinterpretation of ancient Scriptures is a tremendous underlying cause of unwarranted fear in Western culture. Notably, the Hebrew's God, Yahweh, and the commandment of man (Adam) NOT to partake of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Why? "For in the day that you eat from it you will surely die." (Genesis 2:17b, NASB). Let's take this at face value without delving into metaphoric extrapolation for argument's sake. "The Serpent" tells God's now sentient intelligent creation that God was lying. "You won't die; what will happen is that you'll be like God, knowing good from evil." Then comes God's curse upon The Serpent and the man and woman. Again, let's take this at face value, neverminding the symbolism for the moment of the Serpent not only representing evil and chaos but life, healing, fertility, and rebirth.

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Why do most religious people refuse to not only refrain from entering the rabbit hole but, if they do, refuse to descend further? I submit to you it is out of fear, nothing else. I was told a fear of a righteous, holy God is healthy. Is it? A better word would be respect, not fear. Respect what you DO NOT understand. But fear it? Why? Why not just accept your role in creation? Mortals will die and cease to exist in the natural realm physically. Why should we fear that? A superior being may consume us instantly. Ok. What's the problem? If one gets too close to the fire, they will get burned. Those are acceptable odds for me. My point? If President Roosevelt said one thing which could be extricated from its socialist and political expediency, it was this: "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." I submit to you that fear is our true enemy. I much rather be courageous. I would rather have the audacity to question everything, including authority, whether political or ecclesiastical. Sure, the ramifications for such are typically a reservation in a gulag or being put on the rack and stretched until one is torn apart. Again, I accept these odds as countless others have done since time immemorial. Courage is contagious, and I'm infected and have been a carrier for many years. How about you?


So, as we progress down the rabbit hole, I will introduce you to things you've most likely already heard but, for varying reasons, have yet to believe. Stay with me. My goal is not to persuade you but to elicit thought and contemplation. Why is the world the way it is?
Is it SUPPOSED to be this way? Why? Why not?

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While this will sound silly and unscholarly, dinosaurs and pyramids are the two underlying realities why I have finally abandoned Western religion amongst a sea of concerns and questions decades long. And not because of them specifically but what they represent. Religion lies about the dinosaurs, and science lies about the pyramids. Why? They HAVE to! If religion admits dinosaurs roamed the earth thousands of years before man, I'm sure you see the problem. Likewise, if science reveals the pyramids existed thousands of years before the Egyptian Pharaohs, I'm sure you recognize the issue. How can you not? It's staring us right in the face! The truth has been hiding in plain sight for thousands of years. But religion and science have purposely obscured or hidden it from humanity for millennia.

What truth, you ask? Stay tuned.
More to come . . .

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In the meantime, the short updates to follow are by no means an abbreviated attempt to displace higher criticism nor the exemplary work of past scholars who translated scriptural codices such as Vaticanus, Sinaiticus, Ephraemi Rescriptus, Bezae, or an innumerable host of others. Nor are they seeking to refute monumental works such as Jerome's Latin Vulgate. I simply wish to ask why EVERY SINGLE MANUSCRIPT, which modern Bibles derived from, came to us via a Roman Empire which venerated hundreds of differing gods, sanctioned by an emperor who proclaimed to be a god, later to be replaced by popes who represented themselves as Vicarius Christi. Do you NOT see the problem?

How do YOU know what is a fabrication and what is a fact? Can we know? We can! And some do. Need an example? Why has the majority of the planet today believed religious figures, politicians, so-called Medical experts, and military generals that the COVID-19 "vaccine" is 'safe and effective' but a tiny minority can PROVE beyond a shadow of a doubt IT IS NOT, but it is a deadly bioweapon?

According to the University of Oxford, almost 75% of the world's population (5.55 billion people) have taken at least one dose of the experimental mRNA COVID-19 shot. That leaves roughly 2.5 billion people "unvaccinated." Accounting for variables that presume less than half are white Westerners. Do you see the problem? I'll give you a hint . . . there are over 2 billion people on the planet who claim to be Christian and over 2 billion that claim to be Muslims. Add in other religions like Hinduism, with one billion adherents, Chinese religions, and Buddhism, and you have another one billion people. That's over 5 billion people. Hmmm? Almost the exact amount that has taken a COVID-19 "vaccine." Do you see where I'm going?

To Be Continued. . .

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