Hello friends! I have something a little different for you today. A bit of happiness, in a non-food form…if you will! In my LDS ward, I work in the Yo

Jamie Cooks It Up Cover Photo
Pick Me Up Jars

Hello friends! I have something a little different for you today. A bit of happiness, in a non-food form…if you will! In my LDS ward, I work in the Young Womens program with the 14 and 15-year-old girls. We meet on Sundays to study the gospel and once during the week to learn different skills, have fun, form friendships, do service or just to support each other. Both of my daughters are involved in the Young Womens program which is an added blessing to me. Dream calling to be sure! The girls are so full of fun and energy. It’s always wonderful to be with them.

Last week one of my cute class member named Taigan suggested we do an activity making “Pick Me Up Jars”. She explained that during a difficult time in her life a friend had written inspirational quotes and scriptures on individual pieces of paper, rolled them up and placed them in a mason jar and given it to her as a gift. Taigan chose one paper out each day to read in an effort to gain inspiration and help her through the day.

I was sold on the idea. There is such an amazing power in beautiful words, wouldn’t you agree?

We had a great time at the activity. All of the girls brought a list of their favorite uplifting quotes that we all shared. We all brought different pieces of scrap-book paper and pens. We shared our quotes with each other and tried to write as many as we could on small pieces of the paper.

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I think this quote was my favorite. I’ve had it rolling around in my mind ever since. We rolled up each paper and tossed it in the jars. Anyhow, I thought the idea was definitely worth sharing with you all. It makes a great activity for the youth! These jars are also great to give away as gifts or even as an uplifting gift to yourself! I have included a list of 50 uplifting quotes and scriptures within the todays post.

See the post (including the printable list) by clicking HERE.

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