
February 4, 2023

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Unless you're an American that has not been paying attention the last 48 hours, one of the top stories on ALL mainstream media has been the incursion into U.S. Airspace of a Chinese intelligence balloon. This has been reported as very serious, with Generals from the U.S. Department of Defense doing public media briefings. U.S. Senators are calling for sanctions and military repercussions against China for this deliberate violation of U.S. airspace. Even former President Trump threw his hat into the fray with a social media 'tweet.' Why would a former President call to shoot it down? Why did the U.S. Air Force scramble fighter jets from Fairchild AFB to intercept it? And why do we have USAF Gen. Mike Minihan predicting war with China in the next two years?

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Please listen to me close here; you're being lied to again! I warned you what would happen within 60 days of the first COVID-19 cases in Washington State. You were warned about what COVID-19 was and how it was just another part of The Plan. AND MANY VOICES WARNED YOU OVER AND OVER AGAIN NOT TO TAKE THEIR BIOWEAPON DISGUISED AS 'VACCINES.' Here we are three years later, and not one thing we stated back then has been refuted by the mainstream media, quite the opposite. They are now presenting as fact what I and others were accused of years ago as the promulgation of "conspiracy theories."

You are being primed again for another military psychological operation. You are being led to believe China will be responsible for the EMP cyber-attack about to be unleashed on the Continental United States. Los Angeles International Airport went dark on Wednesday. Coincidence? You are being prepped for WAR! U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken is a liar. U.S. Troops are on the ground in Ukraine and have been fighting against Russian troops for months. Now you're being propagandized to accept U.S. Troops battling Chinese forces in Taiwan.

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The U.S. Military conducts hundreds of sorties over the Continental United States daily, constantly intercepting hostile foreign nations. Do you hear about that? No. Why? Because it's classified. Ask yourself why a Chinese weather balloon is making headlines in the U.S. Press after China has publicly stated it is theirs and that it is an errant research satellite, contrary to U.S. Military statements of it being a spy satellite. Why all the "hoopla?" Why did Trump say to "shoot it down?" You're being set up, people. Please don't buy into their lies. This is all propaganda.

The U.S. Department of Defense needs a 'fall guy' for their false-flag cyber event (CLICK ON FALSE FLAG BANNER BELOW). Why doesn't the Pentagon talk about all the balloons they have above our heads spying on us? They blamed China for the release of COVID-19. President Trump even labeled it the "china virus" after knowing damn well it originated in U.S. Biowarfare labs. He even signed off on Operation Crimson Contagion before COVID-19 entered our minds. The facts prove beyond a shadow of a doubt the bioweapon 'virus' was designed, built, and tested in U.S. Bio-labs, then taken to China and released BY U.S. MILITARY SPECIAL FORCES during the International World Military Games in Wuhan, China, in October 2019, to enable Trump's Department of Defense to initiate OPERATION WARP SPEED. Trump is a liar. And hopefully, his finances will catch up with him and put him right where he belongs - in prison, right next to Hillary Clinton after he locked her up AS PROMISED. Oh, wait, that never happened.

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Do you see the pattern yet? The Department of Defense is the American people's enemy, not China. The CIA is the enemy of the American people, not Russia. And the U.S. Government is the enemy of the American people, NOT your fellow Americans! The more the MSM touts this story of a Chinese 'balloon' over the continental United States, the more you should realize you're hearing nothing but propaganda and political rhetoric with an endgame in mind.


I talk about the "big event." Remember my closing statement in updates from 2021 and 2022. I used to say, "something's coming, something big." Remember? It's almost time. I sure hope you're prepared. Suppose true patriots don't stop this. In that case, my 2021 warnings of domestic power outages nationwide will become a reality a heck of a lot more than they already have - all these power grid systems failing due to "glitches" IS NOT COINCIDENTAL. All the hundreds of U.S. Food Plants spontaneously burning down IS NOT COINCIDENTAL. All the shortages ARE NOT COINCIDENTAL. All the DEAD celebrities, sports athletes, medical practitioners, children, and young adults, as well as the elderly from myocarditis, IS NOT COINCIDENTAL.

YOU'RE WATCHING THE LAST DAYS OF AMERICA AS YOU'VE COME TO KNOW IT, LIVE IT, AND EXPERIENCE IT. The days of true freedom are behind us, financial and otherwise. When I stated last year that what is coming is going to shake people to their very core, I wasn't being hyperbolic.

Some of us can readily see and recognize what the U.S. Media reveals to the American people. They are warning us; only the sheople are too stupid to register what is right before their eyes. The mixed signals are all by design to elicit confusion in the populace by reporting what seemingly are random news stories.

THEY ARE NOT RANDOM. And soon, the power will go out, the banks will close, and our country will experience something on a broad scale it has never experienced in OUR lifetimes. UTTER CHAOS.

Again, this isn't to scare you but prepare you for the "big event." The sporadic power outages, glitches, and terrorist attacks on substations are just the beginning. The food shortages, processing plant arsons, ransomware threats, and banks refusing withdrawals are just precursors testing vulnerabilities.

The BIG EVENT false flag operation going to be released on the Continental United States will be massive. It WILL touch every household. And it inches closer every day!



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