Oil Spill Guided Healing Experience TODAY Aloha Friend, Below is a message written yesterday by our dear friend and animal communicator, Mary Getten


Oil Spill Guided Healing Experience TODAY


Aloha Friend,

Below is a message written yesterday by our dear friend and animal communicator, Mary Getten, who is leading today's guided healing experience:


Mary Getten,
Animal Communicator

As you may know, there was an oil spill in Santa Barbara, California, on Tuesday. You can read about it here.

This is an area rich in wildlife and it will take a very long time for the threat of oil contamination to disappear. There are millions of different types of animals that move through or call this area home - blue whales, gray whales, humpbacks, dolphins, seals, sea lions, crustaceans, jelly fish, sea birds, shore birds, fish, rays and so many more.

YOU CAN HELP THEM - RIGHT NOW, RIGHT WHERE YOU ARE. Many of you have heard me talk about being an “armchair environmentalist”. You can make a difference from wherever you are when an environmental disaster happens. That day is TODAY….. So, I am asking you to use your telepathic abilities, no matter how little you trust them, to connect with the wildlife species and warn them about the black slick.

I am hosting a conference call on Friday, May 22nd at noon EDT and 9am PDT, to come together as a group and do this work. If you can be on the call, I would be so grateful. There is power in numbers. Just call in to 209-255-1000, access code 396353#. I will lead you in an exercise to connect with the wildlife of the area and let them know that they need to avoid the oil and the waters off Santa Barbara. We will also send love and healing to the water.

You can start working with the wildlife TODAY - and this is how.

1. Get into a quiet meditative state.

2. Call out mentally to the Deva of the whales (or sea lions, seals, dolphins, fish, sea birds, shore birds - any species in the area) Devas are nature spirits that look over a particular species, so it’s a way to connect with many animals at once. It’s hard to telepathically connect with an individual being that you don’t know and can’t see, so connecting with the deva will allow you to get the word out.

3. When you feel the energy shift or get a connection, tell this deva about how dangerous this black oil slick is and ask that the deva urge all beings under her care to move away from the area, and stay away for months. Let this deva know that you have so much love for these creatures and want them to be safe. Send love and healing energy to these beings to aid them in their move.

4. When you feel complete with your message and sending love, thank the Deva.

5. Now connect to more devas.

6. When you are finished connecting to the devas, please spend a few minutes sending love and healing to the water, the beaches and the people who are there working hard to clean this mess up.

Thank you SO much. I am grateful to have such a large community to call out to for help with this sad situation. Together we will make a difference and save the lives of many many animals. They just need to know what’s going on and feel our love and support for them to move away from it.


Open hearts open minds, and open minds open hearts.


Davinda Sedona Feb2015

David Rosenthal & Linda Shay
Ambassadors of Dolphin Love, Joy & Wisdom

Thank you so much, Mary, for initiating this group experience. We'll be there!

Blessings of Radiant Love & JOY!
Linda and David
855.DLFNLUV (855.353.6588) toll-free
928.852.3788 local and international

We bring the Gifts of the Dolphins ... from Sea to Land!
Love ~ Joy ~ Freedom ~ Play ~ Flow ~ Connection ~ Unity
