
March 16, 2023


But quietly behind the scenes and without much fanfare, the FED continues sending billions to Switzerland to slow down European banks' inevitable collapse. . . The chance of panic on Wall Street and a subsequent crash akin to 1929 now stands at 100%! Don't get fooled. It's coming, and it will start on a Friday and by the following Monday, viola! - banks will be closed! It will happen that fast!



What's next in this banking crisis orchestrated by the U.S. Federal Reserve (FED)? Do you remember the headline above from the fall of last year? That prediction has come true - over the previous weekend, the FDIC shut down three banks permanently, with plenty more to come. Bank stocks in the U.S. and worldwide have been crashing for almost a week. And I don't mean going down; I mean one day, the value of the stock is 300 dollars a share, and the next day, it's going for under a dollar. It's bad, folks, really bad. How much worse is it going to get?

Let me put it this way; the geriatric buffoon falling down stairs and making as much sense as a screendoor on a submarine telling Americans that the U.S. Banking industry is sound and the perpetrators have been punished is pure fantasy. The Biden clone is simply reading his talking points. He hasn't a clue. MSNBC Financial News? Morons. CNN's Jim Cramer? An absolute clown. They are liars and would sell their mother into slavery if it meant good ratings and a pay raise. Take their financial advice and you'll be circling the drain.

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The U.S. Markets are telling us the FED is going to reverse course. For all intents and purposes, they pivoted this week after bailing out the millionaires and billionaires who stood to lose tremendous amounts of money in the bank closures. It became a National Security issue as the Pentagon got involved, stating that Tech startups working on U.S. Military programs would compromise the security of the United States if they didn't have guaranteed funding. Capitalism is dead. Hello, socialism and Marxist 'backstops.' No need to panic - no need for bank runs. ALL BANK DEPOSITS ARE NOW COVERED - YOU WON'T LOSE A THING! WE'RE GOING TO NATIONALIZE EVERYTHING! Thanks, Uncle Sam, Uncle Joe, and Auntie Yellen. You all finally managed to kill the free-market economy. Kudos. I can't wait to start flying the CCP flag! But that's beside the point - what will the FED do? Despite the bank chaos, the ECB (European Central Bank) is still raising rates. Will the FED follow?

Next week the FED will pause their interest rate hikes, according to Goldman Sachs. That means Wall Street will skyrocket. But what if the FED raises the Federal Funds rate by 25 basis points? Either way, savvy investors know we're screwed up, down and sideways. What is coming is a sharp market decline, and for so long, it will bankrupt anyone trusting some money-market manager or stock broker to manage their hard-earned money. Yes, Virginia, the U.S. Stock Market will fall off a cliff. And as a result, a lot of pain is going to be felt by EVERYONE. So please don't say I didn't warn you. I have since COVID-19 first came into existence. That's what broken records do! Some of us are not clocks, who are right twice a day - we've been spot on for years - it's everyone else which has been wrong 24 hours a day/365. And wrong all along. So don't buy into the deception. Pay attention to the macro and not the minutia; you'll see what those with discernment see, plain and simple.


We can only enjoy the ride and take precautions enough to stave off poverty, hopefully. Sadly, many cannot, and homeless is exploding. It is only going to get exponentially worse as inflation hits overdrive.

Mark Moss did a great job explaining the mess we're in right now. You can check that out by clicking here. And despite the flashy graphics and striking set, Mark still avoids talking about the obvious elephant in the room . . . the hidden hand of deliberate manipulation. Little ole' me and other undesirables can predict the future precisely because we don't analyze the present; we dissect the big picture and the end goal. Then, everything that happens along the way in achieving that goal becomes obvious. What is the end goal? I'm sure you know; we've all heard it by now.

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