Welcome to all new Little Wooden Toybox customers and friends, School starts next week! How have your holidays been? My little pickles are both at s

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Welcome to all new Little Wooden Toybox customers and friends,

School starts next week!

How have your holidays been? My little pickles are both at school full time for the first year ever and I am just a little bit excited. I'm also hoping for a few less late nights as I will soon be able to work more 'normal people' hours while they are at school.

2015 has already been a full on year with plotting and planning ready to get back into things when school starts - and yes, I know only 30 days have passed but it feels like more...

I would love it if you would take the time to read my latest blog as I have finally put down in words my goals, dreams and vision for Little Wooden Toybox for the next 5 to 10 years. Scary I know. It wasn't easy to publish and it now makes me accountable... But I didn't to it lightly and meant what I said. So read it :)

Also check out our Little Wooden Toybox YouTube channel and see what I have been up to on the holidays... some educational stuff and of course some fun!

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One of our LWTPP Consultants Clare Paine had an idea... I ran with it and it turned out quite well! Can you guess the animals made with the Tangram shapes?

tangram-pieces seal
tangram-images fish
tangram-pieces bear
tangram-pieces bunny
tangram-pieces camel
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Here is just a snippet of my latest blog: The WHY behind Little Wooden Toybox…

...So why do I do what I do? What is the point of Little Wooden Toybox? Is it just the toys? Just about educating families on the benefits of learning through play?

Yes and no. I am definitely passionate about education, wooden toys and learning through play and this will be a huge focus throughout the business. But to be honest there is a whole lot more…

I see a bigger picture.

I see that I can create something that will make a difference to families’ lives, not just in Perth but Australia wide...

Young families need support. And constant support, not just a piece of advice or a check-up every couple of weeks or months.

It takes a village to raise a child and I want to bring back the village. No small feat I know. But it is needed I can and will work towards getting it started...

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To read more and find out how click here

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These videos are by no means perfect but they'll give you some idea of the versatility of the Letter Basics range and demonstrate the educational benefits of encouraging your child to practice writing while having fun at the same time.

Check out the Playset videos too... a bit of holiday fun!

pirate ship

Will the pirate be blown to smithereens? Watch again if you miss it...

LB Kindy Guide

Click to see how Letter Basics work

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Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter; I hope you found it informative and enjoyable to read and we hope to hear from you soon!

You can contact me via email tash@littlewoodentoybox.com.au or by Facebook (click the icon to go to the Little Wooden Toybox Facebook page).

Tash Kritter
Owner/Manager of Little Wooden Toybox

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