Emergency Relief Tents Needed Immediately for Kathmandu Dear Friends The Church of Shambhala asks for your help today in order to airlift special re

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Emergency Relief Tents Needed Immediately for Kathmandu

Dear Friends

The Church of Shambhala asks for your help today in order to airlift special relief tents to our friends in Kathmandu, Nepal. Unfortunately a 7.3 earthquake hit on Tuesday and we are getting daily reports through our network in Kathmandu that increasing numbers of people are having to stay outdoors due to the dangerous state of their homes. The situation is getting more difficult as monsoon season approaches.

Today's need is $12,500 for an immediate shipment of 20 tents.

$35,000 pays for a shipment of 56 tents

$57,000 pays for a shipment of 100 tents

"The recent earthquake has devasted Dolakha district, approx. 200 miles North-East of Kathmandu. The cracked buildings in Kathmandu have crumbled. We do not know where to begin and where to end. Moonson is approching and definitely we need tents and more tents." Email received yesterday May 13 from Bedh Prakash Upreti

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Each 18ft tents costs $650. We are able to ship in minimum quantities of 20 tents direct to Kathmandu, Nepal

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Video from last week's OM Meditation with Buddha Maitreya the Christ

"What we do here has an enormous support system to there and what goes on there in Nepal has an enormous process to supporting temples around the world...at that particular location there are probably more temples en masse than anywhere else on the planet and its literally a place where Buddha lived and holds an enormous amount of value to the planet in relationship to a Monastery…his dharma life was actively manifested throughout that valley." Buddha Maitreya the Christ

all three family living in one shelter

3 families living in a single make-shift shelter


Temporary shelters that will not withstand the coming Monsoon

relief tents

18 ft Relief Tents - perfectly suited for sheltering disaster victims

relief tents 2

Set up in 20 minutes, strong, stable and waterproof

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How We Help

Since 1994, Buddha Maitreya the Christ and his wife Mandarava Tara have supported a multitude of projects in Nepal including Monasteries, their Rinpoches, monks and nuns, free clinic projects and many other individual sponsorships. Over $4.5 million has been raised and donated.

As a 501c3 US Non Profit and UK Registered Charity we have the infrastructure in place and the ability to get money to Nepal quickly and have it benefit many people directly on the ground and in the moment. Funds have been going out everyday since the earthquake took place.

Your donations are tax deductible and will make a huge difference to those most in need.

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