20230511 143424 BHC for email 2 8-Jun-23

Thank you to everyone who replied to my email of 21st March (if you missed it, the link is here). And to those of you I've managed to touch base with by 'phone - everyone was so encouraging when we spoke!

It was great too to be welcomed to say a few words at the recent AGMs of both Summersdale and East Broyle Residents' Associations, the goodwill of whose communities, and the support and energy of residents, is so important.

This is a quick update to advise that our first volunteer working party of 2023 is to take place on Tuesday, 13th June, 10am to noon. Guided by Chichester District Council officer Oliver, we will be using loppers to cut back laurel. If you are on our Green Gym volunteering list, you should already have received details. If you haven't and would like to volunteer for practical projects (whether physical or survey work), please let us know by completing the Working Parties Volunteer Form that is online here.

The intention is that we will aim to have a CDC-led working party once a month, provisionally on the second Tuesday morning in each month.

We have also agreed outline arrangements for this year's Friends AGM, taking the decision to slip it to the autumn, when hopefully more members will be around. Please save the date: evening of Thursday 5th October 2023 at St Paul's Parish Centre, supported by CDC.

I will be working on content for the evening with CDC and welcome any contributions you may have, in the hope we can mount a display: photographs (old and new), reminiscences, questions - anything you would like to share or to ask.

We will also need to form a new Committee (the only currently active Committee volunteers being Mel, as Treasurer, and me, effectively co-opted). Every member of the Committee should care about nature conversation and be passionate about sustaining and improving biodiversity in the Copse. The Committee would ideally comprise members with a selection of skills / knowledge / experience relating to nature conservation and organisation administration, and/or willing to learn. The Constitution provides for a Committee of 7 (3 elected officers: Chairman, Secretary, and Treasurer, plus a further 4 members) and a further 3 members may be co-opted. The Committee is expected to meet at least quarterly. Would you, or someone you know, enjoy helping to build this new team?

A reminder, if you've missed the Friends' membership renewal this year (£5.00 due annually on 1st April) or found your Standing Order bounced, our Lloyds Bank account is:
Friends of Brandy Hole Copse --- Sort code 30-91-97 --- Account number 23438968 .
(Please include your name as the Reference for any payment, so Mel can keep track of who has paid what.)
Mel keeps the master list in hard copy as Treasurer and can be contacted by 'phone on 01243 527645. (I've not seen Mel yet to update our electronic copy for this year's renewals.)

I look forward to being able to report back on progress with Working Parties (remember to volunteer here, if you'd like to join in) and to hearing from anyone interested in helping at the AGM and/or being part of the Friends' Committee.

With best wishes,

Paula Chatfield
Co-Opted Committee Member, Friends of Brandy Hole Copse

email fobhc@treesinchi.org (please note that this is an incoming email address only - replies will come from my personal email which is paula@parklands-chichester.org )
tel. 07788 140698

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