newsletter 2

"Leo", by Teo Olivieri (linked)

Sun in Leo, Moon in Aries, July 29th, 2021

Greetings Deer Spirit Friends!

Monday 7/26 was Galactic New Year, the day that the "Dog Star" Sirius, the brightest star in our galactic neighborhood, rises with the Sun.

If you have ever heard talk of the "dog days of Summer", now you know the origin thereof.
More on the energies in Message of the Stars below......

Please let me know if you'd like to join Session #1 of the VortexHealing® Freedom Series on Thurs. 7/29 or my Angelic Liquid Light Healing® New Moon Lion's Gate Freedom session on Sun. 8/8 Carol and I are really looking forward to the start of our new series. You can read her wonderful write up on the theme below and get all the details on the Bulletin Board. You can sign up for all 5 sessions for only $90 (a $17 savings). And my Angelic Liquid Light Healing® New Moon in Leo Session falls on the 8/8 Lions Gate portal, one of the most powerful days of the year!

Lions Gate

Message of the Stars

As we navigate the last few days of July, it's becoming evident that August will be a very hot month. It's 92 deg F. here in NYC as I write, but it's always hot here this time of year. I'm talking about the fires of transformation that are raging all over the world - massive anti lockdown / vaccine passport protests in many countries, old paradigm governments and banking systems melting down, military tribunals prosecuting deep state criminals, and so many whistleblowers coming out of the woodwork that the "powers that were" are desperately censoring anyone who's telling the truth while their grip on social media, TV and the newspaper narratives slips away.

But not to worry; as the old crashes and burns, the new comes barreling in to fill the void. I've been talking about the new financial system since 2009. I thought it would come in much sooner but I had no idea how corrupt, evil and greedy the old bankster cabal was! The plandemic was their last gambit to keep us under their control and now that it's falling apart, they're kicking and screaming like a junkie going cold turkey.

The massive flooding is still going on in many countries, a symptom of our collective inner emotional dam breaking, and the dam that has held back the massive wealth that has been stolen and hoarded by the elite is breaking. All of this is an outer manifestation of the breaking of the seal on our inner treasure chest which is filled with spiritual gold.


Sekhmet, the Egyptian solar lion goddess and Queen of the Egyptian pantheon.

The new Quantum Financial System is hammering the final nail in the coffin of the old central baking system. The international SWIFT money transfer system has been taken over by the good guys and I just heard from a trusted source that credit card interest will go down to 1% by the end of the year. All currency world wide will be gold backed by gold that has been hoarded for hundreds of years in huge tunnels underneath the Vatican that go on for miles.

The one thing that's most crucial now is that we stay free of fear and live in love, faith and gratitude. There are those who would like to control and manipulate us. They used to have a lot of money and influence but they were a tiny percentage of the population. If you let them walk all over you, they would complain that you're not lying down flat enough!!

Sun tarot card

The Sun, 21st Major Arcana Tarot Card - Joy, vitality, success, charisma, creativity, fun,

We are embodying more light! That light is creative. We are the creator! We are like a movie projector. Our inner light projects through the film script of our minds and creates the image that we call The World.

The outer Sun, whose light is brightest and hottest at this time of year, is a projection / reflection of our inner Sun / source of light.

When you take Level 3 Reiki training you get attuned to the Master Symbol. The Master Symbol is Japanese kanji (pictographic writing) that means "Source of Light". When you get attuned to that symbol, you begin to shed any conditioning that's blocking your realization that you are the source of light. When you know that you are the source of light and apply that knowledge in the practice of conscious intentional creation of reality.......then you are enlightened!

We have free will and can co - create a world that works for everyone. While the Sun is in Leo, we're reminded that we have creative talent and an inner child that loves spontaneous play, hates boredom and has a big, generous, affectionate heart.

Fire sign Leo is deeply passionate and is not afraid to act on those feelings. Real love, true love is always courageous and heroic! But there is also a very sensitive pussy cat side to Leo that is sometimes well hidden under their big ego. Leo is solar bright but soulful sensitive, mystical and spiritual.

As we enter August, let's remember that august is also an adjective meaning - respected and dignified, inspiring reverence and admiration, majestic, solemnly grand or stately, sublime, magnificent, imposing, venerable, eminent

The Golden Heart Sun Meditation
Gold is the frequency of divine love and spiritual mastery. Sit in a comfortable chair with your back straight and your feet flat on the floor. Put one had on the solar plexus and the other on the center of your chest. Imagine a golden sun in the center of your chest. Breath and smile and feel the golden sun getting warmer and brighter, filling you up with golden light and effortlessly shining the golden light in every direction out into the world.

Don't push the light! If you push it, you will be rejecting it. Just allow it to shine like a flashlight. When you hold a flashlight you don't have to push the light to make it shine. You just point it. You can focus the golden light into places where you have pain or discomfort by focusing it with your mind. The energy will go wherever your attention is focused. No pushing is needed.

You can also ask for a Golden Angel to merge with you in this meditation and to disentangle you from all your discomforts, pains, fears and cravings.

Let's let our inner suns shine so bright that the people around us get nice tans!


Strength, the 8th Major Arcana card of the Tarot deck - empowerment, courage, compassion,leadership. The woman strokes the Lion, calming the "savage beast", transforming the predatory ferocity into love and compassion. Feeling deeply is the source of authentic power, not domination through control and abuse.The garland of flowers on the woman's head and the infinity symbol are symbolic of the infinite potential of love and creativity within us.

Bulletin Board

Special Discount Offers! - book three 45 min. distant healing sessions for $135. In these distant healing sessions we will talk on the phone for at least 15min. before the 45min. distant healing begins. A 3 session package like this would normally cost $270. Book a 90 min. astrology - tarot reading over phone or Zoom for $72 (normally $108)

The Free Angelic Liquid Light Healing® New Moon in Leo Freedom Session will be held on Sunday, Aug. 8th, 7:30 - 8pm EDT conference call, 8 - 9pm EDT distant healing. In order to register, email me your full name as you want it written on the distant healing list and if you have pets you'd like to add to the list, tell me their names and what type of animal they are. Mother Divine and the Angelic realm will assist us in these sessions.

These sessions are free to all but if you like it and would like to support my work, please consider donating ($5 - $20 suggested) via Venmo to Geordie-Numata, Zelle to or Paypal via the Buy Now button on my contact page -

We are living in a time of accelerated transformation out of the old paradigm control matrix into the Age of Aquarius. We are knee deep in the long prophesied
shift of the ages! As the Great Awakening / Great Cleansing proceeds, our vibration ascends out of density into higher light frequencies and the process of manifestation is becoming easier and faster. These group sessions will help us be free self - sovereign creators who manifest our dreams in the most benevolent way, both for ourselves and our world.

Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Freedom Series Schedule

Fri. 7/9 - New Moon in Cancer
Fri. 7/23 - Full Moon in Aquarius
Sun. 8/8 - New Moon In Leo
Tues. 9/7 - New Moon in Virgo
Tues. 9/21 - Full Moon in Pisces Autumn Equinox
Wed. 10/6 - New Moon in Libra
Sun. 10/20 - Full Moon in Aries
Tues. 11/4 - New Moon in Scorpio Fri. 11/19 - Full Moon Eclipse in Taurus
Sat. 12/4 - New Moon Eclipse in Sagittarius
Thurs. 12/10 - Full Moon in Gemini
Tues. 12/21 - Winter Solstice
Sun. 1/2 - New Moon in Capricorn

The VortexHealing® Freedom Series Session #1 will be held on Thursday, July 29th, $20, 7:15 - 7:45pm EDT conference call, 7:45 - 8:45pm EDT healing. Carol Ribner and I are excited to announce our new 5 session Freedom Series. You can sign up for all 5 sessions for $90 (a $17 savings).
Here's the themes and dates -
Session 1 - Thurs. July 29th, Freedom from Victimhood
Session 2 - Thurs. Aug. 26th, Freedom from Comparison
Session 3 - Thurs. Sept.30th, Freedom from Guilt & Shame
Session 4 - Thurs. Oct 28th, Freedom from Fear & Worry
Session 5 - Tues. Nov. 23rd, Freedom Super Session.

We are living in a time of accelerated transformation out of the old paradigm control matrix into the Age of Aquarius. We are knee deep in the long prophesied
shift of the ages! As the Great Awakening / Great Cleansing proceeds, our vibration ascends out of density into higher light frequencies and the process of manifestation is becoming easier and faster. These group sessions will help us be free self - sovereign creators who manifest our dreams in the most benevolent way, both for ourselves and our world.

In order to register, email me at telling me your full name as you want it written on the distant healing list, and if you have pets you'd like to add to the list, tell me their names and what type of animal they are. Then send your payment via Venmo to Geordie - Numata, Zelle to, or use PayPal on my contact page.

I'm teaching Angelic Liquid Light Healing® Level 1 on Sat. July 24th, 10am - 5pm on the Webex video conference platform. The fee for this class is $225 with a $60 deposit. For more information about the modality and the Level 1 Class Curriculum see my website.

My Free Conference Call Reiki circle will be held every Monday night from 7pm - 8pm EST, but please keep on mind that there will be no Reiki Circle on Monday Aug. 16th becuase TJ and I will be on vacation! We'll do some guided meditation, self Reiki, Reiki for each other and Reiki for world peace. You can also use Angelic Liquid Light Healing™ or VortexHealing® in the circle if you like. The conference call numbers are 917 444 9040, conference ID 818181#. If you want a call in number for location outside the NYC area or for another country, go to the Turbobridge website and click on the Call - In Numbers tab. You don't need to rsvp for this event; just call in at 7pm. These circles are free to all but if you like it and would like to support my work, please consider donating ($5 - $20 suggested) via Venmo to Geordie-Numata, Zelle to or PayPal via the Buy Now button on the contact page of my website. You are welcome to join the circle if you are not trained in an energy healing modality.

I am offering my usual services (distant healing, coaching, astrology & Tarot readings, Reiki classes) over conference call or Webex video conference. If you can't afford my posted rates you can negotiate and pay on sliding scale (whatever you can afford). I can now accept clients for in - person healing sessions and readings at TRS Professional Suites in the Lower Manhattan financial district (I will not treat you or read for you in person if you're sick).

VorteHealing Freedom

Carol's Write - Up for the VortexHealing® Freedom Series

For the last few weeks I have been in that liminal space between the last distant healing series we offered, (Manifesting with Lakshmi), and the new one we are about to offer. In this space integration of the last series happens but also the energies of the new series start to come in and stimulate my consciousness with a burst of new possibility. When we were thinking about what to focus on next, I kept getting the word “Freedom” arising in my awareness. Oh, Freedom! Maybe that is what we are being nudged toward.

Announcing the Freedom Series of Distant Group Healings!

Our next series of five distant group healing sessions will be on the theme of Freedom! The first session will be on Thurs. 7/29. There will be a half hour conference call starting at 7:15 p.m. EDT followed by the hour long distant group healing at 7:45 p.m. EDT

We will be offering four sessions on the theme of Freedom. Each one will have a particular focus. To wrap up the whole series we will end with a 90 minute Super Session as our fifth session -
Here's the themes and dates -
Session 1 - Thurs. July 29th, Freedom from Victimhood $20
Session 2 - Thurs. Aug. 26th, Freedom from Comparison $20
Session 3 - Thurs. Sept.30th, Freedom from Guilt & Shame $20
Session 4 - Thurs. Oct 28th, Freedom from Fear & Worry $20
Session 5 - Tues. Nov. 23rd, Freedom Super Session (90 min. of healing) $27

You can sign up for all 5 sessions for $90 (a $17 savings)
See the Bulletin Board above for registration instructions.

About Freedom

The theme of Freedom seems to be “up” in our group consciousness right now due to so many things going on in the world. Freedom is highly placed as a core value in many societies of the world. In July, both the United States and Canada celebrate their “Freedom” Days. This kind of freedom is an outside in kind of freedom, the freedom of being an empowered citizen of a country with certain rights. In the series we are about launch we will be looking at a form of “inside out” freedom, freeing ourselves from certain commonly held inner positions and identities in consciousness that hold us back.

When we survey our lives from the consciousness of the ego it may seem to us that we have a lot of freedom to make choices and do what we want. Then again, it may seem that we don’t have much freedom if we are in a social group that is disadvantaged and underprivileged. This is far from the accurate story though.

All of us take in vast amounts of imprinting into our brain, nervous system and personality so early in childhood that we cannot remember it. This imprinting or conditioning goes into our “implicit” memory, a kind of associational memory that is not time stamped and is hard to access. The part of our brain that allows for “explicit” memory, linear recall memory, has not yet developed in early childhood.

We also are in a very different brain wave state at this time, one that is the same as someone under hypnosis. The Beta brain wave state that we are familiar with as adults has not come on line yet. What this means is that most of our deep default patterns and basic orientations toward ourselves, other people, the world and God are taken in by the age of 18 months to 3 years of age. We may not remember this part of our life but it remembers us and plays a major part in how our lives unfold and feel to us.

When we take all this conditioning into consideration and how it works as the underpinning of our decisions and behavior, we cannot claim to be in a state of freedom. We are only free when we have enough energy, awareness and motivation around a pattern so that we can choose not to be governed by it. Put another way, as long as our conditioned patterns and behaviors are unconscious and operating in hiding, they will push us towards certain choices and opinions and we will not be aware of this. The ego feels that it is sovereign but it is really the unconscious that rules.

The process of psycho-spiritual growth, to a large part, is the bringing of these default patterns into conscious awareness through compassionate encounter. In some cases this leads to their transformation. Some forms of energy healing work with Divine consciousness which can meet these patterns and work on them energetically even if they don’t come up in a person’s consciousness directly. In this Freedom Series of Group Healing Sessions we are focusing on four areas of concern that have produced this kind of deep unconscious default conditioning with the intention that the sessions will bring more freedom into those issues.

About Victim Consciousness

We decided to focus on Victim Consciousness in our first Freedom session because it is so fundamental to so many issues.

We start our life’s journey in our mother’s womb where all our needs are automatically met by our mother’s body. When we are born, our needs are no longer met automatically but we are too helpless to meet our needs ourselves.

All we can do to get our needs met is to signal by crying. If this signal does not regularly and reliably result in our needs being met (getting fed, held, diaper changed etc.) then a kind of energetic collapse happens inside our system which translates to feeling like a victim in the world rather than an independent actor in the world.

There are also genetic factors involved. Some babies are more sensitive to not getting their needs met when they want it than others. If the genetics and the early care taking situation combine in an unfavorable way often enough we likely imprint a form of victim consciousness into our developing energetic system.

This pattern will show up in various ways as we get older. We may be reluctant to try new things, we may feel we don’t deserve good things in life, we may expect to fail, we may tend to put others’ needs ahead of our own or we may feel invisible, among other things. Victim Consciousness plays a part in so many issues and is so common that we decided it was a good place to start.

*About the Session*
In this Freedom from Victim Consciousness session Carol Ribner will be using Merlin’s Grace Level VortexHealing®. Geordie Numata will be using his own modality Angelic Liquid Light Healing®

(not an aspect of VortexHealing®.) Carol will also be using a Divine Consciousness tool that comes through for her (also not an aspect of Vortex Healing.) We will be channeling to release Victim Consciousness conditioning that is an impediment to your freedom of choice and behavior in life. We will also be inviting the participation of the archangels and various groups of angels and requesting their blessings.

deer medicine

Deer Medicine - Love, Gentleness, Grace & Silence - painting by Shinji Horimura, Deer Spriit Karuna Reiki Master Teacher

Services, Classes & Regular Events

Healing Sessions in Person -
$135 for 90 min., 3 sessions - $378, 5 sessions $630
60 min. sessions - $108
Distant Healing Sessions via phone or Webex - $108 for 90 min.,$288 for 3 sessions,
$99 for 60 min. session,
$72 for 45 min. session
House Call or Hospital Healing Sessions (canceled until after the shutdown ends) - $135 for 60 min., 3 sessions $360 (additional travel time fee added according to distance involved)
Spiritual Life Coaching w/ Astrology & Tarot - $135 for 90min. in person or $108 over the phone or Skype, $108 for 60 min. in person, $99 phone or Skype, $72 for 45 min. phone or Skype.
60 min. Spiritual Life Coaching w/ Astrology & Tarot + 60 min. Healing Session Combo - $250 in person or $225 via phone / Skype
90 min Spiritual Life Coaching w/ Astrology & Tarot & 90 min. Healing Session - $288 in person or $252 phone or Skype

Contact me for rates on space clearing and astrology tutoring - / 646 505 9798

Deer Spirit Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship Program - My Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship Program began in February 2017. After a candidate is chosen, they assist in teaching all 4 levels of training (Reiki Levels 1, 2, 3 and Master Teacher). They also have weekly coaching sessions which may be over the phone or in person, and homework assignments. Another aspect of the program is providing Reiki in a volunteer capacity at the free clinics I supervise. The program is tailored to the needs of the individual candidate. If there are issues blocking the candidate's general fulfillment in life and success as a Reiki healer and teacher, these will be addressed through counseling and healing sessions. I am accepting applications for an apprentice who would start working with me in January, 2020.

My 2021 Reiki & Angelic Liquid Light Healing Class Schedule -
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 1 - Sat. 1/30
Reiki Master Teacher - Sat. 2/20 & Sun. 2/21
Reiki Levels 1 & 2 - Sat. 3/27 & Sun. 3/28
Reiki 3 - Sat. 4/24
Reiki Master Teacher - Sat., 5/22 & Sun. 5/23
Reiki Levels 1 & 2 - Sat. 6/26 & Sun. 6/27
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Level 1 - Sat. 7/24
Reiki Level 3 - Sat. 8/7
Reiki Master Teacher - Sat. 9/25 & Sun. 9/26
Reiki Levels 1 & 2 - Sat. 10/23 & Sun. 10/24
Reiki Level 3 - Sat. 11/27
Reiki Master Teacher - Sat. 12/11 & Sun. 12/12

Karuna Reiki® is taught by private appt. online or at your residence only.

Accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 for professional healers, yoga practitioners & meditators - If you are an L.Ac., LMT, Craniosacral Therapist or other holistic health professional, a yoga teacher or seasoned yoga practitioner, meditator and / or chi gong practitioner, you may qualify for my accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 training. Do you know the 7 chakras and basic anatomy of the human body? Do you know what chi is? If your answer is yes to most of the above then you're probably ready to take Reiki 1 & 2 in 7.5 hrs. (it normally takes about 13 hrs) in a private one on one class, preferably at your residence. The fee is $333.

Group VortexHealing® Sessions w/ Geordie & Carol - distant healing for anyone anywhere in the world, once a month on Thursdays, $20, 7:15pm - 8:45pm NYC time (you can put your pets get on distant healing list for free) . These sessions start with a 30 min conference call. At 7:45, we log off the call and start the healing session which lasts for one hour. Email me to register and pay via Paypal. High quality / low cost divine magic energy healing and awakening sessions for the people. These groups sell out fast so please RSVP in advance. See testimonials on my site.

Deer Spirit Reiki Circle - FREE CONFERENCE CALL REIKI CIRCLE EVERY MONDAY NIGHT 7 - 8PM EST (USA) 917 444 9040, CONFERENCE ID 818181# CONTACT ME FOR INTERNATIONAL CALL IN NUMBERS (DONATIONS ACCEPTED) When it becomes safe to meet in person again the circle will resume regular bi - weekly schedule on Mondays, 7pm - 9pm, $20, at TRS Professional Suites, 40 Exchange Place, 3rd Fl. in the financial district in Lower Manhattan. RSVP required. This circle is open to the general public - you do not have to be attuned to Reiki to attend and receive treatment. If you are attuned to Reiki, any level or lineage, you are welcome to come and give and receive treatment. We start with a guided meditation and then give 30 min. treatments on massage tables.

Love & Gratitude,
Geordie Numata
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Founder
Spiritual Life Coach / Astrologer / Tarot reader
ICRT Certified Reiki & Karuna® Reiki Master Teacher
VortexHealing® Practitioner
N.A.D.A. Certified Acupuncture Detox Specialist
Ceremonial Leader / Shaman
Certified Never Born - Never Died
Deer Spirit Healing Blog
NYC Reiki & Spiritual Healing Meetup
Deer Spirit Healing, Awakening & Ascension Meetup
Global Healthworks Foundation
646 505 9798 **

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