Super Full Moon in Aries, Sun., Oct. 16th, 2016 Greetings Deer Spirit Friends! Please see the Announcements section below for details of the upcomin

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Super Full Moon in Aries, Sun., Oct. 16th, 2016


Greetings Deer Spirit Friends!

Please see the Announcements section below for details of the upcoming Group VortexHealing® Creative Vision Abundance Session this week on Thurs. Oct. 20th, my upcoming Reiki 3 class on Sat. Oct 22nd, and my Reiki Master Teacher classes on Sat. Nov. 19th and Sun. Nov. 20th . If you're going to register for Reiki 3, please do so by tomorrow night, Tues., Oct. 18th at the latest.

Message of the Stars

This Full Moon in Aries is a "Super Moon", meaning it's happening when the moon is at perigee (closest to the earth). Super Moons are always the most powerful and this one particularly so! A few weeks ago in my Autumn Equinox newsletter, I talked about how this Fall will be a time of accelerated awakening and transformation. This Full Moon in the "Just Do It!" sign of Aries is giving us the most powerful shot of change we've had so far this season. It's time to break out of any type of "same old thing" stagnation in our lives and rebirth ourselves into the new.

Uranus in Aries right next to the Moon insists on releasing emotional fear based hooks so we can achieve the next level of spiritual self realization and have more creative freedom. This is a time when many will get sick and tired of being sick and tired and will finally heal addictive patterns. The Sabian Symbol for Uranus' location in the Full Moon chart (22 deg, Aries) is A Pregnant Woman In Light Summer Dress, and the Moon's symbol is
Blown Inward By The Wind, The Curtains Of An Open Window Take The Shape Of A Cornucopia - very nice images for the rebirthing, creative and mind expanding aspects of this Full Moon.

We've also been experiencing geomagnetic solar storms - "A geomagnetic storm is a temporary disturbance of the Earth's magnetosphere caused by a solar wind shock wave and/or cloud of magnetic field that interacts with the Earth's magnetic field." - Wikipedia. These storms happen fairly often and usually go unnoticed, but the ones we're experiencing now are helping us burn off old limiting behavior patterns, trauma held in cellular memory and toxins trapped in organs and cells. As we go through this process, we actually rejuvenate and activate new talents and abilities as distortions in our DNA get healed and dormant DNA activates.

There may be uncomfortable symptoms associated with this process. These have been dubbed "ascension symptoms" by energy healers and may include insomnia, abnormal fatigue and need for extra sleep, just feeling a little bit "off", unusual physical heat or coldness, headaches, pains or stiffness that have no obvious cause, intense emotions arising unexpectedly, panic attacks, dizziness, bloating, stomach upset and large quantities of dark feces (of course these symptoms may be related to serious illness in which case you need to see a doctor). If it's just ascension symptoms you're experiencing then after taking a battery of medical tests, your Dr. will tell you there's nothing wrong with you. Ascension symptoms usually don't last very long and tend to resolve as mysteriously as they appear.

TJ and I were both feeling "a little bit off" so we went to Central Park on Saturday. It was a beautiful day, and just being around all the trees and grass was so soothing. Within minutes of entering the park, we felt so much better! Other ways you can deal with the symptoms are -
1) Take a hot bath with bath salts
2) Smudge yourself every day
3) Treat yourself with Reiki every day
4) Reground yourself by spending some time outdoors in nature and relaxing. Walk barefoot in the grass or on the beach. Do the grounding cord visualization that I use in the guided meditation at the Reiki circle.
5) Don't eat junk food! Drink extra water and eat the highest quality super foods you can get. Eliminate (or minimize) caffeine, tobacco, alcohol and recreational drugs.
6) Shower at least once a day to cleanse the body and aura.
7) Meditate and pray every day, not just for yourself but for all beings!
8) Don't be mean or do bad things!
9) Do good things and be nice! :-)
10) Book a healing or counseling session with me!

Alan Watts

Saw this on 33rd St. bet. Park Ave. & Lexington Ave. Somebody pasted it up over all the other posters!


The Group VortexHealing® Creative Vision Abundance session is scheduled for Thurs., Oct. 20th, $20, 7pm - 8:45pm, if you're coming in person to Madison Wellness Center, 171 Madison Ave.@ 33rd St., Suite 908, or 7:45pm - 8:45pm EDT if you and / or your pets have registered for the distant list (pets can get on the distant list for free). If you're coming in person please arrive at Madison Wellness by 7pm (THE DOOR WILL BE LOCKED AT 7:30PM) and pay when you arrive in cash or credit / debit card (don't use Paypal if you're coming in person). If you are on the distant list, the energy will run from 7:45pm - 8:45pm EST. There is no conference call or video feed for the distant session, simply lie or sit down in a quiet place where you won't be disturbed from 7:45pm - 8:45pm. PLEASE READ THE REGISTRATION INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY (see below).

In this next session in our popular abundance series, Carol and I will help the group release impediments to experiencing the fullest flowering of our creative potential. We are all in fact creating our personal realities and co - creating our collective realities. The source of all that is is within us! The problem is that we haven't been properly informed about our creative sovereignty and been educated about how to own and use it. We can't provide you with everything you need to know about spiritual creatorship within the scope of this event, but we can help you release limiting beliefs and blocks in your physical and subtle energy bodies (mental, emotional and spiritual) so you can begin to remember, recover and fully embody your creative potential, which is the pure, primary essence of your immortal soul. Becoming a conscious intentional creator of reality is the key to having abundant fulfillment in every aspect of our lives.

We only get to live this life one time, then it's gone forever. Therefore it is essential that we not waste it. If we dig deep enough within ourselves we will eventually "strike it rich" by tapping into the creative wellspring which never runs dry - the gift that keeps on giving! Everyone is absolutely unique, precious and irreplaceable, and can offer their unique gifts to the world in a way that no one else can. It's only by doing this with love, courage and devotion that we can find our special niche in life and thus add our personal piece to the great jigsaw puzzle of existence. Love and creativity are inseparable, 2 aspects of the same thing; call it god, divinity, source, whatever name you like to apply to the sacred supreme ultimate (see Carol's write up below the registration instructions).

“There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique. And if you block it, it will never exist through any other medium and will be lost.” - Martha Graham

“To be creative means to be in love with life. You can be creative only if you love life enough that you want to enhance its beauty, you want to bring a little more music to it, a little more poetry to it, a little more dance to it.”
― Osho

“Creativity requires the courage to let go of certainties.”
― Erich Fromm

We will be using Carol's Merlin's Grace Level Vortex Healing® Divine Energy Healing, Geordie's LifeForm Level VortexHealing®, his own modality - Angelic Liquid Light Healing, and a Divine consciousness tool that comes through for Carol. We will be channeling, with the assistance of Merlin, the Archangels, Golden Angels and White Light Angels. See the VortexHealing® website for more information about VortexHealing®, one of the most effective and popular healing modalities on Earth.

Group VortexHealing® Session Registration Instructions

In order to register, you must email me at stating that you're coming in person or that you want to be put on the distant list. For distant participation, give me your full name as you want it written on the distant list. If you're putting pets on the list tell me their name and if they're a dog, cat or whatever. Then you can Paypal me your $20 by going to the contact page of my website and clicking on the "Buy Now" button. This will take you to my PayPal page. If you don't have a PayPal account, click on "Don't have a PayPal account?" on the lower right and fill in the fields with your credit or debit card info. Participants are encouraged to make a written or mental list of their intentions for the session. What do you want to heal, let go of, bring in or enhance in your life (your intentions don't have to be directly related to the theme). We don't have to know what your intentions are, we simply channel with the intent to address whatever you want and need. If you don't have specific goals for the session, just ask for "whatever is best for me".

Carol's Write - up on Creative Vision

We are now in that span of time in North America when autumn truly unfolds. This time-span is marked on each end by a Thanksgiving celebration, Canadian Thanksgiving in early October and American Thanksgiving in late November. We see around us the bounty of the harvest, the culmination of the Earth’s creativity. We are also heading into the quiet months of winter, months when we tend to be more in-drawn and can be great incubators for creativity. Thus, what better time to focus on the theme of Creativity and Creative Vision for our next installment of the Manifesting Abundance Series.

Creativity is a favorite topic of a lot of us. We tend to associate it with great artists, musicians, fashion designers and movie makers. By now the differences between the right and left hemispheres of the brain have seeped through modern culture. Most of us have heard or read somewhere that the left hemisphere is linear and fact based and associated with language, while the right hemisphere is more holistic, associational and artistic. Left hemisphere types may be big players in the culture, and the government, but right hemisphere types get all the fun artistic activities. This is probably an oversimplification of how we engender and express creativity, but it has become a typical short hand way of understanding how creativity relates to linear information.

When we think of creativity, what do we mean? Creativity involves doing something different, or perceiving something that already exists in a different way. It involves creating new juxtapositions between previously unrelated things, or putting a frame around something familiar in a new way. It means asking different questions of an area of inquiry. For example, all sighted people have seen the effects of light on objects. Einstein saw light and asked new questions about its true nature leading to his great thought experiments and scientific breakthroughs.

When I was thinking about how to write on this topic, I kept thinking about examples of great scientific breakthroughs that came about through the interaction of the rational left hemisphere and the more holistic and associational right hemisphere as expressed in dreams. Maybe this is because my father was a scientist and researcher at U. of Toronto. I inherited some of his research mind, but not, alas, his math ability. I had to find other ways for this research tendency to play out. I’ve become a bit of a PBS science documentary nerd. Anyway, I digress......

From the website I found a number of stories involving scientific discoveries through dreams. The one I kept thinking about was August KeKulé and the discovery of the benzene ring. KeKulé had been trying to crack the structure of benzene without success. He knew the ratio of carbon and hydrocarbon atoms was unlike that seen in other hydrocarbon compounds. In 1865 he had a dream in which the atoms danced themselves into a ring shape and then changed into the image of a snake. Then the snake turned and bit the end of its own tale. He understood from that image that benzene was in the shape of a ring. This insight of the ring structure opened up a new field of chemistry and a new understanding of chemical bonding.

Another famous scientific dream came to Dimitri Mendeleev who was trying to understand how the elements related to each other. He is quoted as saying:

“In a dream I saw a table where all the elements fell into place as required. Awakening, I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper.”

Out of this dream we got the Periodic Table of Elements, a breakthrough in the history of science.
Another informative dream came to Otto Loewl in 1920. Loewl suspected that part of nerve transmission was chemical but he did not know how this happened. He had a dream of an experiment he could use to prove his theory. He performed the experiment that uncovered chemical signaling across synapses of nerves. For this he won the Nobel Prize in Medicine in 1936. This knowledge of how the nervous system works is now used to develop many of the drugs we use today.

Dreams also help inventors. Elias Howe inventor of the sewing machine, as reported in Popular Mechanics 1905, came up with the design for the workings of the needle in a dream.

The above stories are examples of creative projects that had far reaching implications in how we understand science or in how we approach an industry in the case of the sewing machine. They are examples of Creative Vision.” Creative Vision sometimes involves paradigm shifts and paradigm shifts always involve creative vision. A paradigm is a package of beliefs about how reality is structured and works. It involves both concepts and practices based on the belief that is accepted as reality. An example of a paradigm was the medieval belief that the earth was at the center of the universe. The church taught this. It looked that way to the naked eye and was the accepted reality for hundreds of years. This paradigm started to break down with the work of Copernicus and Galileo. We no longer believe that the sun revolves around the earth, but that it is the other way around. That is a paradigm shift.

The concept of paradigm shifts was made popular by Thomas Kuhn in his 1962 book “the Structure of Scientific Revolutions.” He stated that science does not move forward smoothly, but instead progresses in a series of paradigm shifts. Most scientists work within the accepted paradigm of their day, however a few visionaries move outside the confines of the accepted paradigm and propose something entirely different. Their ideas are almost always not accepted at first and they are subject to ridicule or extreme censure. It takes a strong belief in your vision to be creative at this level.

Other examples of paradigm shifts are the acceptance of Mendelian Inheritance principles, and the 1905 development of quantum mechanics vs. classical mechanics at microscopic scales. (ie. quantum physics vs. classical Newtonian physics.) Cultural paradigm shifts include the development of agriculture, the invention of the printing press, and the development of the internet moving us from analog to digital, wired to wireless.

As I said above, an idea that has the capacity to shift the current paradigm requires a special type of mind. Linda Austin in an article for called “Perspective: Problem Finding and the Multidisciplinary Mind” states:

“Great problem finders are able to make conceptual leaps, applying solutions and techniques from other disciplines to problems of their own.”

I love what she says here. People with creative vision make conceptual leaps. They put two or more previously unrelated concepts together to create something different. The scientists mentioned above, made their conceptual leaps with the aid of their subconscious minds and their right artistic hemispheres. They studied their topic and filled it with the relevant factual information until they could go no further with linear thought. Then in an altered state their subconscious came to their rescue by providing the necessary conceptual leap. In this way, the information processing processes of each hemisphere played a part in the outcome.

Conceptual leaps can be of different sizes, they can be huge or rather small. A small leap would be when we tweak a favorite recipe by adding a different ingredient, or putting an outfit together in a new way. In art a conceptual leap was moving from representational to abstract. Now we are seeing art that reminds me of the holodeck in Star Trek as virtual reality is being employed to create artscapes.

If Creativity is so great, why is it hard to be a creative person?

In our culture most people like the concept of creativity, but, actually being a creative person such as an artist, writer or musician or even a visionary scientist is another matter altogether. It’s a cliché that parents tend to want their children to be doctors and lawyers rather than artists and writers. Why is that? Well, it is a lot more risky to get through life as a creative. There are all the issues about whether you can make a living doing art or music or get a grant to research that novel idea.

It’s not only that, though. Being in the business of making conceptual leaps means you are leaping away from what the mainstream accepts. This takes either tremendous drive, belief in your work or courage and probably a combination of all of them. When we use hindsight to look back on great innovations they seem obvious to us and brilliant, but that is because they eventually worked and were accepted. Before they were accepted they were often viewed as weird crackpot ideas. It would be hard to go through life as the wielder of those weird ideas or crazy art etc. Also, to have a mind that has loose enough associational boundaries to make conceptual leaps may mean that you have other issues. You may be more affected by stimuli and feelings, you may be more sensitive more prone to emotional balance issues. Many famous artists and writers have had problems with depression and anxiety. It is another cultural cliché.

Here is a TED talk by Elizabeth Gilbert on the trials of the Creative Person:

Elizabeth Gilbert

Double left click the image to watch the video on Youtube. Elizabeth Gilbert muses on the impossible things we expect from artists and geniuses -- and shares the radical idea that, instead of the rare person "being" a genius, all of us "have" a genius. It's a funny, personal and surprisingly moving talk.

Upcoming Reiki Classes

I've been teaching Reiki for over 10 years in NYC and have initiated 100's of students from all over the world. I've also taught Reiki in Guatemala and Peru with Healer2Healerand Global Healthworks Foundation. My own training in Reiki was profoundly life altering and launched me on a path that led out of a career as a cook and into a full time practice as a professional healer / teacher / counselor. I took Levels 1 & 2 with Louisiana Zinn and Level 3 / Master Teacher and Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher with the ICRT Center Certified teacher Carlos Gonzalez. They were both wonderful teachers. I teach the ICRT Usui / Tibetan curriculum with their manuals.

My next Reiki class will be Level 3 / A.R.T. (Advanced Reiki Training) on Sat., Oct. 22nd, 10am - 6pm with an hour lunch break at approx. 1pm. In order to register for this class you must have taken Reiki Levels 1 and 2 with me or another professional Reiki teacher and know your Reiki history, 5 principles, 3 symbols and how to give Reiki to yourself and others.

The fee for this class is $180 with a $45 non - refundable deposit to reserve your place in class. The cost of your Reiki 3 manual ($25) is not included in the class fee (I will provide you with your manual when you arrive in class). If you wish to register, please email me via the contact form on my website - - and place your deposit through the PayPal link on the contact page.

In this class you will be attuned to the "Master Symbol" which represents enlightenment and you'll learn several advanced Reiki techniques, including including Reiki Qi Gong, Aura Clearing, Reiki Crystal Healing Grid and Reiki Microcosmic Orbit Meditation. I love teaching this class because the attunement and teachings tend to trigger a major shift into a more freed up, enlightened and empowered life as a healer.

Reiki is much more than just a healing touch modality. For those who embrace it, it can become a path to the profound experience of enlightenment that Usui Sensei achieved on Mt. Kurama. In this class, we'll go deeper into the teachings on enlightenment which are encoded into the Master Symbol attunement. Many of my Reiki 3 students have gone on to take the Reiki Master Teacher training. My next Reiki master Teacher class will be on Sat. Nov.19th & Sun. Nov. 20th. If you register for both Level 3 on Sat., Oct. 22nd, 2016 and the Reiki Master Teacher classes on Sat., Nov. 19th, and Sun., Nov. 20th, 2016, your discounted fee is $450 w/ a $180 deposit (it would be $540 if you register separately)

I will be holding the last Reiki Master Teacher training of this year on Sat., Nov. 19th, and Sun., Nov. 20th. Classes on both days will start at 10am and end at 6pm with an hour lunch break at approx. 1pm. In order to register for this class you must have taken Reiki Levels 1, 2 and 3 with me or another professional Reiki teacher and know your Reiki history, 5 principles, 4 symbols and how to give Reiki to yourself and others.

The fee for this class is $360 with an $108 non - refundable deposit to reserve your place in class. The cost of your Reiki Master Teacher manual ($30) is not included in the class fee (I will provide you with your manual when you arrive in class). If you wish to register, please email me via the contact form on my website - - and place your deposit through the PayPal link on the contact page. If you register for both Level 3 on Sat., Oct. 22nd, 2016 and the Reiki Master Teacher classes on Sat., Nov. 19th, and Sun., Nov. 20th, 2016, your discounted fee is $450 w/ a $180 deposit (it would be $540 if you register separately)

In this class you will -
1) Learn how to use and draw the 2 Tibetan symbols in our lineage and get the Reiki Master Teacher attunement for them.

2) Practice giving the 4 types of attunements used for Levels, 1,2,3 and Master Teacher trainings.

3) Learn how to give a type of attunement that is only used for healing.

4) Get coaching from me on how to teach a Reiki class.

5) Practice giving Reiki treatment with your new energies.

This class will be the culmination of your Reiki training and certify you to teach all levels of the ICRT curriculum of Usui / Tibetan Reiki. Students who wish to teach professionally but feel they need more support and guidance to do so can sign up for my teacher coaching / apprenticeship program.

Services, Classes & Regular Events


Deer Medicine - Love, Gentleness, Grace & Silence (Linked)

Healing sessions at Madison Wellness - $110 for 90 min., 3 sessions - $300, 1 hr. sessions - $90, 45 min. sessions - $60
Distant healing sessions - $90 for 90 min., phone or Skype, $243 for 3 sessions, $72 for 60 min. session, $54 for 45 min. session
House Call or Hospital Healing sessions - $135 for 90 min., 3 sessions $360 (additional travel time fee added according to distance involved)
All the above healing sessions may include crystals, essential oils, ear acupuncture, shaktipat, EFT in addition to combinations of my usual blend of healing touch modalities at no extra cost.

Spiritual Life Coaching w/ Astrology & Tarot - $135 for 90min. in person or $108 over the phone or Skype, $90 for 60 min. in person or $72 over phone or Skype, $60 for 45 min in person or $54 over phone or Skype.
60 min. Astrology Reading + 60 min. Healing Session Combo - $180
90 min Spiritual Life Coaching w/ Astrology & Tarot + 90 min. Healing Session - $225
Contact me for rates on space clearing and astrology tutoring - / 646 505 9798

Shamanic Healing Sessions - smudging, drumming, singing, rattling, soul retrieval, power animals, limpieza. $110 for 90 min.

Corporate Wellness Clinics
Hire me and my team of healers to come to your workplace for a day of holistic healing and intuitive counseling including Reiki, Massage, Chiropractic, Ear Acupuncture and Tarot readings. Contact me for rates and booking.

2016 Reiki & Angelic Liquid Light Healing Classes
Reiki 1 & 2 - Sat., 9/24 & Sun. 9/25
Reiki 3 - Sat. 10 / 22
Reiki Master Teacher - Sat. 11/19 & Sun. 11/20
See the classes page of my website for details of class curriculum, fees and deposits In special cases where students cannot attend regularly scheduled weekend classes, private one on one classes can be arranged._

Reiki 1 & 2 for professional healers, yoga practitioners & meditators - If you are an L.Ac., LMT or other holistic health professional, a yoga teacher or seasoned yoga practitioner, meditator and / or chi gong practitioner, you may qualify for my accelerated Reiki 1 & 2 training. Do you know the 7 chakras and basic anatomy of the human body? Do you know what chi is? If your answer is yes to most of the above then you're probably ready to take Reiki 1 & 2 in 7.5 hrs. (it normally takes about 13 hrs) in a private one on one class, preferably at your residence. The fee is $333.

Group VortexHealing® Sessions w/ Geordie & Carol at Madison Wellness Center, or distant healing from anywhere in the world, bi - weekly on Thursdays, $20, 7pm - 8:45pm in person or 7:45pm - 8;45pm if you and / or your pets are on the distant list (pets get on distant list for free) . Distant participants must contact me to register and pay via Paypal. High quality / low cost divine magic energy healing and awakening sessions for the people. These groups sell out fast so please RSVP in advance. See testimonials on my site.

Deer Spirit Reiki Circle
We meet every Monday night at Madison Wellness Center, 171 Madison Ave. @ 33rd St., Suite 908, 7pm, $10. This circle is open to the general public - you do not have to be attuned to Reiki to attend and receive treatment. If you are attuned to Reiki, any level or lineage, you are welcome to come and give and receive treatment. We start with a guided meditation and then give 1/2 hr. treatments. If you wish to be re - attuned to your current level of Usui or Karuna Reiki, I will do it. (donations accepted but not required for re - attunements).

Love & Gratitude,
Geordie Numata
Angelic Liquid Light Healing Founder
Spiritual Life Coach / Astrologer / Tarot reader
ICRT Certified Reiki & Karuna Reiki® Master Teacher
VortexHealing® Practitioner
N.A.D.A. Certified Acupuncture Detox Specialist
Ceremonial Leader / Shaman
Certified Never Born - Never Died
Deer Spirit Healing Blog
Global Healthworks Foundation
NYC Reiki Meetup
646 505 9798 **

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