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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Sunday Service ~ March 17, 2024

Pastoral Intern Austin Young will be preaching this Sunday.

The featured Scripture will be: Hebrews 8:7-13
for Austin's message: Covenant Keeping God.

Livestream at: CLC Website
Recorded service posted to: CGCC Facebook & CLC Facebook

Come Grow With Us!



Worshiping Together

Spend Sunday mornings with us ~ in-person or online at 11:00am.
Let's grow together through Worship, Praise, and Prayer.

Please send your prayer requests in for our Joys & Concerns email that goes out on
Monday morning! The CGCC website has a Contact/Prayer Request page, you can
email Jen Lynch directly, or use


Bible Studies & Ministries

~~ Sunday Schedule ~~
Building disciples within individual families and in the church family as a whole.

Bible Breakout - Classes for All Ages - 9:30-10:20am
Adult Bible Breakout - Studying the Book of John
Bible Breakout Teens (Ages 11-17)
Bible Breakout Kids (Ages 6-10)
Bible Breakout Tots (Ages 0-5)

Fellowship Time - 10:20-10:50am
Food and Conversation

Family Worship - 11am-12:15pm
From young to old, everyone will grow and learn together!


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Ladies Morning Bible Study ~ Friday, 9am

We are currently reading the Lenten devotionals
from The Passionate Journey by Marty A. Bullis.
Next month, we will begin a study of The Sermon
on the Mount. The books for that study have arrived.


Wednesday Morning Prayer Group

10am at the Jackson's


Young Adult LifeGroup: Sundays, 6pm
Tuesday LifeGroup: 10am
Hartley LifeGroup: Fridays, 6pm




For whom are you praying today?
How can we pray for you?

We are here to pray with and for you, anytime! Prayer needs sent by early Monday morning will be included in the weekly Joys & Concerns email. We are also glad to send out prayer requests and praise reports anytime throughout the week.



If you have a need, we are always reachable by email at: or Requests for help with any need will be kept confidential.
We take a special benevolence fund offering on the 5th Sunday of the month.
Money given to this fund is used to help church family members.



March Worship ~ Online & In-Person

Pastor Mike Hileman ~ Sundays at 11am

We're excited to welcome you to Worship, in church & online!

Pastoral Intern Austin Young will be preaching this Sunday.


Palm Sunday Service

Sunday, March 24
Join us next Sunday as we mark the start of Holy Week.


Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service

March 28, 7pm
The celebration of Maundy Thursday goes back at least to the fourth century, when pilgrims on their way to Jerusalem are known to have marked the Last Supper and other events of passion week with special services at holy sites. Tenebrae increases darkness by gradually extinguishing candles to symbolize the coming darkness of Jesus' death. This service is a quiet prelude to Easter Day, which helps us identify with the darkness and loss felt by Jesus’ followers as they experienced his death. We hope you will be able to join us for this solemn service.


Easter Sunday Potluck Breakfast

March 31, 9:30am
Join us for fellowship and food on Easter Sunday before Worship. Bring your favorite dish to share and gather with your church family as we celebrate this joyous Resurrection Sunday. Bible Breakout classes for all ages and Fellowship Time will not be held on Easter.


Benevolence Sunday

March 31
On the 5th Sunday of the month, we take a special offering for the Benevolence Fund. Money given to this fund is used to care for church family members. Checks can be made out to CLC with Benevolence on memo line or donations can be made online. Thank you.


News & Events From GG

GG Logo

Our Mission Statement: To cultivate personal, social, and community growth through gardening, education, and opportunity for people of all abilities.

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Break a leg, Pastor Mike!

This week has been a mix of inside and outside fun and work. We spent some time on the computer and in our books, doing some planting and seed research. There's always time to learn new things! Speaking of learning new classes return to GG next week and we are so excited. Our friends from Transition, Crestview Middle School, and Crestview High School will visit weekly and help us really get growing!

There were still some books left from last fall's Giveaway and we finally got those packed up to donate to Goodwill. We also did some cleaning up in the warehouse so that it is ready for H&H's Easter Basket Building this Saturday. Of course we did some cleaning in the church building as well.

Outside and in the greenhouse, we cleared more paths, did some early season clean up, planted, and took care of our beautiful, growing sprouts. While outside, we sure enjoyed spotting some flowers and creatures. It is amazing what we see out there when we take the time to stop and look. We invite you to come stop and look with us sometime!

On Tuesday, Pastor Mike treated us to some saxophone music as he gets ready for his concert. That was very cool. Thanks, Pastor Mike! We know that this weekend's performance will be fabulous!

We have an important deadline coming up soon. Our CSA Early Bird pricing ends on March 29. If you are thinking you want to enjoy a share of our produce this growing season, now is the time to sign up. We will still accept enrollment in April but the sale price is only available for the next couple of weeks.

Jungle Jam & Juicy Jam

Always available here at GG as well as in Salem at
Reach for the STARS, and in Columbiana at Living Luxe Designs and ill will.
Flavors vary at locations. Looking for a specific one? Call ahead to ask!

Jungle Jam: - $7 - Hot, Cranberry Jalapeno, Cherry Habanero, Dragon

Juicy Jam: - $7 - Cherry Lemonade, Cranberry Orange, Sugar Free Double Berry

We also have:
Organic Catnip Toys ~ handmade here, with our catnip, cost - $4
CSA 2024 ~ Info available on our website & on the GG table.



All of these non-profits always appreciate your support in the form of
volunteer hours, donations, and monetary support.

Goodness Grows

The non-profit ministry of CGCC, Goodness Grows is always busy on our property.
GG works with students and adults with disabilities, providing vocational habilitation training
in a fun, hands-on way. The GG crew maintains the grounds and cleans the building.


Rock Kidz Uganda, Inc.

To Advocate, Advise, Advance the ministries
of Divine Soccer in Masaka, Uganda for the benefit
of the children of the community

Sponsorships and donations can be made to:
Rock Kidz Uganda, Inc.
1814 E. 3rd St., Salem, OH 44460
or via Pay Pal at
Learn more at: Rock Kidz Uganda and on:

Want to see some of what's happening in Masaka?
Check out this new Life at Divine Junior School video!
This short video was just recently posted on Facebook.


Heroes & Halos

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Learn more about Heroes & Halos on their Facebook page and stay up to date on what they are doing in the community. H&H is a non-profit organization that reaches out to the community and provides Awareness, Education, Assistance, and Outreach Programs regarding Individuals with Special Needs and Disabilities and their families. If you would like to be put on the email list for newsletters, or if you have any questions, reach out to:

H&H's Build an Easter Basket Event This Saturday!

March 16, 9-11am (while supplies last)
We have baskets you can use, or feel free to bring your own to fill with grass, small toys, and assorted candy. Please join us in the warehouse (where Christmas gifts were picked up). While you are filling baskets, feel free to drop your children off at the upstairs doors of the church (where the clothing giveaway was at our Christmas dinner) to color, play games, read books, or play board games with adult supervision. Volunteers appreciated! Thank you for your donations to this project.



Coat & Clothing (& More!) Giveaway - October 19, 2024

In order to be as efficient as possible, we have made some changes this year. We will now collect donations between January 1 and September 30. Clean, useful items may be dropped off under the overhang at the back of the warehouse or in the barrel by the library table in the Great Room. We will not be accepting large furniture, televisions, car seats, and computers. If you need help unloading, Goodness Grows folks are usually available weekdays from 9:15am-1:45pm. We also appreciate donations of shopping bags as well as boxes.


For I was hungry and you gave me food;
I was thirsty and you gave me a drink;
I was a stranger and you took me in;
I was naked and you clothed me;
I was sick and you visited me.
I was in prison and you came to me.

.....When you did it to one of the least of these my brothers and sisters,
you were doing it to me.

Matthew 25: 35-36, 40


What can YOU do?



If you know of any interesting news or events,
please let us know, so that we can pass it on to others!


YA Photography Contest at the Columbiana Library

Youth ~ there's still time to take and submit your favorite photos!
We are seeking young, aspiring photographers to submit photos showcasing our community. Photos can be of local businesses, your private home/property, people of our community, or the beautiful scenery that surrounds us. We request photos are taken in Columbiana and then submitted to the YA Librarian by Friday, March 29. Photos will be judged based on creativity, style, and quality. We are looking for pictures that tell a story of our community. Submit photos by email to: All photos will be displayed and winners will be announced during National Library Week (April 7 – 13).

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Fun at OH WOW!

Saturday, 9am-3pm
Celebrate Pi Day at OH WOW! for $3.14 admission when you bring in a pie to donate to the Rescue Mission. For each pie donated, you get one (1) $3.14 admission.

St. Paddy's Day Craftivity Pop-In at Ford Nature Center

Saturday, 11am-2pm
Pop in for a St. Paddy's Day-themed nature craft in preparation of the upcoming holiday! Kids will join park educators at the Ford Nature Center (840 Old Furnace Rd) in the Education Building and make painted sham-rocks, shamrock collages and more. Family friendly, supplies provided. Registration requested but not required. Free.

Lookin' for Green Family Bingo Hike in Mill Creek Park

Saturday, 2:30-3:30pm
St. Patrick's Day and the arrival of spring should bring us a bit o' luck as we go lookin' for green on this family-oriented bingo hike. Meet Park Educators at the Education Building behind the Ford Nature Center (840 Old Furnace Rd.). Hike will be 1-1.5 miles, moderately difficult. Be sure to dress for the weather. Registration required. Register by 3/14, online or call 330.740.7107 ext. 129. No walk-ins. No pets. Free.

A Little Live Music at the Salem Library

Sunday, 2-3pm
Join us in the Reading Room for a free hour-long concert. Each month, we feature a different local artist! Registration is not required for this free music series, we'd love for you to stop by!



Today - Science Education Day
March 15 - National Preschool Teacher Appreciation Day
March 17 - St. Patrick's Day
March 17 - Grant Guy
March 18 - Titus Griffith
March 18 - Shirley Hough
March 19 - Spring Equinox ~ Welcome spring!
March 19 - Matt & Jill Griffith
March 20 - Lorri Bagley
March is National Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month

If we don't have your special days,
please let us know!!!

Email the secretary at



March 14-20, 2024 . . .
Weekdays, 8:30am-2:30pm - Goodness Grows at Work
Today, 6:30pm - Praise Team
Friday, 9am - Ladies Bible Study
Friday, 6pm - Hartley LifeGroup
Saturday, 9-11am - H&H Build an Easter Basket
Sunday, 9:30-10:20am - Bible Breakout
Sunday, 10:20-10:50am - Fellowship Time
Sunday, 11am - Worship
Sunday, 6pm - Young Adult LifeGroup
Tuesday, 10am - LifeGroup
Tuesday, 10am - Transition Class with Goodness Grows
Wednesday, 10am - Prayer Group

CG Logo w GreenBackground

Seeking to reflect the unconditional love of God,
our mission is to help people connect -
to God, to one another,
and to God's purpose for the world.


Come grow with us!

Common Ground Church Community
Connecting Life Church
2310 West South Range Road
North Lima, Ohio 44452


For more information, call 330-549-9408 or contact us by email at

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