News & Quick-bits 18 July 2018 The Law of Similars What do coffee, stimulants and onions have in common? They all demonstrate the homeopathic Law of

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News & Quick-bits 18 July 2018

The law of similies

The Law of Similars

What do coffee, stimulants and onions have in common? They all demonstrate the homeopathic Law of Similars with the effects they produce. Find out how and why. Read more | Comment

girl with acne

Homeopathy for Acne

Homeopathic and conventional approaches to acne treatment are compared in this article. A useful list of remedies is included. Hmmm, side-effects or side-effect free? Read more | Comment


Remedies for Arthritis

Which remedy treats joint pain with defective bone growth and nodules? Find out in this article which also discusses 22 other remedies for arthritis.
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Homeopathy and Haemophillia

Homeopathic remedies reduced pain, the frequency and amount of bleeding, and the need for blood product in patients with haemophilia. It also improved quality of life. Read more | Comment

Special Offers

This Weeks 3 Special Offers:

Offer 1: Lycopodium clavatum (lyc) 30C Pills– 70% Off!
Build your kit with $5 remedies - a different one each week. More info | Buy now

Offer 2: 20% Off Complex
A blend of remedies for car, sea, or air sickness. Now only $22.80 - Save $5.70.
More info | Buy now

Offer 3: Stiff and Sore Joints Complexes - Singles and Combos
Save $5.70 on singles or $15.00 on combos. More info | Buy now

Specials end midnight on Monday, 23rd July, 2018 (UTC/GMT -8 hours). Read more


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Music to Ease the Blues

Did you know that music, among many other things, can produce a homeopathic effect? Try the like-treats-like approach of these sombre pieces to relieve your moody blues. Read more | Comment


ADHD and Homeopathy

The homeopathic and conventional approach to treating ADHD is compared in this article. A list of homeopathic remedies that may be used during the process is included. Read more | Comment

Tongue for diagnosis

Diagnosis and your Tongue

There's much more to your tongue than its sense of taste. Sensations, movements, coating, colour, and texture reveal a lot - especially when having homeopathic treatment. Read more | Comment


Homeopathy for Crohn’s Disease

Crohn’s disease involves ulceration of the intestinal lining which leads to numerous other problems so which homeopathic remedies help? This doctor provides a list of key ones. Read more | Comment


From the Archives...


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