
"But if we act as communities, it might just be enough, just in time"


Join us in person at the Greenhouse on Thursday March 10th at 9am


Come on Thursday to our first in-person meeting since last summer. The Good Work Institute has once again generously opened its doors to us and we are enthusiastic about getting together and seeing both new and familiar faces. Transition is all about connecting with others in your community, and being physically in the same space creates real connections that no zoom can. All are welcome, especially millenials and their younger siblings, for an hour of sharing opinions about what and how our community of Kingston needs to do to make it a better place to live for everyone.


Climate Emergency Resolution and the Climate Action Plan 2030

We look forward to hear from Rennie Scott-Childress (Alderman Third Ward) that he has presented our draft of a Climate Emergency Resolution to the Common Council through the appropriate committee. Approving the Resolution does not bind the Common Council to any particular action, but it can be held as a standard when reviewing future decisions.
The 2030 CAP (Climate Action Plan) was passed by the Common Council last month. As a successor to the CAP 2020, which focused on actions at the municipal level, this CAP takes a broader view, looking at developing a sustainable, resilient and equitable community in Kingston. There are specific actions recommended in the Plan, but the acceptance of the Plan does not mean every action recommended will be approved, or the legislation necessary will pass. There is still work to do, and community awareness, vigilance and action is important.


Notes from last month's meeting

It was heartening to hear from Creek of Seed Song Farm last month that his sugar maple tapping continues this spring, from late February through March. They have about 250 maples and families can take the tour most Saturdays, seeing the process from tapping to boiling to enjoying pancakes with syrup. Coming up they will be planting trees, saplings, native perennials and pollinators. Seed Song farm is an agro ecological farm project with heavy community involvement. Located on Esopus Avenue, a short bike ride from Ulster Avenue, it is easily accessible through public transport.

Following the ice storm emergency, Radio Kingston has developed a list of “to do’s” related to community resilience in emergency situations. One of these is the CERT (Community Emergency Response Team) initiative, mentioned in last month’s newsletter. Transition Kingston will be supporting Radio Kingston in their efforts to engage at the county level in order to initiate a training program and work with first responders. We hope to hear more about this on Thursday.

MidHudson Energy Transition (MHET), led by Susan Gillespie, is a new entity working to insure low and moderate income households have the opportunities for alternative energy sources as well as promoting energy efficiencies in all buildings. They go beyond Community Choice Aggregation to look at communities, block by block, household by household

See you on Thursday!

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